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Dec. 8th, 2019


Rescue (Razvan, Nova, Peter, Alicia, Trent, Reggie, Saul)

There had been another potential buyer the previous day, and while they had been standing, Razvan had passed out and landed hard on the floor of the cage, his head slamming against the bars. That had earned him punishment by cattle prod, though after they had all been given the smallest amount of food.

Now the captors returned, and signalled for them all to stand again, and Razvan was seriously considering whether or not it was worth it to pretend to faint again. Sure he would be shocked painfully, but if they got more food afterwards- And then the captors said the words which flooded him with relief.

"Stand up again, you pieces of shit. Another buyer coming through." And then, when he was making his way back to the door he said over his shoulder, "this one's a priest. So fucking weird."

Razvan sagged against the bars in relief and he signalled to the others. "It's my friend," he whispered. "He's here, fucking finally. Gonna have to act like I hate him. Safer. But it's my friend. I'll get us out of this."

Nov. 30th, 2019


Ready for Market (Razvan, Reggie, Alicia, Trent, et al)

When the door opened again, Razvan had been dozing on the floor of his cage. He sound woke up, loud and definitive. He opened his eyes to see several people swarm into the container, dressed all in black. They were shouting directions at each other, but he was so completely out of it, it was hard to pick out any one thing.

Awfulness )

Nov. 28th, 2019


Thirst (Razvan)

They chatted a lot in the beginning, considering there was nothing else to do. Reggie told Razvan about the family he hadn't seen in over a year, and Razvan told Reggie he had people he cared about but gave no details. Alicia spoke every once in awhile, though Trent said nothing. Razvan was pretty sure if Peter showed up to rescue them all, Trent was the kind of demon who was going to end up in the secure ward.

Moving on )

Nov. 25th, 2019


Well fuck (Razvan)

It felt like being on a roller coaster.

I'm on a BOAT )