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Apr. 22nd, 2013


Who: Dylan and Max
What: A rescue that ends in a Molotov Cocktail
Where: Outside of town → Dylan's apt
When: Immediately after this
Warnings/Rating: Explosions and an alter-change thing for Dylan.

The rise through five floors was brief, and soon he was carrying her down the hallway like a bride on the wedding night, except for the fact that she was smeared with blood and desert sand. )

Apr. 4th, 2013


Who: Dylan & Max
What: Spy games, guns, beer, ego boosting.
Where: Max's.
When: Recently works for everything, right?
Warnings: A little language.

After all, facing someone wholly competent, respected, and who you'd hit on just weeks earlier would have been hard for Max on a good day. Facing them in a wheelchair? That required some emotional courage in the form of a perfectly aimed bullet )
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Mar. 3rd, 2013


Who: Max and Witchy!Dylan
What: A visit to a brothel, some confessions, and storytime
Where: Era Door, Les Mis.
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: Nope

To Dylan, information was mined gold. In his field, one had to be equal parts adrenaline junkie and an eternal seeker of obscure truth in order to get anything more beneficial than a (weak)paycheck out of signing a contract with the FBI. So when secret spies started churning out honesty, Dylan tended to shut up and listen. )

Feb. 12th, 2013


WHO Rumpelstiltskin & Vaughn
WHAT Bringing nature back to life
WHEN Recently-ish; Long ago enough that the Homelands are starting to flourish again at present
WHERE Homelands

He had a great deal of magic at his disposal but magic was like a muscle. It needed to be exercised, stretched, and well cared for. The time he’d spent in Storybrooke had been without magic, making that particular skill flabbity, fat, and lazy as that stupid Disney song went. )