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Jan. 1st, 2018


Kemp Christmas (Kemp family)

The decision to have their family Christmas in the hospital had been Tasha's own. She was still lucid (still!) and Peter had suggested that she might come home for the family celebration. He had, however, only hesitated for a second when she admitted she wasn't ready but they could come to her. It was still a huge step in a hopeful direction and Peter didn't allow himself to be saddened by the fact that she was afraid to return home. She had very purposely used the word 'yet' and so Peter clung to that word with a vice-grip, and set about decorating his office within an inch of it's life.

The Kringle Touch )

Dec. 16th, 2017


A beginning (Anna, Peter)

There were people all around her who said things like she was 'going through a phase' and 'she'll grow out of it'. Anna didn't feel like a phase or that she would grow out of anything. What she knew without a doubt, was that hardly anyone understood her at all, and most of what people did annoyed her.

But then someone in her periphery lost a grandparent. Anna didn't really hang out with Cai at all, nor did she spend much time with Zoe even though Zoe was her cousin. But she knew enough to know that Cai lived with his grandparents which probably meant his parents themselves were out of the picture.

Like hers.

And now one of them was dead.

The idea of it had hit her like a freight train. Aly was an angel, but not by birth and eventually she would die. And Peter was immortal, sure, but considering that he sure did try to die a lot. And what if he got another brain tumour and he let go without realising it?! Or gave up his immortality again?!

Anna found Peter in the dining room, pouring over some texts and looking studious despite the fact that he had about twelve pens stuck throughout his hair at various angles. Anna rolled her eyes and crossed over to him, and without a word she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Jun. 9th, 2015


Quietude (Peter, Anna)

It had been happening more and more lately; so often that Peter was getting to a point where he couldn't quite ignore it any more. The blurring vision, and confusing words, all of it was so familiar.

So horrible.

Bonsai? )