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Oct. 31st, 2017


Halloween Gift for the Community

Gift for: The [info]hp_halloween Community

From: [info]flyingharmony

Title: Masks
Pairing: Narcissa/Lucius
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing at all.
Summary: Narcissa loves everything about All Hallows’ Eve, but the Masquerade has always been special to her.
Notes: I wish you all a very, very Happy Halloween – hopefully it’s a great one! Also, thank you SO MUCH to the amazing mods for giving me the opportunity to participate by allowing me to submit a drabble to the community (it was a pleasure to write for you guys)! You’re the best, seriously.

Happy Halloween  )

Oct. 31st, 2016


Halloween Gift for blueartemis07

Gift for: [info]blueartemis07

From: [info]flyingharmony

Title: Midnight
Character(s): Minerva McGonagall
Rating: G
Summary: Halloween in Hogwarts is around the corner, and Minerva does not have the time to worry about Peeves’ latest plans.
Notes: Happy Halloween, [info]blueartemis07! I really hope that you enjoy this - I had a lot of fun writing for you, your prompts were amazing!

Over the years, Minerva McGonagall had grown used to living under the same roof with ghosts )

Oct. 31st, 2015


Halloween Gift for Pauraque

Gift for: [info]pauraque

From: [info]flyingharmony

Title: Carry My Soul Into The Night
Character: Narcissa Black
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Grief
Summary: Night is the only time she is safe.
Notes: Happy Halloween to you, dear [info]pauraque! I really hope that you like this - it was a great pleasure writing for you. Lots of thanks to my dear beta Kristine, and to the mods for hosting this great exchange!

Happy Halloween!  )

Oct. 31st, 2014


Halloween gift for bluemermaid

Gift for: bluemermaid

From: flyingharmony

Title: Close
Pairing: Narcissa Malfoy
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The spirits were dancing tonight.
Notes: My dearest, loveliest Crystal, I really hope that you enjoy this ? I might or might not have squealed a bit when I saw that you were my giftee and your amazing prompts immediately gave me an idea of what I wanted to write. Happy Halloween, I love you lots! ♥ Many, many thanks to my wonderful Kristine for the perfect Beta work as always, and of course also to the mods for hosting one of my favourite fests of the year!

It was nearly midnight when she returned from her walk. )

Oct. 31st, 2013


Halloween Treat for Fiery_flamingo

Gift for: [info]fiery_flamingo

From: [info]flyingharmony

Title: Part Of Me
Pairing: Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character Death (Implied)
Summary: There was no need to speak, no need to know his name, no need to see his face.
Notes: Happy Halloween, [info]fiery_flamingo! I was super excited to see how much we have in common, and I really, really hope that you enjoy this piece :)

It felt as though she were dancing with death.  )