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Oct. 24th, 2019


Seeing Amaris (Thomas, Svetlana, Amaris, Stephie, Peter)

Thomas was not sure how this was going to go. He hadn't been in the basement to visit Amaris since getting locked into the hallway during the blackout. Now he was heading down there and Stephie was coming with him. He was carrying a bag of supplies with him, because no way was he getting stuck without food again, and he had a tight hold on Stephie's hand. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked her as the elevator opened to the basement. Both Svetlana and Peter were waiting for them down there, and waved in greeting.

May. 14th, 2019


Oh so many issues (Thomas, Amaris, Svetlana)

It had taken months of visiting Amaris for Thomas to get to the point where he felt he could take his eyes off her and relax. He sort of regretted it when, as he was stretched out on the floor while they chatted, she felt the need to say, 'I miss sex' apropos of absolutely nothing.

Trauma everywhere )

Feb. 24th, 2019


A chat and then a confrontation (Thomas and Amaris, and then Rolf, Svetlana, Peter and Stephie?)

"Heads up!"

Amaris had looked up when she heard the door to her room unlock and open, but she certainly hadn't expected a Galaxy bar to come sailing through the air towards her as the door closed. The warning was enough, however, and she was able to catch it easily, the wrapper crinkling as her hand closed around it. "You brought me chocolate?" It was Thomas because of course it was. He was the only person besides staff members who came to see her.

Confrontations )

Jul. 19th, 2018


An afternoon at the hospital (Thomas, Tasha, Amaris, etc.)

Tasha's hand felt bony but warm in his own, reassuring him he wasn't alone. They were stretched out on the lawn of the courtyard at RMMH, grass tickling his neck. He had come to the hospital to speak with Amaris, but decided he needed some time at the last moment. Almost as if she had been waiting for him (and Thomas did wonder if Stephie had texted her) Tasha had been there when Thomas needed her.

Well that was eventful )

Jun. 22nd, 2018


A talk (Thomas, Svetlana, Amaris and then Peter open to Stephie)

"I still don't understand why you want to talk to her?"

Want is a strong word really. )

Apr. 1st, 2018


This is not a prank (Peter, Stephie, etc, Amaris, Tasha)

The fact that it was April Fools Day had not gotten past Peter as he frantically searched the hospital for one of his helicopter pilots.

Abby had made the call to Dr Rothschild in Bristol and security was now keeping an eye on Amaris. Peter did not, however, assume that would be enough to keep her from harming anyone in the long run. They needed to get to Bristol and retrieve her so she could be safely contained in RMMH. He could not, however, find any of his pilots anywhere.

With shaking muscles, thanks to his hell of a seizure earlier, Peter traversed the hospital and texted Thomas to see if he knew where Stephie was.

He hadn't yet told Thomas that they knew where Amaris was.

When Thomas messaged back that Stephie was in the hospital with Tasha, Peter did a 180 and headed back towards his daughter's room. There he found both of them, cuddled up together, and he smiled gently at the sight of it. "Sorry to interrupt," he said softly, "I uhm...Stephie? I need to ask a favour and I really hate to ask it."

Mar. 31st, 2018


If I die before I wake (Amaris)

Leaving London was the only option to her, and Amaris wasn't about to stick around and let a bunch of assholes who hated her lock her up in their insane asylum. She had been there before, and she had absolutely no interest in returning. She was fairly sure escaping again was not going to be an option, especially since Brian-

Or so you think. )

Mar. 4th, 2018


Unprecedented (Quinn, Flynn, Amaris)

It was the worst weather London had seen in years, and Flynn and Quinn both had prepared to spend the next few days at the shelter. They would sleep in shifts, doing everything they could to accommodate the people who would inevitably arrive at the shelter door seeking safety during the storm. Libero shelter could provide warmth and food and they wouldn't turn anyone away, not in weather like this.

Or so Flynn would have thought.

Empty )