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Oct. 23rd, 2012


Who: Callum Westerberg
What: Party aftermath and a change of alters
Where: His hotel room off of Fremont
When: Let's say before his conversation with Wren
Warnings/Rating: None

Everyone dealt with stressful situations in different ways. Some people drank their problems away, some people lost themselves in work. For Callum, he simply went home when everything was over. )

Aug. 27th, 2012


Who: Callum and Hunter
What: Callum is, like, spy.
Where: Callum's Motel
When: A while ago.
Warnings/Rating: Some language.

A six pack sat on the floor nearby and Callum lounged on the bed, idly scratching Max behind his ears as he watched some old rerun of a sitcom on the ages old television.  )

Jul. 22nd, 2012


Who: Callum Westerberg / Clint "Hawkeye" Barton
What: Memories Plot
Where: Callum's motel room
Things to avoid: Give it to me.

The small amount of liquor he had had the night before shouldn't have caused a hangover this bad, and Callum had experienced his share of hangovers. His head pounded, a fierce throb behind his eyes that made him growl at the tiny sliver of light that made it through the heavy drapes that blocked the windows of his motel room. Even Max's whine for attention, for food, for out had him snapping out of pain. A glass of water and two aspirin later, Callum forced himself by sheer willpower to let Max out, put some food and water out, before crawling under his blankets and pulling them up and over his head. Some sleep, he told himself, and he'd feel better. If not, he'd go raise hell at Shailee because that always made him feel better.

Jul. 13th, 2012


Who: Shailee Thakkar and Callum Westerberg
What: Callum takes to the bottle upon hearing of Maren’s death, Shailee deals with the fallout.
When: A few hours after this phone call.
Where: Shailee’s apartment
Warnings: Drunk Callum, language, some anger.

She was the thing with her nose in a book growing up, a constant, quiet presence in the household, and Callum couldn’t forget that. )

Jul. 11th, 2012


Who: Shailee and Callum, part 2
What: Routine missions come apart at the seams
Where: Sarmiento, Argentina
When: This past weekend. Timelines are fuzzy.
Warnings/Rating: Some minor violence, nothing serious

Instead, Callum settled on the couch with Shailee’s head in his lap, keeping a quiet vigil until consciousness was once again her friend. She needed him, and hell if he’d fail her then. )


Who: Shailee and Callum, part 1
What: Routine missions come apart at the seams
Where: Sarmiento, Argentina
When: This past weekend. Timelines are fuzzy.
Warnings/Rating: Some minor violence, nothing serious

The first sign you get of things going south, you press that button, and I’ll come get you out. But you won’t need to, I’m sure. )

Jul. 1st, 2012


Who: Shailee Thakkar and Callum Westerberg
What: Shailee helps soothes Callum’s nerves before his first mission. Tension ensues.
When: A half hour after this conversation
Where: Callum’s motel room
Warnings: Shailee T’s got a mouth on her.

So just like normal, except not, because I’m working for you and not myself anymore. They’re gonna know something’s up. I’m not a good actor. )

Jun. 9th, 2012


Who: Callum and Hunter
What: The brothers reunite... kind of
Where: A diner in town
When: Recently!
Warnings/Rating: None

Hunter spotted his brother from just outside the diner. It had been years, but the family resemblance was all there, down to the way he held his fork. )

Jun. 2nd, 2012


Who: Callum and Shailee
What: Callum being an irritating SOB
Where: Callum's motel room
When: Immediately following this
Warnings/Rating: Cursing. Shoe throwing.

Once she managed to hail a cab, it took Shailee just under fifteen minutes to get to the rundown motel where Westerberg was staying. )

Jun. 1st, 2012


Who: Shailee Thakkar and Callum Westerberg
What: Shailee gets a new assignment. Things get a little tense.
Where: The airport, then Shailee's car.
When: Right before the group plot
Warnings: It's Shailee so we're going to assume language.

I’m pretty sure this is a one time opportunity for you, but if you want to walk out, the door’s unlocked )

May. 30th, 2012


Who: Callum and Gideon
What: A brief encounter implying villainy and job offers.
Where: Gideon's suite at the Venetian.
When: Shortly before the Altersplosion.
Warnings: None.

And I did this to stay out of prison, not to see myself back in a year out. )

May. 17th, 2012


Who: Sam + OPEN Hawkeye, Black Widow
What: Dealing with ice, and with whatever else comes along
Where: The Strip
When: Las Vegas Plot
Warnings/Rating: Probably bad things & Language

She hauled herself off the couch as the Public Service Announcement warning began to blare on the television, and she groaned to herself a second later. )