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Feb. 13th, 2014


Who: Dylan and Max
What: Beers and the talk.
Where: The CIA home for the dead.
When: Recently.
Warnings: Nah. Bit of language.

As for the lock? She shot the thing (silencer in place, thank you very much), and then she kicked the door in. )

Jan. 6th, 2014


Who: CIA Peeps
What: CIA Conversation
When: After this
Where: Bo's safehouse

The Safehouse )

Nov. 27th, 2013


Who: Dex, Dylan, Ella (+Beth), Jack, Max
What: The dinner table
Where: Max's townhouse
When: Thanksgiving
Warnings/Rating: IDK

Nothing was decorated, because Max didn't do decorations, not since Seattle. But the townhouse was clean, and she'd rented a table that was big enough to hold six chairs and whatever food Ella was making. This olive branch, which had been as spur of the moment as anything could be, was starting to feel like a bad idea. She had visions of flying turkey and smashing beer bottles, and she couldn't shake them. She knew it was ridiculous. She knew that awkwardness was much more likely than a food fight, but the kitchen counter was lined with beer and bottles of booze (just in case).

Aug. 28th, 2013


Who: Dylan
What: Narrative
Where: DC; FBI Headquarters
When: Following Mexico

He was still here. )

Aug. 19th, 2013


Who: Dylan, Jack and Max
What: A mission that goes right, but still manages to get it all wrong
Where: Mexico
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: None

And Dylan fell into abrupt silence as notifications began to flood the screen. Twenty-six minutes ago, on the complete opposite side of the world in Dhaka, the name sale went through. )

Aug. 11th, 2013


Who: Max and Dylan
What: Dinner, Drinking, Kissing (2/3)
Where: Canaletto → Max's place
When: Just before hopping the Mexico flight
Warnings/Rating: Nope

Dylan hadn't really thought out whether he was going inside or not, his feet just seemed to carry him to her door without him having bothered to tell the taxi to wait for him. It drove off while she was still digging for her key, and he wasn't worried about the prospect of having to hail another one, this was Vegas after all. )


Who: Max and Dylan
What: Awk, Marigolds, discussing Lin (1/3)
Where: Canaletto (Thanks, wingman!)
When: Just before hopping the Mexico flight
Warnings/Rating: None

In his hand was a bouquet of fire colored marigolds. Not a traditional flower for dates, but the florist had assured him that they could survive through the neglect that came with somebody who knew nothing about flowers. Dylan was pretty sure that summed Max up in the gardening department. )

Jun. 24th, 2013


Who: Max & Dylan
What: A meeting of strategy and beer.
Where: Dylan's hotel room.
When: Recently, but mostly before Ian shenanigans.
Warnings: Sleepy cuddles.

She was a better soldier than she was a spook, and she was a better spook than she was a handler, but she was good at listening.  )

Jun. 17th, 2013


Who: Dylan & Ella
What: A series of dreams.
Where: The wings of a theater, the bottom of a blood bank, and a beach.
When: WAY backdated to dreamplot time. I take full respnsibility for this taking forever.
Warnings: Weirdness, abstract everything, gore. Dylan has bloody dreams as a rule, obv.

It was cool as long-gone things by the side of the road, sticky like death in a bed, filmed-over eyes and stiffened limbs. )

May. 16th, 2013


Who: Dylan & Aubrey (Part 3/3)
What: Intoxicated snarking, pop culture references, and kisses
Where: The hallway outside the Tales door
When: Shortly before the 13th Fairy plot
Warnings/Rating: Sassy language?

For just a moment, there he stood, basking in the knowledge that some random guy could simultaneously make him smile like that and ask for his help in a very simple, endearing sort of way. )


Who: Dylan & Aubrey (Part 2/3)
What: Intoxicated snarking and pop culture references
Where: The hallway outside the Tales door
When: Shortly before the 13th Fairy plot
Warnings/Rating: Sassy language?

Dylan just wasn't that good at taking care of himself. For as readily as he ran face-first into chaos, it was a bit unfortunate that he could barely tell the difference between a bandaid and a banana peel. )


Who: Dylan & Aubrey (Part 1/3)
What: Intoxicated snarking and pop culture references
Where: The hallway outside the Tales door
When: Shortly before the 13th Fairy plot
Warnings/Rating: Sassy language?

'God, you think they’d have better wine than the swill that ten bucks can buy at the grocery store. Otherwise what’s the point of being a goddamn princess, besides leaving my masculinity in question?' )