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July 18th, 2019

[info]slinkster_ghoul in [info]darker_london

I hope we hang on past the last exit (Stephie, Josie)

Stephie stepped out into the hall and carefully shut the door of the hospital room she'd been sharing with Thomas. She had to take a little breath to resettle herself; inside the room it had felt like safety but outside in the hall it just felt like work. Usually she had time in transit to step out of her home-persona and into her work one, usually she barely noticed, but today, when the physical distance between home-and-work (or at least, Thomas-and-work) was so small, she really noticed the shift.

When it was just her and Thomas in that room she was allowed to be vulnerable, she didn't need to hide her fears or her anxieties or any of the mess. But at work - well, sometimes the fears and anxiety and mess still showed through, but they were covered by an extra layer of armour, a bit more cockiness, a lot more guarded.

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[info]lightningseed in [info]darker_london

Debriefing (Zoe, Cai) [backdated to after the pub scene]

Cai called Zoe, later that night when everyone had gone home from the pub. He led with 'How are you?' which was a hell of a question.

She could have been mean about the answer. I had a panic attack in a pub so bad my mother had to come and get me. I have the strongest feeling Alex is going to die but haven't seen anything to help me stop it. My friend's evil stepsister killed my cousin and I know in my bones she's coming back for Alex and maybe Rachel and maybe me. When I got home I cried for longer and harder than I think I ever had in my life. How do you goddamn think I am.

"Is everyone still alive?" she asked, instead.

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