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Oct. 31st, 2016


Halloween Gift for Sugar_screw

Gift for: [info]sugar_screw

From: [info]iselima

Title: An Unwilling Ghost and the Smell of Apples
Characters: Ginny, Hermione, Luna, Pansy
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Characters belong to JK Rowling and her affiliates.
Summary: A Halloween visit to the Shrieking Shack and a nightly picknick...
Notes: Dear sugar_screw, I struggled with your prompts, which seemed rather American for a drabble playing out in Scotland :-). Please forgive me for this and for my poor, inexperienced, authorship. Nevertheless I hope there's something to like for you!

An Unwilling Ghost and the Smell of Apples  )

Oct. 31st, 2015


Halloween Gift for Dragyn_42

Gift for: dragyn_42

From: [info]reynardo

Title: Balm
Characters: Ginny, Ron, Harry
Rating: G
Disclaimer: My apologies to JKR. I get nothing from using her characters except satisfaction.
Summary: Ron doesn't really understand.
Notes: Much thanks to my very patient and eternally-suffering Beta, Lederhosen.

Balm )


Halloween Gift for Vaysh

Gift for: [info]vaysh11

From: reeby10

Title: Bat Talk
Characters: Ginny Weasley
Rating: G
Summary: Ginny goes to visit her favorite place in the Forbidden Forest.

Happy Halloween!  )

Oct. 31st, 2013


Halloween Gift for Goddessvicky

Gift for: [info]goddessvicky

From: [info]calembours

Title: wings on your feet
Characters: Draco, Ginny
Rating: G
Summary: Don't make bets with professional Quidditch players.

The screech of a cat rips through the silence and both racers take off from the chalked start line in the dirt. )

Oct. 31st, 2012


Halloween Gift for Unbroken_halo

Gift for: [info]unbroken_halo

From: [info]l3petitemort

Title: Cornered
Characters: Harry, Neville, & a surprise guest
Rating: PG13
Summary: Post-war, Harry & Neville encounter a new kind of horror
Notes: You told me to have fun, [info]unbroken_halo, so fun I had! I hope it suits your fancy.

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Treat for Iphifix

Gift for: [info]iphifix

From: [info]ropo

Title: Trick-or-Treat
Characters: Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and their kids
Rating: G/all ages
Disclaimer: I possibly took liberties with the way wizards celebrate Halloween. This is set sometime before the epilogue from DH2.
Summary: The kids go trick-or-treating.

Happy Halloween! )

Oct. 31st, 2005


Gift for: [info]ranchangrl

Original poster: mchoneygoose

Gift for: [info]ranchangrl
From: [info]bell_witch

Rating: G

Trick or Treat )