[video for anyone | action for Dean]
10 February 2012 at 04:08 pm
[Cloud's a patient man. More importantly, he's a stoic man, and though he's better about showing emotion these days, his cues are still subtle, and still rare compared to most people's. Ergo, he must be more than a little annoyed to let all of Marina see his impatience. The signs are small, but many. Arms crossed over his chest, mouth drawn into the tiniest of frowns beneath glowing blue eyes, and eyebrows drawn together in either consternation or aggravation, he definitely has a problem with something. The giant sword sheathed at his back does nothing to soften the picture, and when he speaks, that hint of tension in his arms carries into his voice.]

You know, I had a CO once who probably would have fed us to the Midgar Zolom if we were late for duty. [Hint, hint, nudge nudge, Dean.]
[Voice] | [Action]
08 February 2012 at 05:03 pm
[Ever since he talked to Estellise, he tried to contact Naoya. He already thought up an excuse for it, just asking him to look over his current programming homework. Yes, there was some concerns, but he’d like to know if Naoya’s okay.

Especially after Naoya’s last public broadcast, with such a morbid but interesting question...

No answers after a few hours. Okay, maybe he’s tired. And the next day, today right now, there’s still no response. Which raise some alarms in his mind, his teacher is usually prompt about it. But a part of him suspect the real reason why, but he’s selfishly hope otherwise.]

Hey, guys? Have you seen Naoya anywhere? I [‘want to know if he’s still here’] want to ask him something.

[He had time to control himself. It’s normal for him to hide his worries behind a casual, sometime curious, mask. If it’s really just him here from their world...well, he’s used to living by himself. And he has friends here.]

Tall guy, white hair and red eyes, normally wears a matrix haori and a pair of geta. How did he get around with them, a lot of practice? So if anyone knows, let me know. [But he’s still hopeful, if he can be selfish about it.]

...Of course, I suspected the reason why, but...mind helping me confirm it? [His voice slips a bit, before it’s cheery and casual again.] Even if you don't, thanks for listening!

[Some time after his broadcast, Atsuro left the shelter to walk around with his haro, until he ends up at the arcade. He stare at the place, before walking inside. A game or two might be good for distracting him.

If anyone’s at the arcade, Atsuro would be playing some games. His haro is always nearby, if anyone overheard his insults.
07 February 2012 at 03:55 pm
[ a female voice pops up, sounding somewhere between awe and exasperation ] ... Feynriel, I think I worry about your imagination. What in Andraste's name are they teaching you in Tevinter?

[ pause ] You could add an ogre or two, for a little color.
[ video + action ]
06 February 2012 at 10:48 pm
[ Panic has long passed into curiosity for Kaylee and her new predicament. Sure she's been kidnapped, but: ]

This Acumen feller said something about a beach. With-- real sand and all? Don't think my heart could take it, bein' kidnapped and then lied to about a beach.

[ And curiouser... ]

Hope it's all right I don't have a swimming outfit...
06 February 2012 at 10:19 pm
[ tired sound, followed by a "mrf" ]

Always manage t'forget how loud it is on newbie days. [ sound of rustling pages; mildly ] Someday I'll learn to turn the damn communicator off.
06 February 2012 at 09:56 pm
[Okay, so he’s breaking out the Spidey-voice.] A welcome basket… it’s so… welcomey, thanks.

… Okay, so. I guess this where I’m supposed to cut to the chase and throw out the big names, and hope someone I know’s here. But the crowd I tend to tangle with happens to consist entirely of super villains and general baddies. I guess that says a lot about my social life. And I know I should hope that they’re here, being prison and all, but… This place is way too nice. I don’t want to imagine Kraven kicking back at the beach. I prefer thinking of him in his gulag. Safe and sound, and away from everyone else.


… Ugh, how did this happen. I bet the X-Men don’t get thrown in jail.
04 January 2012 at 08:30 pm
So, we're starting with the psychological torture first? Different. Cute, even. I wasn't even sure you bothered with that down here.

[calm, confident, with only a slight quirk of an eyebrow to show for her exasperation. going to Hell, getting arrested -- such a drag, right? and she's certainly not hoarse and red-eyed from crying. she made damn sure of that before even touching the camera. even if she has no idea what's going on, she can still save face.

if her smile's a little on edge, you'll have to forgive her, but she's expecting this cosy little place to disappear in a puff of black smoke any second now.

Well then, if we're to communicate, then I suppose introductions are in order. You can call me Bela. And yourselves? [thin-lipped smile.] Come on, I'm guessing the idea is that we all bond over our damned souls now, yeah? Then after we've swapped all friendship bracelets, we can start flaying each other alive. If we're lucky, it might even be fun by that point.
22 December 2011 at 11:20 pm
I've deduced this much of this place:

You all so readily accept your imprisonment, like there's nothing you can do to change your predicament. You accept your fate and attempt to carry on your pathetic lives as if that's your sole purpose in this universe.

Consider it curiosity. What were you BEFORE Acumen? What were your destinies before being kidnapped and brought here?

There are some of you who have questioned about the knowledge of others. As far as I can tell, you've only absorbed that knowledge. You've done nothing with it! If you have the knowledge and the power to change things, then why would you wish to idly sit around and waste your time and energy on mundane things that Acumen says that you can do?

[Raistlin is, as usual, dressed in his black robes. He looks irritated and his expression is peering down at anyone who would be answering the video, almost like he's looking down at them for their beliefs. Raistlin is attempting to provoke a reaction from anyone who responds, though he's still out of his element. He's still trying to understand this world, this technology, and what his role is here. If you answer, he will be brutally honest in his responses, but that's just who Raistlin always has been.]
[Video//Action | Open] BANQUET MINGLE GO!
20 December 2011 at 12:16 pm
Good morning, Marina! [Have a very smiley pink haired girl on your video feed!] For anyone I haven’t met, I’m Lacus Clyne and I’m very glad to meet you.

It seems as though we’re all going to be in the shelter today, so we should make the best of things. I was thinking that we should get together and have a big winter banquet! Anyone who wants to help cook should please feel free to come to the kitchens and assist, and if not you should still come and enjoy the food with us.

Dinner will be served at 5 in the main cafeteria, and after that maybe we could have fun playing games and watching movies together. I hope everyone has a good day, and I hope to see everyone at the feast!

[A few minutes later]

I just learned that today is also Ritsuka’s birthday! To celebrate there will be a cake and some special desserts and decorations. [as many decorations as they can find without access to the store.] Everyone please, stop by to wish him a happy birthday!

((OOC Notes: Mingle post, open to all! Reply to Lacus by [video] or there are several action options: [cooking] any time before 5pm ICly, [dinner] a huge buffet of almost anything you could want, or [after dinner] for card games, board games, and movies throughout the cafeteria and nearby common rooms! Your character is in no way obligated to be at all of these, but they could be if you want~

Also! A link to Ritsuka’s birthday party will be added once it goes up. There will be cake and lots of special desserts and pretty decorations in one area of the cafeteria.

If anyone wants to intentionally or unintentionally sabotage the food, please contact me OOCly before you do so. Thanks and ENJOY!))
voice | open
14 December 2011 at 05:51 pm
[ You can hear the sound of rustling and rummaging around. Finally, Toph decides to express her displeasure to the network. ]

I don't see why everything had to be cleaned. It was fine just like it was! Now I can't find anything.
[ Video/Action | Shelter Kitchens | Open ]
15 December 2011 at 12:21 am
[ Those accustomed to a busy, if not hectic schedule such as Principal Lee should be kept occupied, lest their evil start showing. Ominously dark auras are unsightly and not pleasing to the Master and so he must find himself something to do and to share to keep said crazy evil in check. ]

Good day to you, Marina. If some of you may recall the last time I have addressed the network, I have spoken of culinary applications of flowers.

I have personally undertaken experiments since then and today, for those still interested, I would like to share the recipe I am following. [ And modified. ]

For those who would like to join me in passing time, please head to the Shelter Kitchen -- [ in such-such floor ] and I will be more than glad to share what I know.

Thank you very much for your time.

(( OOC: Threadjacking/mingling is welcome! ))
[voice/ video & action] open!
14 December 2011 at 12:54 am
[So they're being herded into the Shelter, no getting around that. But just when you get "more" access to your limited freedom, it gets cut down even further. But at least the ball and chain are gone. That's the good thing... if only Shaun hadn't disappeared too. It's unnerving and also kind of lonely.

Solo. She can do this. Nothing new.

With really only three possessions, she's taking a tour around the Shelter to map out the place a little. Her headphones around her neck (because she hasn't rigged the device to play her music for her just yet,) singing out her playlist at max volume, she's got her laptop under one arm and her snowboard under the other. Totally normal--annnnd she's watching where she swings it... most of the time.

Feel free to run into her in the kitchen or common room, or anywhere in between as she tries to open a package of twinkies with her front teeth.]

[Later: voice/video]

I kinda guessed there wasn't going to be any sort of internet here, but it's still a strange disconnect. No cute kitten videos, no news updates.

[Total disconnect from a world she used to live in, the information she used to soak up... well, she's managed before.] I gotta find a movie to watch...

Oh, and hey Yuta! I uh, [here-- shaky camera work, she turns it to her snowboard propped against the wall of her chosen Shelter room] got my board!

Kinda bad timing though, yeah? I'll show you how to board though when we get out, like I promised. [and camera off!]
09 December 2011 at 08:19 pm
Hey. [Always weird starting these.] So, the Devil's Compass has a pool table now if anyone is interested. There's a dart board too, [Thinking] and we still have drinks. It's the only place outside of the club you can get alcohol.

Sasha is here tonight too, so we've got pizzas, quiche, and pie. ["Pie" might have come out slightly sighed.] So, stop in. [Should he say bye? Awkward pause. Click.]

(OOC: It's a mingle! If you want to reply directly to the video you can. Please use Sam's comment, because I'm turning off comments!)
[Voice | Open; Filtered from Schuldig]
25 November 2011 at 05:29 pm
[His selfishness told him to keep it to himself - it was more important to keep his secrets than to protect others - but eventually his good nature won out. This has to be done.]

Hello, I'd like to speak to someone from the Defense Force. Particularly if there's anyone who keeps any sort of record of the more dangerous people here. Thanks.

[He keeps his voice level and businesslike, and uses voice rather than video, in the hopes of keeping away acquaintances who might assume the worst. Did it work?]

((ooc: sorry for the double post today, but he insisted on getting this done right away. won't happen again!))
08 November 2011 at 11:11 pm
[ there's silence for several beats, and then a soft, off-key huming. it goes on for maybe a minute, and it certainly sounds like a 'real' song -- but nothing any of you should recognize. it's an old, old lullaby.

finally, a husky feminine chuckle, and ]

Happy Halloween~...
07 November 2011 at 07:27 pm
[See Zinda Blake. See Zinda Blake looking very hungover, rubbing at her temples. ]

Jiminy Cricket, I feel worse than a wet washcloth that's been rung through a meat grinder.

Must have been some party last night, huh?

[Throughout the day, you can find Zinda in her favorite places- The Defense Force HQ, the club, or the bar. Yeah, she visits both. What are you gonna do about it?

Either way, she has no idea she's been gone. Dare you clue her in?
[ Action - Open | TFW - Closed ]
05 November 2011 at 04:21 pm
[ BOOM, goes the front door as Dean saunters in, pizza boxes piled high in his hands and a six pack of soda dangling from his fingers. ]

Sam! Cas?

Supper time!

[ yeah, fun times ahead. Oh boy! ]

((ooc: ETA: Anyone who wants to run into Dean running around the dome (mostly around Sector 5 and hoarding all the candy is free to do so. He's affected by super happiness today!))
[video || open!]
03 November 2011 at 11:32 am
[It starts off quiet, nothing but darkness and your average dull broadcast--he left it on last night after getting home late from the bar--but after a while there's a loud shriek.

This is what he gets for believing that things would be all right this Halloween. Candy. Stupid candy!

There's the sound of pitter-pattering feet a little ways away before he picks up his communicator and thinks of who to contact about this...but then he realizes that the video feed is on.

Great. Say hello to a female version of Axel, who appears to be a little more than distraught after noticing these changes in the shower. While he's hungover.

A pair of droopy and now wet bunny ears rest atop his head and he's frantically trying to squeeze water out of them and hold the communicator, and hold a towel around his new and improved busty body at the same time. Holidays.

The voice that follows is lighter than normal, but clearly he's ticked off.]

Is it too much to ask for a regular holiday in this frickin' place?

((OOC: Lol "Accepted" is a funny film. Also! he'll be taking on a couple bunny-like traits to go with the ears and tail. Having lived with a female bunny who constantly wants babies for a year now, I kinda get what those would be. NOT TO SAY THAT HE WANTS BABIES. I mean like. Cleanliness...and demands for snuggling. That sort of thing. :D))
[Voice | Action -- Open]
03 November 2011 at 12:30 am
Please tell me someones figured out how to reverse all this shit by now. [No seriously, he's really hoping they have cause he is NOT going to be seen like this... (Except he totally is)

You might hear a repeated thumping in the background. And if anyone has ever had a dog they might recognize it as an impatient tail wag. Helix had happy chocolate and probably will continue eating them cause THEY SEEM NORMAL. Most of his happy is currently in that long, white feathery puppy tail he has though. He growls at it...

Sto-- [And shutting off his device as he's going to grab the damn appendage to try stop it from moving around entirely on it's own and annoying him.]

[He'll get restless eventually and leave his apartment in search of a new pair of pants or something to hide the tail in a little easier. Or maybe you'll find him grabbing a bite to eat at the shelter. If so, then he'll be in a slate gray hoodie, with the hood pulled up over his head in an attempt to hide the pointy, white ears that match the tail he's currently got stuffed up the back of his jacket.

Or maybe you'll see him happily relaxing in the park, splayed out near the Guardian tree all peaceful like. Go bug him, he might actually be glad to see you for once EVEN IF HE DOESN'T KNOW YOU~ Hell, you might even get snugged he's just so damn happy. By this point he doesn't have a care in the world so those ears and tail are quite visible. He almost seems NATURAL.
01 November 2011 at 09:29 am
[There's some static at first and then audio, buzzing and krisssssssking with a familiar voice that does not sound quite the same.]

--me, h-how does this contraption wor--[and then there is video and a familiar face is looking with concern and confusion at the screen.]

Oh! [Blink. Surprise. A hand reaches up self-conscious to move a displaced strand of hair--almost as it used to tucking it behind something.]

Hello? Excuse me, I-I am not sure if this is working, but I do believe I'm lost. And I...I don't know how I got here. Am--Am I dead? Because this would be a rather awkward afterlife, indeed.

[Because heaven didn't involve being trapped in a body that wasn't hers last that she knew.]

Even if I... If that is so...this a mistake. Please. If anyone from the Order is here, I need help. Something is very wrong with me.

{OOC: Alma is suffering from memory loss! And has completely forgotten she is Alma. The memory of his past life are not all there, so she'll also been confused about that as she hides out inside the convenient store.}
Location: Convenient Store / Mid-Morning