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Jul. 12th, 2013


Who: je ne regrette rien
What: Delayed reveal.
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: Some language, mentions of murders.

This was his secret? It was a pretty good one, he supposed. It was a secret from him. )

Jul. 11th, 2013


Who: You're gonna get burned
What: Reveals
When: Following the party
Warnings: Nothing

The man with the staff, with the hunger for power and destruction, returned to his Door when all was said and done. )

Jul. 9th, 2013


Who: Lonely boy
What: Reveals
When: Early morning
Warnings: Language

Don’t look? Yeah, right. As if that had ever worked on any little boy. And as he spun away from his nightmare and crashed through the trees with his heart pounding in his throat, he wished that he’d been stronger. Braver. )


Who: Reveals. Missing Waldo.
What Reveals!
Rating: Umm...PG-13ish.

how can you find waldo when he looks like everyone else? )


Who: The little red nun
What: reveal!
Warning: none

candy coated kiss )

Jul. 8th, 2013


Who: Help
When: Secrets Plot
Warnings: None. Someone has to come out of this okay....

Stopping anytime he wanted was no longer an option... )

Jul. 9th, 2013


Who: Betrayal
What: Reveal
When: Late Night after the party
Warnings: Language

What does that make me? )

Jul. 8th, 2013


Who: Ima Robot
What: Reveal
When: Secrets plot
Warnings/Rating: Nope

She hadn't always been defective. )


Who: Persephone
What: Reveal
When: Secrets plot
Warnings/Rating: Nope

The names on the paper were written in black, with corresponding names written in red. )



Who: More Human Than Human
What: Reveal.
When: Secrets Plot.
Warnings: None.

She was real to him. )


Who: Flipside
What: Reveal
When: Secrets plot
Warnings/Rating: Angst like whoa.

Or was her secret darker? )


Who: Brand new pair of stockings.
What: Reveal.
When: Secrets plot.
Warnings/Rating: None.

She wore a brand new pair of stockings, but the soul inside was showing wear. )


Who: Eddie and Muerte
Where: Los Tacos
When: Right after the party
What: a little bit of friendship fighting. a little bit of party reveal
Warnings: For a limited time only: Eddie swears!

Are we going to converse about this malevolent festivity that has forced you to a life of dipsomania? )


Who: Good boy
What: Reveal~
When: Secrets plot.
Warnings/Rating: None.

The sun rose as he prowled the grounds, restless, and when the first golden rays peeked over the horizon they illuminated not grass but concrete, hard and grime-streaked, and he no longer walked upon four paws but two feet. )


Who: Scarlet
What: Reveals
When: Secrets plot
Warnings: Suggestions of adult themes.

Rich men liked silk-soft things in slips of satin but Scarlet held her head high at the party's close, Scarlet was scornful smile and the unruffled tumble of curls )


Who: Illustrated Woman
What: Reveals
When: Secrets plot
Warnings: Vague suggestion of violence.

She was the gasp of a fish strung on the line, reanimation, the film rolling backwards as thin dawn pushed past cumulus clouds and picked apart the sorry excuse for grounds. )


Who: Two
What: Reveal
When: Secrets plot
Warnings/Rating: Nope

Gone was Lawrence. Gone was the man with the brown skin that smelled of the sea. Gone was the fur pelt that beat like something alive beneath her cheek. )


Who: El Llorano
What: Reveal
When: Secrets plot
Warnings/Rating: Language?

Fuck a duck. Fuck it right up its ass. )


Who: Creation
What: Reveal
When: Secrets plot
Warnings/Rating: Gore?

She was unprotected hopes and dreams that had been shielded from the light by thick layers of paint for years. )


Who: Puck
What: Reveal
When: Secrets plot
Warnings/Rating: None

He didn't bother with the lights. He knew perfectly well how to get himself a glass and feel out the neck of the whiskey bottle in the cupboard in the dim, though he had to hold the label up to the thin light coming through the window. )

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