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Oct. 31st, 2016


Halloween Gift for hbart

Gift for: [info]hbart

From: [info]teddy_radiator

Title: A Spell Moste Potente
Pairing: Severus Snape (implied)/Hermione Granger
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Summary: Because, at Halloween, the magic was always a little stronger, and her desire was always a little deeper.
Notes: Special thanks to [info]stgulik, who is the greatest beta alive. Her special touch, including the title, always manage to take my work to a level I could never achieve on my own. And to [info]hbart, it was an honour writing for you. I truly hope you enjoy my little story of things that go bump in the night.

A Spell Moste Potente  )

Oct. 31st, 2015


Halloween Gift for Inamac

Gift for: [info]inamac

From: [info]teddy_radiator

Title: Do We All See the Same Moon?
Pairing: Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Neither of these characters belong to me. I make no money from this drabble.
Summary: Two lonely people, gazing at the harvest moon. Takes place after OoTP.

Notes: Many thanks to the mods for their hard work and dedication to this fun fest - I look forward to it every year. All my love to [info]stgulik for her beta skills and encouragement. [info]inamac, I hope you will enjoy my efforts. This is pairing is outside my wheelhouse as far as a main pairing goes, but they certainly gave me a lot of inspiration.

Do We All See the Same Moon? )

Oct. 31st, 2014


Halloween Treat for krissy_cits

Gift for: krissy_cits

From: [info]teddy_radiator

Title: A Taste of What’s To Come
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Rating: Soft R
Disclaimer: Anti-Litigation Charm: None of the characters belong to me. They belong to JK Rowling, who let my entire reason for reading the Harry Potter series bleed to death on the floor of the Shrieking Shack. I'm building a better world.
Summary: Some flavours are an acquired taste. Others, well…
Notes: Krissy_cits, I hope you enjoy this Halloween drabble!

A Taste of What’s To Come  )

Oct. 31st, 2013


Halloween Gift for Dozmuffinxc

Gift for: [info]dozmuffinxc

From: [info]teddy_radiator

Title: Buttoned Down
Pairing: Severus/Hermione
Rating: R
Disclaimer: These characters belong to JKR. I make no money from this drabble.
Summary: Severus loves Hermione. Severus loves buttons. Ergo, Severus loves Hermione’s buttons.
Notes: dozmuffinxc, I really hope you enjoy my offering. I had a lot of fun creating it for you. I love Halloween candy, and I knowing these two, they’d find a way to enjoy it as well.

Buttoned Down )

Oct. 31st, 2012


Halloween gift for Toblass

Gift for: [info]toblass

From: [info]teddy_radiator

Title: It’s My Party And I’ll Go If I Feel Like It
Pairing: Severus/Hermione
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters nor do I profit from the creation of this fanfic drabble
Notes: It was great fun creating this drabble for you, Toblass. I hope you enjoyed it.

It’s My Party And I’ll Go If I Want To )