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August 15th, 2012

[info]thebratwonder in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Damian Wayne and Erik Lehnsherr
WHAT: Mostly talking
WHEN: Wednesday August 15th; Morning
WHERE: The X-Mansion
STATUS: In Progress

If there was ever a time that Damian wished that he had a time machine, it was now. )

[info]sunshine_taylor in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Justin Taylor and OPEN
WHAT: Walking Escher in the park
WHEN: Wednesday August 15th; Early Afternoon
WHERE: The park
STATUS: In Progress

After having been stuck inside for the last week, Justin was glad to finally spend some time outside )

[info]thesynesthete in [info]colligo_threads

who | Rachel Pirzad and Nate Wuornos
what | Job hunting.
when | Early afternoon
where | The Colligo Police Department
rating | TBD
status | In Progress

all of the pep talks in the world did squat when she managed to forget them some ten minutes later )

[info]ifimnothungry in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Sherlock Holmes & Rachel Pirzad
WHAT: Sherlock is going over some mystery samples, but someone else ends up getting the jump on his studies.
WHEN: August 15th; Afternoon (After This)
WHERE: The Colligo Crime Lab
STATUS: In Progress

There was something that was making figuring out what this was more complicated than it should be, but for the life of him, whatever that was was beyond him. )

[info]evilbitch in [info]colligo_threads

who | Clint Barton and Meg [with a special guest appearance by the Hulk]
what | There's fear toxin in the air. Meg refuses to let the one interesting guy in the city fall victim to it.
when | [Backdated] August 7th; early evening
where | In an abandoned lake-side building outside of the city.
rating | PG-13(ish), to be safe
status | Complete; Log

Hey, hotshot. You sane today or are we still going to look at rubber rooms on Friday? )

[info]redarrow_harper in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Roy Harper and Barbara Gordon
WHAT: Roy helps Babs through a hard time
WHEN: Backdated to Tuesday August 14th; Evening
WHERE: Shooting Range
STATUS: In Progress

Babs had been there for him when Helena had been sent home, so Roy was determined to be there for Babs now )