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Oct. 21st, 2012


What: Reveal
When: Sins plot
Warning/ratings: None

You look like you’re only pretending to be a person. )

Oct. 20th, 2012


What: Reveal
When: Sins plot
Warning/ratings: Hangover City

The hangover was so horrific that he couldn't even open his eyes )

Oct. 19th, 2012


What: Reveal
When: Sins plot
Warnings: Language, talk of drug use.

This was not a great time to figure out he was an addict to just about everything. )


What: Reveal
When: Sins plot
Warnings: Death, violence, language, sex.

And death clings to her hands )


What: Reveal
When: Sins plot
Warnings: Oui. Victim of the cannibal and sexy stuff.

Vanity Bound )


When: Sins plot
Warnings: Bad memories?

His heart was beating loudly in his chest. )


Who: Olivia
What: Reveals.
When: Sins plot

Olivia is certain in the brief and stingingly clear moment between one breath and the next, that inhalation between majesty and fallen might )

Oct. 18th, 2012


Who: Peter and Billy
What: A Reveal
Notes: Billy did not attend.

Sorry kid... )


What: Reveal!
When: After the party!
Warings: Nope!

You know, I feel like there was a lesson I needed to learn here tonight and you're really not helping. )


What: Reveal
When: Sins plot
Warning/ratings: None

He cocked his head to the side and frowned. Hm.  )


Who: Cory and Arthur
What: Reveals!
Warnings: Language? One?

I do stuff. )


What: Reveal
When: Sins Plot
Warnings/Rating: None

So the world had made a joke of him again. What did it matter? Nothing had changed. )


What: Reveal
When: Sins plot
Warnings/Rating: None.

She shuddered with self-loathing and outward-loathing, finally realizing why it was so many people hated this place. )


What: Reveal(s)
When: Sins plot.
Warnings/Rating: None.

It wasn't pretty. )


What: Reveal
When: Sins Plot
Warnings/Rating: None

He was harder than a steel bar and sore as a virgin the morning after the wedding. )


What: Reveal
When: Sins Plot.
Warnings/Rating: None.

He had been planning to go back )


What: Reveal
When: Sins Plot
Warnings/Rating: None

It didn't matter. )


What: Reveal-ish
When: In the hours following plot.
Warnings/Rating: Talk of death.

Thank god - or whatever was out there - for not so small favors )


What: Reveals! (Know What I Want and Transient)
When: Sins Plot
Warnings/Rating: None

She knew what she wanted. )


What: Reveal(s)
When: Sins Plot
Warnings/Rating: None

Back and forth. )

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