April 2018

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8th March 2018

[info]razorfraser in [info]neeps

A parliament of owls

A flurry of owls leave Montrose Park in order to arrive at various points at around 9 AM on the 8th. )

[info]closedcaptioned in [info]neeps

IC/OOC: Ernie Meets With Montrose Admin + Staff

As mentioned here, Ernie and Dani set up a meeting this week to discuss with the Montrose staff Ernie running some tests during the Montrose Quidditch practice. After getting everyone in the room, a very nervous Ernie, carrying an accordion file folder and a large blue-print roll, asked everyone to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Once that was taken care of, he began... )

[info]arulefollower in [info]neeps

TO: August Pye
FROM: Arthur Weasley
WHEN: Thursday evening, 8 March 2000

Question and Cake from the Weasleys )

[info]scrambles in [info]neeps

[Ama MacFarlane]
Ama, Angus Campbell here. You might remember me from Hogwarts. I was a Gryffindor a few years below you, and one time you took ten points from me for throwing hexes in the corridor. I would be lying if I claimed that straightened me out and I never put a wee toe out of line again, but it did leave an impression.

So a certain teammate of mine told me you and I might get on, and he gave me the all-clear to chat you up. I dinnae ken what Maddock might have told you about me, but I promise all the good things are true and the bad are pure slanderous invention. Anyway, I was wondering if you might be interested in letting me take you out to dinner one night next week. I promise my manners have improved by a wee bit since Hogwarts.