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Oct. 31st, 2017


Halloween Gift for Koshweasley

Gift for: [info]koshweasley

From: [info]nerdzeword

Title: Ritual Cleansing
Characters: Fred, George, Harry, Ron and Luna
Summary: Luna insists on holding a seance during the Halloween feast.

Happy Halloween  )


Halloween Treat for Ragdoll

Gift for: [info]ragdoll

From: [info]flipflop_diva

Title: Through the Smoke
Pairing: Ginny Weasley/Luna Lovegood (with a cameo by Ron Weasley)
Rating: PG
Summary: There was only one person Ginny cared about at the Halloween party.
Notes: Thank you to the mods for hosting my very favorite fest of the year! Thank you to A for the beta. And to [info]ragdoll, Happy Halloween! I hope you enjoy!

Happy Halloween )

Oct. 31st, 2016


Halloween Gift for leigh_adams

Gift for: [info]leigh_adams

From: [info]rayvyn2k

Title: Second Chances
Characters: Ron Weasley, Pansy Parkinson. If you squint, you can see RW/PP on the horizon.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I only wish they were mine. But, nope.
Summary: Pansy reconsiders her decision to attend the Ministry Masquerade.
Notes: Thanks and long, wet snogs to my amazing beta [info]islandsmoke.

Second Chances )

Oct. 31st, 2015


Halloween Gift for Dragyn_42

Gift for: dragyn_42

From: [info]reynardo

Title: Balm
Characters: Ginny, Ron, Harry
Rating: G
Disclaimer: My apologies to JKR. I get nothing from using her characters except satisfaction.
Summary: Ron doesn't really understand.
Notes: Much thanks to my very patient and eternally-suffering Beta, Lederhosen.

Balm )


Halloween Gift for Hhwgv

Gift for: hhwgv

From: [info]magnetic_pole

Title: Halloween at Hogwarts
Characters: Ron, Harry, Fred, George
Rating: G
Warnings: An AU in which Voldemort never rose to power and Lily and James Potter were never killed.
Summary: In one universe, Ron Weasley helped defeat a mountain troll on his first Halloween at Hogwarts. In this universe, he has another Halloween surprise waiting.
Notes: Happy Halloween to all! Thanks especially to our good mods, who keep the festivities going year after year. Enjoy, hhwgv!

Happy Halloween, hhwgv! )

Oct. 31st, 2012


Halloween Gift for Mihnn

Gift for: [info]mihnn

From: [info]iphifix

Title: Revenge, Weasley Style
Characters: Fred, George, Ron
Rating: G
Summary: Fred and George’s first and most successful prank sets a precedent for their future.

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Treat for Iphifix

Gift for: [info]iphifix

From: [info]ropo

Title: Trick-or-Treat
Characters: Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and their kids
Rating: G/all ages
Disclaimer: I possibly took liberties with the way wizards celebrate Halloween. This is set sometime before the epilogue from DH2.
Summary: The kids go trick-or-treating.

Happy Halloween! )

Oct. 31st, 2009


Halloween Treat for Seraphimerising

Gift for: [info]seraphimerising

From: [info]scarletladyy

Title: Witching Hour
Characters: Ron, Pansy
Rating: G

Happy Halloween! )

Oct. 31st, 2006


Halloween gift for [info]creepingviolet

Original poster: mchoneygoose

Gift for: [info]creepingviolet
Author: [info]leniarianna

Rating: PG

Happy Halloween! )

Oct. 31st, 2005


Gift for: [info]ranchangrl

Original poster: mchoneygoose

Gift for: [info]ranchangrl
From: [info]bell_witch

Rating: G

Trick or Treat )


Original poster: mchoneygoose

Gift for: [info]parallactic
From: [info]aceonthefield

Rating: PG-13
Author’s Notes: I hope you like it! Oh, and reviews are always appreciated. :p

Midnight )

Nov. 1st, 2004


For Ellie101

Original poster: telosphilos

Gift Drabble for [info]ellie101
She has requested: A halloween prank gone awry that ends up influencing both the students and the teachers.
She would NOT like to receive: chan, incest, non-con

Oops. )