April 2018

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7th March 2018

[info]thegoldenneep in [info]neeps

Ballycastle Bats (2-7-0) versus Tutshill Tornados (4-4-1)

Ballycastle Bats (2-7-0 0.222) versus Tutshill Tornados (4-4-1 0.444)
Play Started:2000-03-07 at Irish National, Connemara
Snitch caught in : 4 hours, 12 minutes
Ballycastle Bats : 660
Tutshill Tornados : 220
Congratulations, Ballycastle Bats
Bats return to form, and this game has 4 serious injuries... )

[info]ogletwerp in [info]neeps

So heard the news about you getting traded to Puddlemere. You doing alright?


And hey, let me know if you ever need QUABBLE's help with anything.

Uh Hey.

Well, guess that's going to shake things up in DOMGAS a bit...

Congratulations to you though, Mr. Parkin.

[info]realmiracle in [info]neeps

Congrats Da! You're the most ostensibly Scottish person I know and it finally paid off!

YES DA! How are we celebrating you becoming the equivalent of the magical King of Scotland?

(I kid I kid)

(But you know, just between us we can pretend for the day)

Seriously Da, congrats! Big move up! Please remember the (once) little people who helped you to the top. Or well...remember the once little people you had take too much care of is more accurate.

[Study Group 91]
Alright, who was in on the Scottish Minister bet? Pony up! Gina is now the first family in Scotland and I need to get her used to a certain lifestyle.

(ooc: Feel free to make up whatever not!money bet they had. The more ridic the better)

[info]pushingpaper in [info]neeps

[MEL (can be seen but looks like a bunch of scratches)]
I imagine we'll be seeing more than a few changes happening in the coming weeks and months here at DOMGAS. [...] I don't suppose you've heard anything at all about how

It's not as if it's a bad thing if they did take over management of Lamb and Rannoch but... I've worked hard keeping them up to standard and all, and... ugh, I know it's all new and there's no telling what'll happen but I hate the not knowing.

Just have to hope this doesn't all turn into some big complicated mess.

So how's my favourite older brother doing?

Went to one of the gigs my siblings' band, Tears of Lethe, had last weekend. (Yes, Maddock, I actually left the office to do something fun. Willingly.) Really proud of how far they've come along in the last couple of year.

[info]soreserved in [info]neeps

Apparently most of my family is gonna be at the Pride match this weekend. Well, those who are able to be there, at least. Sometimes I wish I'd gone for football so everyone could go and watch me play. But there wasn't football at Hogwarts so that would've been more difficult.


So how do you think my hair is gonna look when it's pink?

You're gonna be at the match, right? I don't think they made me go when I was an intern, but I always went anyway so I don't know.



[info]mrs_dragon in [info]neeps

Woke up to screaming bairns going Co-là-breith math. At least they are learning their Gaelic.

And the best gifts so far this year are...

Spell-o-Taped in

[ Private to Friends and Family ]
[ooc: If you think your character is a friend and/or family, you probably are]

Nothing too fancy, but there will be some food and cake tonight if anyone wants to drop by and say hi. No gifts necessary, please. The bairns decorated the house and the cake.

[info]wrecktify in [info]neeps

If a very tall man asks if you're familiar with me during the match on Friday, please inform him that you've never heard of any "Maighread MacDougal." I'd appreciate it if you even went so far as to insist the Pride's medic is a wizard named "Smith" and has been such for some number of years.

I'll be wearing pink to support Uplift and muggleborn witches and wizards at large. [...] I don't possess the artistic skills necessary to do enough to the tent, however, so [...] use your imagination where that's concerned.

What the fuck is your

Never do that again.
I didn't see "minding bairns" in the fucking job des
Do [...] The lads asked if you're coming round after the match.

[info]razorfraser in [info]neeps

Who: Fraser Macmillan and Jason King
What: Ownership and the Uplift Movement
When: Monday, March 5, 2000, after practice
Where: Montrose Clubhouse
Warnings: We didn't even say 'Flint'.

We can get the Minister on board, I think. 'Making Britons Better', we can say. He likes hearing his own ideas. )

[info]razorfraser in [info]neeps

As the only BIQL commissioner for Scotland, I look forward to the existence of the Scottish Office and wish Desmond Parkin and his team well as he builds the institutions of government for the Coven of the North.

[Macmillan Clan]

I've been speaking to Jason King about Uplift and I'm putting together a proposal for the Macmillan Foundation to fund a Mental Health Practice at the Montrose Free Clinic. The idea is that it provides services to war trauma sufferers, and ideally be open to whatever that may mean, but with the goal of helping people who are hurting in ways we can't see.

Uplift would stay involved, advising on muggle and muggleborn health issues. Jason is looking for a recommendation to the foundation for a director.

This is directly in line with long-stated Macmillan Foundation goals and is complementary to the Montrose Free Clinic.

As such, we've invited the board of Uplift to attend the Wigtown match with us in the box, and that this may include their friend Monte Cameron, formerly of Falmouth.

At some point, perhaps when we have a director, we'll host a charity reception to kick things off. That will probably be post-finals, but some organizating will have to happen sooner.

[Ana Abercrombie]

Hey Ana,

How are you feeling about charity organizing these days?

[Montrose Management]

In a show of unity with our players and friends, Montrose is inviting the board of Uplift to attend the Wigtown match as guests of the Macmillans. We are honoring their mission and are planning how we can work together on areas of mutual interest. Monte Cameron and Justin Finch-Fletchley should be invited as well, but we don't want them to be uncomfortable, so no publicizing that. We'll just let other people see who we do and don't consider our friends.

Alex, I know you can put something together based on that. The Uplift board is Nobby Leach, Hermione Granger, Mary Cattermole, Jeremy Goodwin, and also Emerson Harper and Caroline Knightly. Pink Red Carpet treatment, please. The invites should come from Una, Bertie, and Charlie. Yes, they are aware of it. :)

For longer term use, the current working cooperative plan is to expand on the Montrose Free Clinic by adding a Mental Health practice that specializes in war trauma, because it's both clearly in line with Macmillan Foundation goals and it's also sadly needed. There are lots of people who came back from the war, but brought part of the war with them in their heads, and if we can get them help, we'll be doing some real good.

Anyone who needs to know what the extent and limit of wardrobe creativity allowed by BIQL and DOMGAS rules should ask here. I happen to know. And for anyone who wants to know, alterations may not 1) use other team's colors in an attempt to fool the opposing team. 2) cover or obscure the player's team colors on more than 50% of the uniform. 3) be made without prior approval of the team's manager. So, unless you fly out in a Harpies robe, and it's at least half black and white, nobody can get fashed.

[Monte Cameron]
On behalf of the Macmillan family and the Montrose Magpies, you are invited to be our special guest in the Montrose Box for Sunday's match against Wigtown. I know you're in great demand these days, so I wanted to give you a heads up before the owl arrives. Jason King will likely talk to you about it, but we had to go ahead with the invite because of the time.

I think I need some pink clothes.

[Hamish MacFarlan, Saxon Lethbridge]
We absolutely must come out against bullying before the end of the block. If you don't want a continuing pink revolution, we have to come out as even handed. I've got players coming to me complaining about 'hostile work environment' and 'harrasing behavior within other teams'.

Even if we do nothing, we have to disapprove of the term 'mudblood' about one of our players. If something was done to that idiot Flint, say so publicly.

[info]mr_dragon in [info]neeps

Owl Post to Lorna MacFarlane

On the Occassion of Mrs Dragon's Birthday (Delivered During Lunch) )

[info]feelingyou in [info]neeps

Does anyone have a solid contact inside the Department of Magical Transportation?

My family has expressed interest in coming out to the Wigtown match on Sunday. I believe some of you may have met them at the Solstice Sprint. They have a limited working knowledge of the sport, but want to come see me play to support me. Especially as they are not able to join me in Sweden.

My father is an engineer and will bore anyone and everyone with maths and physics questions about quidditch. It also my niece’s first birthday. She is adorable and may steal your birthday thunder, Florrie. I am sorry.


Pye, I had an interesting meeting the other day with Fraser Macmillan. I had asked if the Macmillan Foundation would be willing to support a Mental Health Practice at the Montrose Free Clinic, specializing in War Trauma. There is a lack of training programs and specialists to treat the issues are facing as a community and I think this could be a solid solution.

I know you deal in the other kind of trauma, but can you think of anyone who might be interested to sit on a committee to make this happen or even serve as director?

This is just in the idea phase right now, but there is momentum. I want to capitalize.


I met with Fraser Macmillan on behalf of Montrose ownership and the Macmillan Foundation. Uplift is going to be entering into a partnership with them, hopefully to start a mental health practice at the Montrose Free Clinic. I think we can all agree that this is something we need.

I have also asked that someone either among ownership or BIQL publicly come out against what happened with Flint.

If you feel comfortable, I would appreciate if you accepted the invitation. I think it could give a good amount of weight to our movement.


I have been having some interesting conversations. What do you think QUABBLE can do to address hostile work environments in the league? Specifically with bullying among players. The Flint incident is not an isolated event, but surely there needs to be policy in place. Thoughts? Anything in the works?

[info]kalyani in [info]neeps

Who: Kal Sharma and Lex Yaxley Savage
What: Kal stumbles across Lex after her talk with Jason
When: Monday, 5 March before Montrose practice
Where: Showers, Montrose club rooms
Warnings: Feelings

I just need to get out there and smack some bludgers around. )

[info]forgedin78 in [info]neeps

Would you like some French lessons?

I think Léonie plans to stay in touch.

Do you need anything from me regarding the boots?

[info]yaxlie in [info]neeps

Why is it that when our schedule is busy I want to get away for a few days?

Up for flying again? Or drinking?

[info]gilliflower in [info]neeps


[info]pastperfection in [info]neeps

Who: Jason King & Alex Winters
What: Alex Gets the Lay of the (Pink) Land
When: 2 March 2000 (after training)
Where: Northern Vaults, Montrose
Warnings: Pink Politics

The war is over. If we want to stop repeating the same mistakes, now is the time to do so. )