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Oct. 31st, 2014


Halloween treat for lumosed_quill

Gift for: [info]lq_traintracks

From: [info]katelinmr

Title: A Different Kind of Blame
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: R (for subject)
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is not mine. I wish he were, though. I’ll ask Santa.
Warnings: Pending Character Death
Summary: No matter how much Draco loves Harry, when his family is threatened by Death Eaters, he sees no other way out than to comply with their demands.
Notes: A big shout out and thank you to the amazing mods for not only notifying me when sign ups were open (as I tend to be late every single year), but also for organising this incredibly fun fest once again. I don’t know how I’d be spending my Halloween without it. And thanks to my lovely beta, [info]lordhellebore as always, and [info]missingkeys for the last minute save! You two are my heroes. ♥

[info]lq_traintracks, this ficlet was born out of your prompt: “A cold tomb behind his/her back”. You might find that I used it metaphorically, and I really hope you don’t mind, as I kind of got attached to the idea that it gave me.

A Different Kind of Blame )

Oct. 31st, 2013


Halloween Treat for Witchyemerald

Gift for: [info]witchyemerald

From: [info]katelinmr

Title: To see
Character: Severus Snape
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Sadly, I’m neither creative nor brilliant enough to have come up with something as genius as Harry Potter.
Warnings: Dark and heavy emotions
Summary: Up on the tower, at the hour of Dumbledore’s death, Snape changes allegiances.
Notes: As I’ve discussed many theories with many fan-people over the years, the discussion of Severus’ reasoning has come up many times and many times again. So far, I’ve met only a few people who seemed to be able to agree about the reason behind Severus’ choice to face Voldemort that evening in the Shrieking Shack. All of these theories were very interesting, and I’m very happy everybody was willing to share those with me. Here’s my idea about why things happened the way they did. Or at least a possibility. Thanks to my beta [info]lordhellebore.

Happy Halloween! )

Oct. 31st, 2012


Special Halloween Birthday Gift for Lore

Gift for: [info]lore

From: [info]katelinmr

Title: Together
Beta: [info]lordhellebore
Pairing: Severus/Lupin
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Neither Harry Potter, the world, any of the characters nor the magic belong to me. If they would I wouldn't be here.
Warnings: Insinuated m/m relationship
Summary: "The full moon makes the inner wolf howl -" Unknown
Notes: Happy birthday sweetheart! This was my first attempt at a Snupin ficlet and I hope you'll like it. And a Happy Halloween! ♥

Eat, drink and be scary )


Halloween Treat for Magnetic_Pole

Gift for: [info]magnetic_pole

From: [info]katelinmr

Title: Finally
Beta: [info]lordhellebore
Character(s): George, mentions of Fred
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Neither Harry Potter, the world, the characters nor the magic belong to me. If they would I wouldn't be here.
Warnings: Dark thoughts, heavy emotions
Summary: George thinks back of Fred after the war, only not in a way we'd expect him to.
Notes: Maggie love, you asked for 'complexities of being whoever you are'. I tried to establish that by digging a little deeper into George's thoughts than 'we' normally do. I hope you'll like it. Happy Halloween! ♥

Eat, drink and be scary )

Oct. 31st, 2011


Halloween gift for Erised1810

Gift for: [info]erised1810

From: [info]katelinmr

Title: My destiny
Character(s): Neville Longbottom
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling; no money is made with this.
Warnings: Dark!Neville
Summary: Neville has to kill Nagini, and so he shall, but for reasons entirely different than we thought.
Notes: Thanks [info]lordhellebore and [info]kc404duh for the beta!

It is time to face my destiny  )

Oct. 31st, 2010


Halloween Gift for Winnet

Gift for: [info]winnet

From: [info]katelinmr

Title: The Hunt
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Horror, slash, creature fic, first person pov
Summary: Harry is alone, and on the run. But for whom? Or what?
Notes: I thought first person pov would work best with what I wanted to write, and although I know it’s not the most common way of writing drabbles, I hope you’ll like it :)
- The writer is not responsible for any underage readers.
- All characters in this drabble are over 18.
Thank you so much ♥S♥ for giving this a quick read- through for me!
Disclaimer My psychiatrist keeps telling me they’re not mine…

The Hunt  )