[ Action | Open ]
03 November 2010 at 11:02 pm
[ Terezi was in the park, sulking. You couldn't tell from her cheerful expression, though, as she sat on the sidewalk and sketched out crude designs in brightly colored chalk. Anything from flowers, to dragons, to what might be people, or trolls, or stick figure approximations thereof. All with about the skill or accuracy you'd expect from a blind girl. ]
[voice | open]
03 November 2010 at 09:12 am
I hope everyone's spirits have improved over yesterday. It's important not to lose heart. [Might be almost giving herself a pep talk here. She's feeling a little worn down by all the attacks.]

I've decided to start including flashlights and extra batteries in the welcome baskets in case of emergencies. Is there anything else anyone can think of that should be added?

[She's seen the list. She knows Gino is gone. That isn't making today any easier, but she's trying. Trying to focus on something else. Anything else.]
29 October 2010 at 10:17 am
[ calmly ] The monsters have started throwing themselves against the doors.
Location: Day 86 / Apartment, Sector 4 / Evening
[MAIL POST | Day 85]
22 October 2010 at 04:28 pm
  • Touma: a letter from Euphemia.
  • Ryu: a letter from Allen.
  • Yuuri: a letter from Alphonse.
  • Nunnally: a letter from Toothless.
  • Eridan: a letter from Hiling.
  • Peregrine Mendicant: a letter from Ribbons.
  • Roxas: a letter from Fai.
  • Kaien: a letter from Rinoa.
  • Jeanne: a letter from Hikaru.
  • Axel: a letter from Wolfram.
  • Alma: a letter from Red.
  • Orihime: a letter from Xion.
  • Alucard: a letter from Terezi.

  • From Leopard : postcards for everyone.
  • From Nepeta : individualized letters for Terezi, Eridan, Vriska, GIR, Akito, and Axel.
  • From Josak : invitations to the grand opening of Trés Magnifique for everyone.

  • Tsukasa: package and letter from Sasha.
  • Euphemia: package from Ribbons.
  • Jennifer: package and letter from Ciel.
  • Saki: package from Wolfram.

  • Spencer Reid & Tavros

[So much mail! There's no better day to use the mail cart. Along she rolls, its pouches stuffed with letters, packages, and postcards. Given the presence of mass mailers, she will be in EVERY residential area today. She will find you, Saki, no matter what couch you crash on]

[Click here for pen pal signups~ Mail submissions for Day 86 go here!]
[Action | Open]
20 October 2010 at 10:09 pm
[If you come into the club you might find a Kitty sitting up on the bar with a Tyki leaning against it. Some drinking has occurred. Some touching may be occurring. Calm down or don't. You've seen worse on TV. Well, if you're from a world or time with TV.]

[Voice | Open]
19 October 2010 at 07:15 pm
Ah, c'mon. What's up with all the chattering and a distinct lack of tunes around here? Don't tell me you guys don't believe in radios!

[After that lackluster morning announcement, someone's a little bored sitting around the house and waiting for his chains to come off.]
[voice, action | open]
15 October 2010 at 06:21 pm
What's one thing that you don't have here that you absolutely want or need right now?

[And for anyone who happens to be wandering around at this time around the beach you'll find Axel sitting at the water's edge, feet barely touching the waves and with a single cigarette between his lips. Yeah, it's lit, and of course he's smoking it, but he's not trying to make it a habit or anything. It's just that he'd rather enjoyed the taste of it the first time and figured he'd give it another shot.

Plus...these things are supposed to relieve tension or something, right? Even though it's cold out and everything. Not like it matters.]

Of course that doesn't have to be an item, you know.
[Video | Open] Nightfall
15 October 2010 at 11:48 am
[Those of you who are outside at nightfall and expecting the regular moonrise and starscape are in for a surprise. Rather than the moon, what rises in the night sky is a much larger Earth, backlit by the sun. Also visible are what might seem a strange sight... jutting out from Earth in three locations (two of which are visible at present) are the orbital elevators, long slender tubes for transporting people into space en masse. Each elevator ends in a base where there are many solar cells to collect sunlight for energy.]

[On the video, Lacus is smiling pleasantly, the Earth rising behind her in the sky.]
Good evening, Marina. A request to show the view from Earth's moon in the night sky has led me to change the usual star projections for tonight. For those of us who miss this sight, I hope it will make you smile. For those who never were able to experience space travel, I hope you enjoy the view.
The 84th Day
11 October 2010 at 11:10 pm
Good morning, inmates. It is the 84th day of the third generation.

There is an issue that I would hear all of your opinions on, one regarding some inmate reactions to the blackout that occurred the night before last. It is imperative that you all understand that such events will naturally happen, so long as inmates have the free reign that they do. The only fail-safe method to ensure that nothing goes wrong is to reduce or remove that freedom.

So then, inmates of Marina Asylum, should the trust and freedom given to you be limited in exchange for a more smoothly operated system and facility? Or are some of you content to endure through some inconveniences, and retain the leniency you have now?

Inmates Fai D. Flourite and Toothless, your requests can be found at the entrance to Sector 0. Inmate Kefka Palazzo, your request will delivered by a remote unit.
[ action / class / early evening ]
09 October 2010 at 10:59 am
[Philosophy class today! It's the first class, so Lelouch is handing out a syllabus, the reading (a short essay by Descartes for class, and an essay by Locke to take home), and a study sheet that should help the students focus on the subject matter they're going to be talking about for a while.

[Your introduction to this introduction to philosophy will be epistemology: the study of knowledge itself. What is knowledge? How does knowledge relate to truth, or belief?

[The Descartes essay that everyone will be reading during class together talks about how knowledge is flawed. Since we perceive the world through our senses, and our senses are not infallible -- they can be tricked or misled -- the things you know can't be trusted. The only thing you can know, for certain, is that you exist. In some form.

[So good luck with all that.]

((ooc: No categories; just indicate "After", "Before", "During", in your subject header. This is going to be eventy, so students are encouraged to interact with each other, but Lelouch will also be tagging around. Class is from 4-5:30.))
[Action | Open]
08 October 2010 at 02:06 pm
[In the evening, after his classes, Tsukasa heads to the library. He looks pretty nervous, and heads towards the anatomy section.]

[It takes him a little bit of browsing, but finally he finds a book on teenage puberty... for girls. Glancing around, he heads to a table in the far back part of the library, and opens up the book, starting to read.]

[This, of course, is a perfect time for anyone to bother him.]
[ action & video | open ] Sign Language class #1!
06 October 2010 at 04:53 pm
Good afternoon, Marina! [ Jeanne waves to the camera. ] Jeanne here, just wanting to remind everyone that I will be holding the first sign language course shortly in the Education Center, room number 6.

If anyone is still interested, or even just curious, please don't hesitate to stop in. It's only for an hour, and I'm pretty sure it isn't going to interfere with anyone's other classes. [ Smiling, though she does fidget a little nervously with the the scarf on her new jacket. ] At any rate, I hope to see some of you there!

((ooc: Event headers for the class are within~ There will be a half hour "lecture" with videos, and then a half hour session for people to pair off and practice mock conversations. This starts at 2PM. Please note the videos are just for flavor, and not indicative of which sign language type she is teaching. I am not being that specific! ))
[video || open]
05 October 2010 at 03:22 pm
Goodbye, my darling! Ahh--!! [Jessica's scream can be heard near and far, but when she opens her eyes the screaming stops abruptly. This...isn't--? She pushes back some hair over her shoulder which turns on the video function. And what's the first thing you'll see?

Well. Does a huge cleavage say anything to you?]

Roger? Oh, Roger, my dearest, where are you? [Bounce bounce bounce while she scurries here and there, looking]

...Oh. [More sullen now that she's taking the time to process the message in front of her, but then her voice becomes sultrier and almost pleading]

Oh, no, no, no. Any time other than now~! At least before I leave Roger you have to let me save my darling honey bunny.

I've been so~ worried about him.
[Video / Action | Open]
04 October 2010 at 09:29 pm
[A metallic octahedron-like figure appears via a video broadcast in what seems to be the Common Room of the Shelter. Although not humanoid in the slightest, the center of it seems to be a red lens 'eye' which moves slightly to focus.

The odd figure addresses the camera with an arrogant masculine voice.]

Acumen, huh?

[Shutters cover the red 'eye', and the machine turns slightly away.] Hmph, never heard of you. But such an introduction was completely unnecessary. Especially during my tea time.

[The shutters retract, showing the eye again, which turns again to focus on the camera once again. The entire shape tilts up and back slightly, accompanied by a noise that sounds something like a hydraulic lift.] To think you could arrest the greatest Brain Colony to live! How useless! I don't intend to be bow to your foolish "authority" and allow myself to be captured! Mwahahaha!!

You must be with Nerval to be so stupid. Isn't that so?

[He waits, briefly, for a response that doesn't come.]

Hmph, did your communications get all tied? You must be beside yourself in fear at my bold and powerful countenance!

Well, whatever. In any case, next time, tell him to send himself rather than some upstart no one has heard of!

Or maybe they will be no next time...As you'll be feeling the power of my Soul Shouts! Mwhahahaha!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

[Turning his eye away from the camera, he to where another communications window should be, at least to him. It, of course, isn't there.]

Withered Leaf! Prepare to fire!

...Withered Leaf?

[He's been distracted up until now, but it slowly sets in that his location has changed a little. He slowly rotates back to the camera. The shutters close and open rapidly thrice. His usual room is gone and replaced with...something else.

Leopard's tone quickly turns from arrogant to furious and the gap between his upper and lower shells narrows.]




[Are those sweat drops on his form?]


01 October 2010 at 10:27 pm
[A voice calls out on the communicator, sounding shaky.]

The monsters are... back!

[Tsukasa sounds out of breath, like he's run a long way.]

I... they're in sector five, at least...

[He hisses in pain as he tries to dodge another raptor.]


[He's running out of magic for healing, let alone attack spells...]
[video/action] [open]
28 September 2010 at 05:57 pm
Oh...oh my gog! They've got pails and porn in the store!

[Nepeta's found the convenience store's supply of buckets and playing cards. She hasn't even tried opening the card packs, but they've got all four romance suits on them and no pictures of what's inside, so it must be porn! o_o Shocked thirteen-year-old is shocked.]
24 September 2010 at 12:07 am
[It's after dark and Alma sits in the same place he's been for the last few hours. He should have moved by now, but he just...couldn't. And for a while it was okay. Now he's starting to feel sore from sitting so long, but still he hasn't moved to get up.

Anyone who comes to Sector 6 and looks up in just the right spot might notice the kid sitting on one of the tree branches over looking the playground.]

What's it like being a kid where you all come from? Every place is different, right?

[He doesn't sound upset, just curious and a little thoughtful.]

Oh, hey, where can I find the guy named Gino? Allen said I should talk to him.
Location: Sector 6 / Evening
[Video / Action | Open]
22 September 2010 at 06:33 am
[The camera turns on and shakes a bit facing a small stereo. A hand reaches down and presses a button and music starts to play. The camera is quickly set down, showing the wall of the Training Hall for a moment until a figure steps out onto the mats and faces the camera.

She's slightly off-center, but the camera still shows all of her, including the long broom she's holding with one hand. However, Maya is a little different from usual. It's not her clothes - she's wearing her usual spirit medium's outfit. Rather, her skin has taken on a silvery-sheen. It's not just her face either: her exposed arms and legs have the same appearance.]

[Maya faces the camera and speaks in a dramatic tone:]

The darkness may encroach on this town...but there's still a hope left!

[She unfolds the paper fan with her left hand with a dramatic arm gesture.]

Don't fear, residents!

Ma.Yo.I. will defend this town from their evil attacks!

[Maya swings the broom around wildly for a short moment, since she's holding it at the very end of the broomstick. She quickly gains more control over it once she drops the paper fan and helps with her left hand too. It swings down to the mat bristles first.] Hai-ya!

((OOC: Details on her power here))
Location: Sector 6 - Training Hall / High Noon
[action / accidental voice]
21 September 2010 at 03:46 pm
[ He's never really liked places without windows or that were closed off from the outside -- ships come to mind, though the shelter fits -- but he's never really been claustrophobic.

But, this morning, it almost feels like the walls are closing in; it started this morning with Allen, and has just gotten worse. He's starting to feel like he's going crazy. A little bit ago, he had started to panic again, then suddenly felt euphoric -- then angry -- melancholy -- giddy and... a few he can't put a name to.

He's been trying to leave the Shelter for at least a half an hour (maybe, he's sort of lost track of time) but right now he's just standing in a hallway, staring into space -- starts to smile, but it sours, and then he holds onto the sides of his head and starts laughing, slightly unhinged. ]

'm losing my mind...

((Lavi's "superpower/mutation" is empathy. He can't project his emotions on others, but until he gets what's going on, he's susceptible to being projected at/on.))
Location: Day 81 / Shelter, Sector 0 / Morning
19 September 2010 at 06:14 pm
[It's almost time to go to bed for Ciel...but he's absolutely not tired. So he's just sitting in a chair in his room fiddling with his communicator. He finally just turns it over to Voice and puts it up to his mouth.]

[Normally, Ciel would prefer if no one talked to him. But today it seems like that's all he wants. He feels pretty alone lately. He just wants proof that other people exist and that he's not completely alone in the world.

Maybe that's a childish desire...but Ciel, as usual, doesn't care.]

I'm bored. Talk.

[No, he doesn't realize how rude he sounds as he orders the entire dome to talk to him.]