November 2017




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Nov. 1st, 2007


Happy All Saints Day!

Well, that was interesting! Last night as I was reposting, LiveJournal stopped letting me in to HP_Halloween there. I tried to wait the problem out, but ended up nodding off in front of the computer. My apologies and I hope no one was too put-out by the delay.

Thanks to all of you for making [info]hp_halloween a success on two journal sites now! It was wonderful to work with the participants and the founder of the exchange, Mchoneygoose, who still did the lion's share of the work this year. Three cheers for Mchoneygoose!

There's some incredible drabbles for your perusal today. If you're just seeing them here on InsaneJournal, I hope you'll leave a comment for those that you enjoy. I hope we'll see everyone and then some back here next year!

love, lore


Halloween Gift for [info]verseblack

Gift for [info]verseblack
From [info]wiccarowan

Happy Halloween, love from [info]wiccarowan. A bit dark, but hope you like it.

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for [info]wiccarowan

Gift for [info]wiccarowan
From [info]parseltonguepen

Title: After Party Incentive
Rating: PG-13 for language and adult situations.
Pairing.: Luna/Neville

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for [info]parseltonguepen

Gift for [info]parseltonguepen
From [info]defenestrated_w

Title: Kissing Shadows

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for [info]ranchangrnl

Gift for [info]ranchangrnl
From [info]zagagzael

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for [info]zagzagzael

Gift for [info]zagzagzael
From [info]lore

Title: Present in Mind
Rating: PG (for adult language and situations)

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for [info]severed_lies

Gift for [info]severed_lies
From [info]wild_huntress

Title: Ghost
Rating: G/PG
A/N: Post-DH. This might make more sense if you're familiar with the film Beatlejuice.

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for [info]lore

Gift for [info]lore
From [info]scribbuus_ink

Title: Parlor Trick
Rated: G
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Word count: 200, according to MS Word

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for [info]scatteredlogic

Gift for [info]scatteredlogic
From [info]bronze_ribbons

Characters: Hermione and others.
Words: 200
Rating: G
Note: Non-DH compliant.

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for [info]dmitchell1985

Gift for [info]dmitchell1985
From [info]kaycee

Title: The Spirit Of Things
Pairing: Neville/Luna
Rating: PG
Warnings: None; except a reference to a DH character death.

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for [info]wild_huntress

Gift for [info]wild_huntress
From [info]dmitchell1985

Title: Warning: Holidays May Cause Shifts of Opinion
For: [info]wild_huntress
Rating: G
Characters: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black (if you squint, you can see the pre-slash)
Disclaimer: I so don't own them.
Author's Notes: I hope that I got what you were looking for. I put in a couple of the characters you mentioned and a few of the items you wanted to see. All in all. . .

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for [info]kaycee

Gift for [info]kaycee
From [info]manghahabi

A/N: Yes, I ended up with four drabbles. I hope you guys don't mind... Many thanks and undeadsquishyglomphuggles to [info]luckychan and EEP-sama. *sends love* I couldn’t have done these without you. *deathglomp*

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for [info]bronze_ribbons

Gift for [info]bronze_ribbons
From [info]theladyfeylene

Title: Even Ministers of Magic Need Some Fun
Rating: PG
Pairing: N/A
Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Kingsley Shacklebolt
Spoilers: Vague spoilers for the end of the series

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for [info]theladyfeylene

Gift for [info]theladyfeylene
From [info]scatteredlogic

Title: My Sweet
Rating: R

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for [info]manghahabi

Gift for [info]manghahabi
From [info]leniarianna

Pairing: Harry/Luna
Genfic with hint of romance, no warnings

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for [info]leniarianna

Gift for [info]leniarianna
From [info]verse_black

Title: Ghostly Surprise
Rating: G
Pairing: portrait!Snape/The Grey Lady

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for [info]blpaintchart

Gift for [info]blpaintchart
From [info]westernredcedar

Title: The Enemy of my Enemy
Pairing: Snape/Regulus
Rated: R
Warnings: oral, a bit dark
A/N: This takes place after both of them have left school, and are over 18.

Happy Halloween! )

Oct. 31st, 2007


Halloween Gift for [info]westernredcedar

Gift for [info]westernredcedar
From [info]mnemosyne_1

Title: Samhain
Rated: PG
Beta: [info]rufus
Summary: In some places, it is still the custom to set places for the dead.

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for [info]mnemosyne_1

Gift for [info]mnemosyne_1
From [info]nimrod_9

Title: Ever-Sweet Autumn
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Mentions M-Preg

Happy Halloween! )


Halloween Gift for [info]scribbulus_ink

Gift for [info]scribbulus_ink
From [info]ranchangrnl

Title: The Afterlife
Rating: PG-13

Happy Halloween! )

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