November 2017



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October 31st, 2017

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for HikariEvandar

Gift for: [info]hikarievandar

From: [info]snax0

Title: Wait For It
Characters: Regulus Black, Sirius Black.
Rating: G.
Warnings: Ghosts, Horror.
Summary: Regulus wakes to the same noise every night.
Notes: Personally, I see this taking place pre-Hogwarts, but you can think whatever. Thank you to A. for the beta, and [info]hikarievandar for the lovely prompts. Hope you like it!

Happy Halloween! )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Starduchess

Gift for: [info]starduchess

From: [info]reg_flint

Title: Masked Handfasting
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Rating: PG.
Disclaimer: The characters belong to JK Rowling, they are presented for fan purposes and are not made for money.
Summary: They both know the pain of Samhain, as loss. Can it be made better?

Mum’s Only Come For One Reason )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Starduchess

Gift for: [info]starduchess (pitch-hitter)

From: Musyc

Title: Apprehension
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Rating: G
Summary: What is the point of a haunted house?

Apprehension )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Nimrod_9

Gift for: [info]nimrod_9

From: [info]rzzmg

Title: A Most Uncomfortable Night
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-15
Disclaimer: "Harry Potter" series is copyright J.K. Rowling and Scholastic Books. This fic was made for fun, not profit, and no copyright infringement was intended.
Warnings: Reference to an erection, magical creature tricks
Summary: At the Hogwarts Samhain Costume Ball, Draco and Harry are both dressed as Dark Fae, but only one of them is the real deal…
Notes: Prompts used: bats, any relationship, any genre (except very dark themes). A/U (no Voldemort resurrection, no war, just typical 7th year teen angst and pranks). Happy Halloween, [info]nimrod_9! Enjoy!

A Most Uncomfortable Night )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for LeontinaBowie

Gift for: [info]leontinabowie

From: [info]digthewriter

Title: Just A Dance
Pairing/Characters: Ginny/Pansy, Luna, Blaise
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. This drabble is written for fun. No offence is intended. No profit is being made.
Warnings: Angst
Summary: Pansy can make Ginny jealous so easily.
Notes: All my thanks to [info]ravenclawsquill for the beta, and making this a million times better (and shorter!).

Just A Dance )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Pauraque

Gift for: [info]pauraque

From: [info]shadowycat

Title: Parting the Veil
Character: Minerva McGonagall
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, I'd have been kinder.
Warnings: None
Summary: Minerva uses the magic of the witching hour to have a chat with one who's dearly missed.
Notes: Many thanks to [info]lore for the beta. Any remaining mistakes are mine alone. I hope you like what I did with your prompt, [info]pauraque. It was a pleasure to write for you! :D

Happy Halloween!  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Cruisedirector

Gift for: [info]cruisedirector

From: [info]leontinabowie

Title: Forgotten Traditions
Pairing: Lucius/Harry
Rating: PG
Summary: Lucius takes Harry to a pagan celebration of Samhain
Notes: Happy Halloween, [info]cruisedirector, I hope you like this :)

Happy Halloween )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Kellychambliss

Gift for: [info]kellychambliss

From: [info]ragdoll

Title: Last Kiss
Pairing: Minerva McGonagall/Alastor Moody
Rating: PG (if that much)
Disclaimer: Not my sandbox. I only play here.
Notes: Harry buried Moody's eye in a forest under "the oldest, most gnarled, and resilient-looking tree" he could find during the camping trip in Deathly Hallows. I figure he told the surviving members of the Order of its location after the war.

Happy Halloween, Kelly! )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Vaysh

Gift for: [info]vaysh

From: [info]titti

Title: A new season
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: A damaged frame makes Draco see how his life is changing.

Happy Halloween )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for flipflop_diva

Gift for: [info]flipflop_diva

From: [info]extraordinari

Title: Surname
Pairing: Pansy Parkinson/Hermione Granger
Rating: R
Summary: Pansy’s initial excitement for Neville’s Halloween Party was stolen by her wife.

Happy Halloween!  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Magnetic_pole

Gift for: [info]magnetic_pole

From: [info]alisanne

Title: Divining Secrets
Characters: Severus Snape, Remus Lupin
Rating: PG (language)
Disclaimer: Nothing you recognize belongs to me.
Warnings: Language.
Summary: What if Severus is prepared when he first encounters the wolf?
Notes: AU. Not Snupin, but it could be if you squint. I hope you enjoy this, M!
Happy Halloween! <3

Divining Secrets  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Lee_Bella

Gift for: [info]lee_bella

From: [info]vaysh

Title: A Boy Turned
Pairing: Albus Severus Potter/Draco Malfoy
Rating: G
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters and locations mentioned in this drabble are J. K. Rowling's. They are used with love and respect for her original creations. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warnings: werewolf!Albus
Summary: A phantom appears before the gate of Malfoy Manor.
Notes: Happy Halloween, Lee Bella! ♥

A Boy Turned )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Teddyradiator

Gift for: [info]teddyradiator

From: [info]cordeliadelayne

Title: A Hard Night's Work
Pairing: Hermione/Snape
Rating: PG
Summary: Now Snape is back from faking his death and Hermione is working at the Ministry, she jumps at the chance to help with one of his potions.

Happy Halloween!  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Digthewriter

Gift for: [info]digthewriter

From: [info]cruisedirector

Title: No Ghosts
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Summary: Draco tries to distract Harry from unhappy Halloween thoughts.
Notes: Thanks DH for beta!

Happy Halloween!  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Iselima

Gift for: [info]iselima

From: [info]dexstarr

Title: To Scare or Not to Scare
Pairing: Minerva McGonagall/Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank
Rating: G
Disclaimer: HP is not mine.
Summary: Peeves will not outdo Minerva.

Happy Halloween  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for lore

Gift for: [info]lore

From: [info]teddyradiator

Title: The Cards Don’t Lie
Characters: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Severus Snape
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Usual disclaimers apply since I don’t want a lawsuit
Summary: Three Princes in the Great Hall, trying to predict the future.
Notes: [info]lore, I truly hope you enjoy this little moment in time, and I hope I fulfilled your wish list. Thank you to [info]stgulik for beta, advice and encouragement. Also thanks to [info]irishredlass for the original idea.

Happy Halloween  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Gelsey

Gift for: [info]gelsey

From: [info]pauraque

Title: The Last Year
Character: Luna
Rating: G
Summary: The thestrals look happier than usual.
Notes: Happy Halloween, Gelsey!

The Last Year )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Shadowycat

Gift for: [info]shadowycat

From: [info]rivertempest

Title: Two Long Shadows
Pairing: Severus/Remus
Rating: G
Disclaimer: The characters and canon situations in the following story belong solely to JK Rowling, Scholastic and WB. I am not making any money from the publishing or writing of this story.
Warnings: Depression, survivor's guilt
Summary: Months after the final battle, Severus tries to assuage his guilt.
Notes: Shadowycat, I was excited to have you as a recipient! I don't get to play with Severus/Remus too often, so thank you! I used your prompts of 'autumn leaves' and 'shadows'. Many thanks to my beta, Delphi - you are a gem yourself, woman!

Two Long Shadows  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for rzzmg

Gift for: rzzmg

From: [info]nimrod_9

Title: Three Isn’t a Crowd
Pairing: Hermione/Charlie with a side of Pansy
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not blonde, no money and no Scottish castle
Summary: A weekend at the spa interrupted by Zombies!
Notes: Mozak = brains in Croatian (according to Google). Many thanks to the mods for running this again!

Happy Halloween!! )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Hannelore

Gift for: [info]_hannelore

From: [info]kellychambliss

Title: Samhain's Child
Characters: Minerva McGonagall, OCs
Rating: G
Summary: Minerva and her grandmother always spend Samhain together.
Notes: Hannelore, you asked for "fond childhood memories of holidays." I hope this suits. It was a pleasure to write for you. My thanks to my always-excellent beta, [info]therealsnape. Happy Halloween, everyone!

Samhain's Child  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Knowmefirst

Gift for: [info]knowmefirst

From: [info]coriaria

Title: Tragedy plus time.
Pairing: Sirius Black/ Severus Snape
Rating: PG.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction, characters are the property of JKR etc…
Summary: Sirius, perhaps unwisely, leaves Severus home alone at Halloween.
Notes: Post-DH AU where everyone we like lived. Title is from a quote by Mark Twain “Humour is tragedy plus time.”

Tragedy plus time.  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Reg Flint

Gift for: [info]reg_flint

From: [info]unbroken_halo

Title: Preparations
Pairing: Narcissa/Lucius
Rating: G
Summary: Narcissa and Lucius prepare for the Dark Lord's arrival.
Notes: Happy Halloween, Reg_flint! I hope you enjoy. Thanks to CY and the HPH mods for the assistance and betas.

Happy Halloween )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Punknovelette

Gift for: [info]punknovelette

From: [info]gin_tonic

Title: Halloween Mix-Up
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Rating: PG
Summary: There's a masquerade ball on Halloween and Harry is attending. Having had no idea how the evening might play out, he's more than surprised at what he's getting.
Notes: Happy Halloween!

Halloween Mix-Up )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Extraordinari

Gift for: [info]extraordinari

From: [info]hannelore

Title: A Secret Admirer
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood
Rating: PG
Summary: Hermione has just started working for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures when she gets her first call to an unusually large gathering of magical creatures.
Notes: Happy Halloween, extraordinari! Hope you like this little treat. Many thanks to my beta, [info]pauraque. ♥

Working late, Miss Granger? )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Snax0

Gift for: [info]snax0

From: [info]hikarievandar

Title: Preservation
Characters: Severus, Lucius, Narcissa
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer:I don’t own Harry Potter and I am making no profit from this story.
Warnings: References to human sacrifice
Summary: The Malfoys will survive. Draco will survive. They will do anything to ensure it.
Notes: Thanks to S for her beta work – any remaining mistakes are my own. Hope you enjoy
your drabble, [info]snax0!

Happy Halloween! )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Coriaria

Gift for: [info]coriaria

From: [info]goddess47

Title: Comfort of Home
Pairing: Remus/Severus
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Sadly, not mine...
Warnings: None
Summary: Severus needs some TLC
Notes: It’s not very Halloween-y, but I did get your request for hurt/comfort into this…

Happy Halloween  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Kirasha

Gift for: [info]kirasha

From: [info]starduchess

Title: A Devil's Plea
Pairing: Hermione/Remus
Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: nakedness
Summary: Hermione walks to the crossroads, ready with a devil's plea.
Notes: Thanks to my co-mods for all the work they do, including beta services.

Happy Halloween, Kirasha  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Titti

Gift for: [info]titti

From: [info]islandsmoke

Title: Haunted Houses Aren’t Just for Wizards
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: G
Summary: Harry wants Draco to experience a Muggle Halloween custom
Notes: Harry and Draco are in an established relationship. Hope you enjoy this titti!
Happy Halloween )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Reeby10

Gift for: [info]reeby10

From: [info]kirasha

Title: Revelations
Pairing: Pansy Parkinson/Lavender Brown
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Pansy meets someone she did not expect.
Notes: Happy Halloween, reeby10! I hope you enjoy this little treat.

The All Hallow's Eve Masquerade was a family tradition Pansy had continued over the years. )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Rivertempest

Gift for: [info]rivertempest

From: [info]gelsey

Title: All Hallow's Summons
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: As always, not mine.
Warnings: Calling the dead?
Summary: On the night when the veil is thinnest, Draco calls to a family member.

Happy Halloween  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Goddess47

Gift for: [info]goddess47

From: [info]torino10154

Title: Halloween Blessing
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. Based on characters from the Harry Potter book series.
Summary: The ones who love us never really leave us.
Notes: Thrilled to write for you, [info]goddess47! Thanks to [info]gryffindorj and [personal profile] badgerlady for the beta. ♥

Halloween Blessing )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Gin Tonic

Gift for: [info]gin_tonic

From: [info]punknovelette

Title: Mischief Managed
Characters:Harry Potter, George Weasley,
Disclaimer: All characters belong to J. K. Rowling. This is a writing exercise, presented here as a work of fanfiction.
Summary: With a Boggart on the loose, it’s up to Harry and George to get it sorted.
Notes: Dear gin_tonic, I enjoyed writing your prompt. I hope you like it. Happy Halloween.

Mischief Managed  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Torino10154

Gift for: [info]torino10154

From: [info]lee_bella

Title: Second Light
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The world of Harry Potter and its characters are not mine.
Summary: On the night of the blood moon, Harry falls under the spell of a certain silver-tongued wizard.
Notes: Happy Hallowe'en, everyone.

Second Light )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Ragdoll

Gift for: [info]ragdoll

From: [info]flipflop_diva

Title: Through the Smoke
Pairing: Ginny Weasley/Luna Lovegood (with a cameo by Ron Weasley)
Rating: PG
Summary: There was only one person Ginny cared about at the Halloween party.
Notes: Thank you to the mods for hosting my very favorite fest of the year! Thank you to A for the beta. And to [info]ragdoll, Happy Halloween! I hope you enjoy!

Happy Halloween )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Nerdzeword

Gift for: [info]nerdzeword

From: [info]koshweasley
Title: W-4
Characters: Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, George Weasley
Rating: G
Disclaimer: The characters in this fiction are not mine. There is no money being made from this work of fiction, and is only for the purpose of entertainment.
Summary: A new Haunted House has popped up in Hogsmeade across from the post office.
Notes: Beta by [info]wolfiekins

Happy Halloween  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Cordeliadelayne

Gift for: [info]cordeliadelayne

From: [info]mctabby

Title: Ghost-Watching
Characters/Pairing: Luna, Hermione, Snape/Lupin
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: No money made, no copyright claimed, all done for fun.
Summary: Luna offers to bring a helpful magical creature to Hermione's Halloween party.

Happy Halloween  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Mctabby

Gift for: [info]mctabby

From: [info]magnetic_pole

Title: Glimpse of a Black Cat

Pairing: Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore

Rating: G

Summary: Albus told her to wait.

Notes: Thanks to [info]mctabby for several inspiring and creepy prompts, to this community for continuing to scare us, and to the mods for keeping it all fun nevertheless.

The privet hedges lurk—shadowy, mysterious )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Enchanted Jae

Gift for: [info]enchanted_jae

From: [info]reeby10

Title: Pumpkin Spice is for Muggles
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: G
Summary: Harry’s doing some Halloween baking.

Happy Halloween! )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Dexstarr

Gift for: [info]dexstarr

From: [info]iselima

Title: SAMHAIN: Fog, Gifts and Some Love
Pairing: Wilhelmina, Minerva
Rating: PG

Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended.

Summary: A Samhain visit to the graveyard at Godric's Hollow.
Notes: Real life badly interfered with my drabble-writing. I hope you will still find some enjoyment in it. Happy Halloween to all!

SAMHAIN: Fog, Gifts and Some Love  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Alisanne

Gift for: [info]alisanne

From: [info]enchanted_jae

Title: Initiation
Characters: James Sirius, Scorpius
Rating: PG13, T for Teen
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Warnings: None
Summary: James can't wait to initiate the rookie Healer trainee.
Notes: Many thanks to [info]kitty_fic for the beta. Happy Halloween, [info]alisanne!

Initiation )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Musyc

Gift for: Musyc

From: [info]starduchess

Title: Wild and Unhindered
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Rating: R
Warnings: sexual situations
Summary: Hermione sauntered through the Manor's ballroom, flitting like a wild butterfly.
Notes: Thank you to my fantastic co-mods for the beta and the help. Musyc, I hope this greatly appeals to make your wishes come true.

Happy Halloween  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Unbroken_Halo

Gift for: [info]unbroken_halo

From: [info]knowmefirst

Title: Dinky is his Name
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: G
Summary: Draco adopts a cat
Notes: Thank you to the mods for being my beta on the last minute. All other errors are mine.

Dinky is his Name  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for Koshweasley

Gift for: [info]koshweasley

From: [info]nerdzeword

Title: Ritual Cleansing
Characters: Fred, George, Harry, Ron and Luna
Summary: Luna insists on holding a seance during the Halloween feast.

Happy Halloween  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for Islandsmoke

Gift for: [info]islandsmoke

From: [info]lore

Title: Old Clichés Become the Best Nights
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Rating: PG-15
Disclaimer: They might not be mine, but I treat them much better
Summary: Remus reads aloud. Severus doesn’t hear a word.
Notes: I hope this does the trick and gives you a treat, Islandsmoke!

It was a dark and stormy night...  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Gift for the Community

Gift for: The [info]hp_halloween Community

From: [info]flyingharmony

Title: Masks
Pairing: Narcissa/Lucius
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing at all.
Summary: Narcissa loves everything about All Hallows’ Eve, but the Masquerade has always been special to her.
Notes: I wish you all a very, very Happy Halloween – hopefully it’s a great one! Also, thank you SO MUCH to the amazing mods for giving me the opportunity to participate by allowing me to submit a drabble to the community (it was a pleasure to write for you guys)! You’re the best, seriously.

Happy Halloween  )

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Halloween Treat for the Community

Gift for: The [info]hp_halloween Community

From: [info]shadowycat

Title: Fred, George, and the Smoking Cauldron
Characters: Fred and George Weasley
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not my characters, I’m just playing in someone else’s sandbox.
Summary: Fred and George do a bit of brainstorming to come up with a new product.
Notes: Happy Halloween! :D

Happy Halloween!  )