April 2018

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14th March 2018

[info]ohlaird in [info]neeps

Who: Alec Urquhart, Maggie MacDougal, and a lot of drunk Catapults supporters.
What: Young scottish Quid owner accidentally ends up the pianist of a Welsh broom gang who are fervent Catapults fans. (And a self-indulgent mini-narrative in the comments.)
When: Sunday, February 18, after the Catapults/Bats match. (Yes yes a while ago)
Where: The Salty Gargoyle, Glasgow.
Warnings: Language! (Not a warning: Also some links to songs that go with)

Four minutes was a long time to sit still and not offer Alec disparaging comments on his attitude or lifestyle. )

[info]newmiracle in [info]neeps

Who: 1991 Study Group + Significant Others (or Alternate Guests) + Gina (until bedtime)
What: Pye Day! (AKA Happy Birthday, Augustus!)
When: Wednesday evening, March 14
Where: Charlie, Dani, and Gina's house
Warnings: Likely nothing?

Kal had dropped off quite a few of the things that morning. )

[info]ogletwerp in [info]neeps

Who: Dunbar Oglethorpe & Meaghan McCormack
What: Dunbar's trying to make things better aka also seeing each other in person. finally.
When: Saturday, 10th March 2000. Evening - after this log
Where: The Cattery
Warnings: Possibly language? Most likely some feels? (IDK I'm terrible at warnings)

stood there on the doorstep of The Cattery entering into a staring contest with the door )

[info]pickle in [info]neeps

Morning owl for Kenna McLeod )

[info]keptinreserve in [info]neeps

IC/OOC - Celtic vs. Kilmarnock, 15 March 2000

What: Just a few wizards taking in a football match (not a shenanigan to be found!)
When: 15 March 2000, Evening
Where: Celtic Park, Glasgow
Warnings: Football Shenanigans (drinking, language, a million questions, friend wrangling, Statute toe-ing)

Celtic (21-9-6) versus Kilmarnock (8-15-35)
Play Started: 2000-03-15 19:45 at Celtic Park, Glasgow
Attendance : 55,194
Celtic : 4
Kilmarnock : 2
Congratulations, Celtic
Only 90 minutes? And they never fly? )

(OOC: feel free to tag yourself!)

[info]pickle in [info]neeps

Who: Kenna McLeod & Alex Winters.
What: Our heroine wants to make sure makeup endorsements are 👍.
When: Wednesday, March 14th in the late afternoon.
Where: Montrose training facility.
Warnings: N/A.

Maybe I will help bring a little bit of glam to the Quidditch pitch in the process. )

[info]wannabeat in [info]neeps

Ye know what takes fuckin' forever?

Packing up and movin'. The worst.

Good riddance ta all this shit.

How ye feeling? That was pretty braw, as our medic would say.

Can I ask ye a question?

Hey so how does it feel ta be a real pro quidditcher? Doesn't count until ye fly.