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Sep. 8th, 2013


Who: Sebastian & Nell
What: A chance encounter
Where: Local underground fight club
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: A little bit of blood and violence.

Then she saw his face. It was bloody and bruised, but it was Sebastian. )

Jun. 23rd, 2013


Who: Sebastian & Nell
What: The truth about the last week comes out (Part 2 of 2)
Where: Their condo
When: This weekend
Warnings/Rating: Ultimate sads.

All she could think about was that he had gone back to the family business. After swearing to her up and down that he was pulling out, that he was going legit, he had still gone back and been a part of what they had done. )


Who: Sebastian & Nell
What: The truth about the last week comes out (Part 1 of 2)
Where: Airport to their condo
When: This weekend
Warnings/Rating: Ultimate sads. I mean it's the return of the icons ;_;

Seeing Nell was something he was both looking forward to and dreading in the same breath, because things would either go well or they would likely explode; he didn't see that there would be much of an in between considering what had happened in Italy. )

Mar. 8th, 2013


Who: Luke!Bat and Nell!Canary
What: Hero-ing it up.
Where: Gotham.
When: Near the start of plot.
Warnings/Rating: None. Omg sorry for spamming the comm

Her friend popped into view without warning, and Nell broke into a smile without warning. He was fully outfitted, just like she was, but Batman was easy to recognize even for those new to Gotham. )

Feb. 20th, 2013


Who: Dell Van Andal & Eleanor Monarch-Sparke
What: Part II of the long, lost lovey feels [Part I]
Where: Car -> (pitstop) -> home
When: Backdated to the holiday season of 2009
Warnings/Rating: Lots of rationalizing and justification. You’ve been warned.

He had had relationships in the past. He had. A handful here and there that all ended the same way: in disaster. And you know what? All they had taught the man was that he was not cut out to play the part of dutiful boyfriend. )


Who: Dell Van Andal & Eleanor Monarch-Sparke
What: the Relationship of Christmas Past, a.k.a. look, they got along at one point! (Part I of II)
Where: Faculty gathering @ Amory-> car
When: Backdated to the holiday season of 2009
Warnings/Rating: Lots of rationalizing and justification. You’ve been warned.

She leaned slightly into his side as he surveyed the room, her eyes following course. Multiple pairs of eyes diverted their attention guiltily when his landed on theirs, and Nell wondered if there wasn't more to the story than what Dell was letting on. )

Jan. 26th, 2013


Who: Dell Van Andel, Eleanor Monarch-Sparke, & Sebastian Vance-Price (attack of the compound last names!)
What: A reunion
Where: On the street
When: Before Nell disappeared into Gotham (say, two weeks ago?)

The name ‘Dell’ meant very little to him, other than reminding him of the song ‘The Farmer in the Dell’, and it was that thought, random and strange, that drew a smile to his face. )