06 January 2011 at 12:27 pm
Hmm...yesterday was Christmas, then we have New Years. So Valentine's Day will be in a week, perhaps? I heard about the celebrations last year, I'm so disappointed that I missed them.

[Love auctions are right up his alley.]

But with it coming up again so soon, it's best to keep it in mind, no? So tell me, what do you think "romance" is? What sort of romantic gestures mean the most to you?
[video / morning]
05 January 2011 at 01:01 pm
[Just when he was all pleased about the apartment being full again, he realized he hadn't seen Alma yet that morning; unusual, especially since the boy was so active and excited last night, but wasn't sleeping in or enjoying his gifts... He shouldn't have a class...

They didn't get Link back just to lose Alma, did they? Alma -- doesn't have anything to go back to.

Allen switches on the video]

Alma? Are you off somewhere already?

I'm sorry to ask, but has anyone seen him?

((eta: filtered from Noah sob))
[voice/action open to housemates]
04 January 2011 at 11:28 pm
[ so there is a Link passed out in the house on the couch. and there is a Timcanpy sitting on his head and chewing on his braid. ]

[ his eyes open and he falls off the couch and knocks the communicator onnnn ]
Cardinal! What are you doing to -



[ IDK so confused over here ]
04 January 2011 at 06:35 pm
Alright. Who's the fucker that stole my knife? Because the thing is - you put your hands on my stuff, I break your face. Tell me we're being crystal clear here cause I don't know how to put it clearer.

[ANNOYED 8| also, leaving her empty apartment to pay a visit to the defense hq. feel free to get her en route or meet her there]
03 January 2011 at 08:23 pm
This is a much better prison than the last, I suppose. I was getting tired of that stuffy apartment. [Rufus sounds bored, almost as if this happens every day. There is a pause as Rufus examines the device, curious, but lets out a breath after awhile.] Interesting.

[He stops playing with the device as he gets back to business. He is still calm though serious as he speaks again]
That aside, I would like to know who is here or not here before deciding my next course of action. Turks and any ShinRa employees, report in.
31 December 2010 at 02:02 pm
[Not the best Christmas ever, but Saki makes it back home in one piece. She's making her own dinner tonight, shock and gasp, which consists of... grilled cheese sandwiches, and a glass of milk because she's far too shaky and agitated for coffee. She's eating -- more like nibbling with extreme prejudice -- in the kitchen, but she'll hear the doorbell if it rings.]
29 December 2010 at 04:08 pm
[Naoya's had a relatively quiet day, headaches and Allen-bothering and test-giving aside. Once he's dropped off his tests at home, he heads for the bar.]

[He knows full well this is going to make his headache worse, but the bar should be quiet now. He sits down and orders a drink, losing himself in thought.]

[He hates Christmas.]

[[ooc; Feel free to bug him, but please no kissing bots. :|b Also he'll be there all evening.]]
28 December 2010 at 05:53 pm
[ morning // video ]
[He turns on the video. He's in a hospital room... Again. And he looks a bit sheepish.] I'm sorry if anyone was looking for me last night or this morning -- I sprained my ankle while I was on patrol. I'll be out of here in the afternoon, so it's nothing to worry about. But I wanted to warn the defense force that I'd be out of commission except in emergencies for a few days.

Ah, Lavi... Can you bring the dog? [ehe] I feel bad leaving you all to take care of him after only a day...

[ afternoon // action ]
[And when he gets out of the hospital in the afternoon he's on crutches, irritatingly enough. He resolves privately to trade them in as soon as he can, and hobbles towards the shelter kitchen quickly. He is so very ready for real food right now.]

[[ooc: You can visit him in the morning or run into him in the afternoon, and kissing bots are okay! He will be on crutches or in bed and unlikely to be able to escape Road.]]
[ Kissing Bots! ]
28 December 2010 at 04:31 pm
Acumen's systems tick over to midnight, and somewhere in the depths of the holding facility, dozens of little silver spheres shiver and come to life. They rise up into the air, dangling little bouquets of mistletoe, and hover in waiting for the door to open again. And when it does, they swoop out and work their way into the dome proper, making it out just in time for daybreak.

Now they're scattered all over the dome, Anissina's gifts and Eggman's souvenirs. They're seeking out people to bring together in the holiday spirit...

Whether they like it or not!

[Comment here and other people will comment to you. Details and index here. Please specify your time of day and location in your tag!]
28 December 2010 at 12:43 pm
[ have a sleepy, contented sort of voice ]

Boy, can we have pizza for Christmas dinner this time?
Mood: sleepy
Location: Casa di vi Britannia, Sector 4 / Day 95 / Morning
[action | open!]
27 December 2010 at 10:16 pm
[Cas is on a morning run for burgers because Dean is a lazy guy who takes advantage of Castiel's teleporting skills. Ah well, the angel was feeling much better anyway. Might as well stretch his wings.]

[But on the way back, he's decided on a detour! So here's Cas now with a bag of burgers in one hand as he stares with a thoughtful expression on his face into the window of the pet café.]
[Action | Closed]
27 December 2010 at 09:04 pm
[It's late, and Naoya is asleep, dreaming.]

[No, not dreaming. Remembering… for the most part.]

Bluh bluh dream. )

[Naoya bolts up in his bed, pressing his hands to his face. Ugh… tears. Hopefully Jun is sound asleep and will stay that way. He doesn't need questions.]

[[ooc; Closed to people in Naoya's house right now.]]
[Event | Yule Ball]
23 December 2010 at 02:53 pm
Night was falling, the smell of spices were in the air and Jennifer was busy putting the last finishing touches on all the hard work everyone had done to get the athletic complex decked out and festive.

Walking through the front door, you'll see a table where you can put all your presents on for now with a tree sitting behind it. Don't worry, the bots will make sure no one but Jennifer takes any gifts off the table! There's also a series of volunteers ready and willing to help you out of your coats if you need it, but otherwise, please don't hesitate to shed off a few layers.

It might be a little warm if you don't.

Inside the main entrance, Jennifer's taken care to section off the room into the main dancing area and a stage salvaged from the Valentine's Day auction off to the side for the performances later on. Surrounding the outer edges, are tables and settees salvaged from the Shelter so that those who wish to watch can do so in comfort. Do be careful though. Scented candles are lit on each table to provide a soft light to balance out the harshness of the lights over the dance floor.

And of course there's food. Punch and egg-nog and shrimp and cheese and a myriad of other finger foods. There are cookies decorated with frosting and lemon bars and cranberries and a giant bowl of sugared dates. Marzipan is scattered across the table and a small gingerbread house sits as a centerpiece, but the cake is the main attraction.

But the cake comes with a price. Anyone who wants a piece, must do what it says on the toothpick first. Have fun! And no cheating. Someone might be watching to make sure no one does.

Music is already playing and Jennifer's leaving things up to the host club to make sure people start dancing, because what's sadder then a ball with no dancing? Do make sure to enjoy yourselves. It's why we're all here!

((ooc: The first thread is for the cake game and will list various things you must do. The second is for performers to do their act so we can group reactions together in one spot. And last, mingle, threadjack, and have merry with whatever your characters want to do in the rest of the post!

As an ooc gift meme was suggested instead of actually threading out every gift exchange, we will be doing that instead, but we highly encourage you to still seek out your gift recipients and build CR in the post as you will.

Also, mistletoe can be found neatly tucked inside wreaths at the main entrance to the Athletic complex and also from the cloak room leading into the dance hall. Be nice! Ask permission first.))

ETA: Directory (Edited 12/28 10:30pm/22:30 EST/-05:00 GMT, new marked with ***)

Cake Game: Reply to
Cake: Midori - Mistletoe
Cake: Road - Dancing
Cake: Ryu - Dancing
Cake: Otoha - Singing
Cake: Wisely - Compliment
Cake: Alucard - Dancing
Cake: Orihime - Ornament
Cake: Hikaru - Mistletoe
Cake: Yuuki - Song
Cake: Kaworu - Mistletoe
Cake: Milly - Dancing
Cake: Tyki - Mistletoe
Cake: Hiling - Mistletoe/Dancing
Performances: Reply to
Performance: Naoya
Performance: Lacus
Performance: Choir
Individual: Saki
Individual: Ryoji
Individual: Peregrine Mendicant
Individual: Wolfram
Individual: Zelda
Group: Kaworu, Hiling or both
Individual: Himawari
Individual: Feferi
Individual: Cain
Individual: Jeanne
Individual: Ashton
Individual: Midori
Individual: Cosmo
Individual: Fou
Individual: Greed
Individual: Minako
Individual: Eridan
Individual: Orihime
Individual: Fran
Individual: Allen
Individual: Tyki
Individual: Chibiusa
Individual: Hikaru
Individual: Dean
Individual: Harry Potter
Individual: Wisely
Individual: Axel
Individual: Kamrui Fuuma
Individual: Ushiro
Individual: Maleficent
Individual: Kaoru
Individual: Zelman
Individual: Yuuki
Individual: Kyouya
Individual: Joshua
Individual: Yuuri
Individual: Sam
Individual: Zero
Individual: Kitty (aoa)
Individual: Juri
Individual: Alma
Individual: Lavi
Individual: Milly
Individual: Rinoa
Rain of Flowers: Sakura
Individual: C.C.
Individual: Takashi Jun
Individual: Suzaku
Individual: Kanda
Individual: Jade
Individual: Duo
Individual: MOMO
Individual: Kitty (evo)
***Individual: Ciel
[Action|Very Open]
21 December 2010 at 03:32 pm
[Christmas Eve. Which meant that Allen's birthday was...tomorrow. Which in turn, leads to Jun out in the snow with a messenger bag full of ~surprises~ for tomorrow....and a bouncy coyote puppy.

That he's attempting to teach to carol. It's not going well, but they're both having fun, no?]
20 December 2010 at 10:47 pm
[Wisely is being creative with markers and paper! He's working on something incredible. Once he's done he'll flick it on video and plaster the image to the screen. How else will Santa see it?!]


...Maybe I should add some more blood.

((ooc: both Wisely and I have terrible drawing skills so. the scribbled out part says Exorcists and the dead stick figures from left to right is lavi, allen, and kanda. lenalee you are too hard to draw. alma you are too moe.))
20 December 2010 at 09:40 pm
[It's a bit later in the morning when Saki finally pulls herself out of bed and toward Allen's. Last night had been -- interesting, and she suspected today was going to be just as interesting, but first there's a soon-to-be birthday boy in need of some puppy.]

[Knocking on the door, with a certain someone squirming in her arms. Although he had been pretty docile on the journey here, the puppy's tail is now wagging exuberantly at a familiar scent.]

[smell an allen where's the allen want an allen allen allen allen]

((OOC: First tag is Allen's? But anyone who has a reason to be at the apartment is welcome to jump in! WISELY GET OUT.))
17 December 2010 at 03:30 pm
[Karkat is glaring quite comfortably at the camera. He’s sitting on the floor, back against the wall, and very perceptive viewers will notice that he is squatting in Terezi’s home. In fact, he’s currently holding one of her possessions - a purple scalefriend. A couple more of the stuffed dragons are strewn around his feet.]

Hey, asshole. Welcome to Karkat’s ‘Romance for Morons’ show. It’s a one-time special event, just. For. You.

[He punctuates each word by stabbing his finger against the camera. He seems to think he has locked this only to Eridan.]

Now, listen the fuck up. This little lint-stuffed bitch - [He hefts up the purple scale friend] - is you. Right, Eridan? He’s going to represent what you should do in a relationship, and also to illustrate how piss-wrong you are at them right now.

Got it? Good.

Read more... )
15 December 2010 at 08:14 pm
You know, I don't think the snow is all that bad now.

[ Filter; Sakura Kinomoto]

Sakura-chan? Thanks. The cookies were delicious.

Are you staying indoors? It's pretty cold out there.
[voice | action | open - backdated to earlier in the morning]
14 December 2010 at 09:03 pm
Whoever let it snow in here is a piece of crap. We're in an enclosed space for god's sake! And please, if you're going to make it snow, at least plow the damn roads!

[Someone's a little grumpy with all the waiting he's been doing and then that damn, idiotic flyer he got in the mail wasn't exactly a highlight of his day either. Christmas, snow, bah humbug! It was more trouble then it was worth. But it's not exactly stopping Dean from doing one last 'trip' to the store either.]
[video/voice/filtered to DF]
14 December 2010 at 03:29 pm
Two people in Sector Two just -- disappeared. Uh [what was it really called? why is her brain suddenly failing her?] their... lifesigns dropped immediately.

((OOC: Long and short of it: AT Field means disappearing in mid-air, so anyone who arrives won't be able to see anything other than traces of people having been there until Kaworu returns them. Kaworu-mun requesting not a crowd of DF members, but one or two.))