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Mar. 9th, 2013


Who: Wren, Chessie, Sunny, the Tardis + a cameo by dying!Tony
What: A trip to the past
Where: DC door → Marvel door
When: During the Switch Plot
Warnings/Rating: Nope

Sunny was seized by an insane Doctor-like disregard for any danger. Screw the dark alley and the strange sounds within. She had this feeling that the blue box would take care of her.  )

Jan. 25th, 2013


Who: River Song and The Doctor
What: River picks a period. The Doctor says goodbye.
When: Before contagion plot.
Where: The Thirties.
Warnings: Vague sads?

It’s not so bad. You’ll still have time to run into me )

Dec. 21st, 2012


WHO rose and the doctor.
WHAT finding out the truth.
WHEN before the christmas party.
WHERE london 2012.
WARNING major feeeeeeeeeeelings.
By the redness of her cheeks and the tingling in her fingers, she clearly had been standing there for some time. )

Nov. 30th, 2012


Who: Olivia and Sunny
What: Art. And snootiness. And general conflict.
When: Recently.
Warnings? None!

She did like having the last word )

Nov. 27th, 2012


Who: Death and the Doctor
What: First meetings
Where: England
When: A Hundred Years Ago! (yes, really)
Warnings/Rating: Nope

He felt old; he did hate feeling old )
Tags: ,

Nov. 7th, 2012


Who: The Doctor "John" & Rose Tyler
What: Rose Tyler meets someone in front of a familiar box.
Where: The Doctor's Door, Earth, London Circa 2012, Powell Estates
When: Just then.
Warnings/Rating: None!

It was a foolish, mad decision, and she might hate him later, but the Doctor, oh the Doctor, he was always in the now. )