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Oct. 31st, 2016


Halloween Gift to Iselima

Gift for: [info]iselima

From: [info]kelly_chambliss

Title: On Silent Haunches
Pairing: Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank/Minerva McGonagall
Rating: PG
Summary: On Hallowe'en, Wilhelmina waits.
Notes: [info]iselima, I was so pleased to write for you! You asked for "femmeslash, autumn fog and chill, Samhain, eery places (like the Forbidden Forest or a deserted castle)," and I got in as many as I could. My grateful thanks to that best of betas, [info]therealsnape. Thanks, too, to the excellent mods. Love this fest.

The title comes from Carl Sandburg's poem "Fog".

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

On Silent Haunches  )

Oct. 31st, 2015


Halloween Gift for Flipflop_diva

Gift for: flipflop_diva

From: [info]kelly_chambliss

Title: Happy Halloween
Pairing/Characters: Neville/Hannah, Hermione
Rating: PG
Summary: Pansy has a habit of signing up for things and then just disappearing. But Hermione has a plan. . .
Notes: Happy Halloween, everyone!

Happy Halloween  )

Oct. 31st, 2014


Halloween gift for pauraque

Gift for: [info]pauraque

From: [info]kelly_chambliss

Title: Chromatic
Characters: The Grey Lady, Luna Lovegood
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I am not now, nor have I ever been, J. K. Rowling.
Summary: Every year, the Grey Lady waits for Samhain.
Notes: Dear [info]pauraque, I'm quite your fangirl, you know. I'm glad to be writing for you. It took a village to beta this thing: my thanks to my fast and helpful readers, [info]ragdoll and [info]magnetic_pole and [info]iselima and Boadicea12.

Chromatic  )

Oct. 31st, 2013


Halloween Gift for Donnaimmaculata

Gift for: [info]donnaimmaculata

From: [info]kelly_chambliss

Title: To and Fro
Character: Bellatrix
Rating: PG
Summary: Bellatrix has a special reason for looking forward to Samhain.
Notes: [info]donnaimmaculata, I have been a fan of yours ever since I read your wonderful Griphook/Muriel fic. I'm pleased to have this chance to write a little horror for you.

To and Fro )

Oct. 31st, 2012


Halloween Gift for Dexstarr

Gift for: [info]dexstarr

From: [info]kelly_chambliss

Title: Determination
Pairing: Septima Vector/Minerva McGonagall
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: age gap, hints of D/s and mild bondage
Summary: On Samhain night, it's not just the universe that is disordered.
Notes: The prompt asked for "forbidden love, professors, cross-gen, femmeslash, D/s." And I wanted to give you some mathematical/scientific Septima, too, [info]dexstarr; hope you enjoy it! Many thanks to my lovely beta, [info]therealsnape.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Determination )

Oct. 31st, 2011


Halloween gift for Rosabelle

Gift for: [info]rosabelle

From: [info]kelly_chambliss

Title: Bittersweet
Pairing: Minerva McGonagall/Rolanda Hooch
Rating: PG
Summary: To Minerva McGonagall, the first Hallowe'en after the war is bittersweet.
Notes: A pitcher of (spiked) pumpkin juice to my beta-readers, [info]therealsnape and [info]tetleythesecond; you're the best, my dears. And thank you, mods, for a fun fest!

Bittersweet )

Oct. 31st, 2010


Halloween Treat for Nimrod_9

Gift for: [info]nimrod_9

From: [info]kelly_chambliss

Title: With You Always
Characters: Minerva McGonagall
Rating: G
Summary: Minerva attends a Halloween Feast.
Notes: [info]nimrod_9 wanted Halloween traditions, pumpkins, graveyards, loneliness. Many thanks to my excellent beta, [info]tetleythesecond.

Oidhche Shamhna = Scottish Gaelic for the Celtic Samhain/New Year's festival.


With You Always )