Apr. 21st, 2012


Hey guys!

With that little musical interlude over and done with, the Collector has decided to toss out a situation that has the potential for both angst and hilarity. Introducing the Canon Ageswap Plot! Beginning at midnight tonight (EST), Asaph will be influencing certain individuals in the city to swap places with either an younger or older version of themselves that exists within their canon.

Of course, this is entirely voluntary. Not everyone has to be swapped nor will everyone necessarily be able to.

Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind for the plot. Cut to spare the flist. )

Also, please note that characters who are changed for this plot will have no knowledge of their time in Colligo. They will wake up wherever they normally sleep, already changed into another version of themselves, and will not know where they are or any of that. It's very similar to bringing in a character, except they won't arrive in the library.

And that's it! If you have any questions/comments/ideas whatsoever, please respond to this post or contact us and, remember, have fun with this!

♥ - The Mod Squad

Apr. 8th, 2012


Hello everyone! At midnight tonight (EST), the bodyswap plot will start. This plot, brought to you not by Asaph but rather by a very bored Q Junior, will begin with a post from the troublemaker responsible. After that, everyone who is affected is welcome to begin posting with their character in the body they've been assigned.

Below the cut, you're going to see the list of pairings. There is also a list of guidelines and reminders. Please make certain to read over them and, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to respond to this post!

Also, as it is so close for time for the plot to begin, we are no longer taking volunteers. If you would still like your character(s) involved, please contact us and we'll see what we can work out.

The guidelines and pairings! )

If we have accidentally left someone off the list, please let us know ASAP so we can fix it. And, once again, thanks for making Colligo such a smashing success! You guys rock!

♥ ♥ ♥ - The Mods

Oct. 30th, 2011


Hey everyone!

The Mods here, with information regarding the Halloween plot! This plot will begin at midnight, Monday night (October 31) going into Tuesday (November 1) and will end at midnight the following Sunday night (November 6) going into Monday (November 7).

• Along with trick-or-treating for the younger crowds (and those who might be taking the younger crowds out), there will also be a costume party on Monday night. This is being thrown by Gabriel, the resident Archangel, at the nightclub The Serpent's Den that he just inherited from AJ Crowley.

• Come midnight anyone who is in costume - whether they are at the party, at home and simply asleep with their costume on, walking down the street, whatever - will turn into their costume for the remainder of the plot. This means they will actually think they are whatever it is they dressed as for Halloween. So if your character is dressed as a pirate, they are going to think, and behave, as though they are a pirate until the plot ends.

• The only exception to this are if your character dressed as some sort of inanimate object. Obviously, if they are dressed as an M&M or a fire hydrant, they won't physically become these things. However, they can and will become animals if they opt to dress as a cat or shark or something.

• If there are characters who opt to dress as bad guys/pschos/monsters/etc., they can feel free to kill, maim, and/or attack as many locals as they'd like. Please make sure you have full player permission before doing the same to any played character, though, and keep in mind if you opt to have your character killed off by someone dressed as Michael Myers, they will stay dead until the plot ends.

• Feel free to have fun with this plot but do keep in mind that no characters will turn back to themselves until it ends.

So! To recap: If your character is in costume at midnight on Halloween, they are going to become that costume. If they die, they're dead until it's over. If they kill people, they'll be killing people until it's over. If you don't want them to become their costume but still want them to participate in the party and various other Halloween-themed events in the city, dress them as something that isn't living. Or feel free to have them out of costume by midnight, when the change occurs. That works too.

Comments? Questions? Professions of undying love? Feel free to respond here or contact us!

Enjoy the event and happy Halloween, everybody!

♥ - The Mods

Jul. 27th, 2011


Hello all! The mods here, with a couple quick things.

First up, as we mentioned earlier, the Christmas In July plot is starting to wind to a close. Over the next few days, the temperatures are going to start rising and the snow is going to melt. The decorations will slowly start being taken down in shops and Christmas music will stop. This is going to happen gradually but all of it will be gone entirely by August 1st.

It's also time for a new plot! Starting at midnight tonight, characters are going to start changing ages. Whether they get older or younger is up to you. You can even age them up for a bit then age them down for a while, or vice versa. The plot is fairly lax in that regard and, as always, you don't have to participate at all if you'd rather not. However, we do have a few rules to go with whichever option you choose.


And that's about it! Once again, the plot will start at midnight tonight and will run two, possibly three, weeks depending on player interest. If you have any questions, feel free to respond here or contact us!

♥ - The Mods

May. 17th, 2011


Hello lovelies!

Just a note from the mods real quick to cover a few questions we've been asked regarding a recent gamewide development. Namely, the Collector's decision to bring various places/things/beings from other realities to Colligo.

For the most part, this is meant to signify a shift in the game. Now that the city isn't shut off from the rest of the planet, and exploration is possible even if living outside of the city currently is not, the Collector wants reasons for people to want to stick around too. Which is why he's decided to allow things from home to start popping up. However, we of course don't want things to get completely out of hand, so there are a few guidelines.

Cut to spare the friends page. Please read! )

As each situation is unique and this is something fairly new that can impact the game in a large way, we ask for the time being that anyone who wants to bring in any item/being/place from home that they please ask us first. You can feel free to respond to this post, if you would like, or you can also contact us via our mod post.

Thanks and if you have any comments or questions, feel free to ask!

~ Jessy, on behalf of the Colligo Mod Squad

Apr. 21st, 2011


Hello lovelies! This is just a quick note from us because there seems to be a touch of confusion out there as to what this particular plot we're currently having entails. To clarify:

• This plot is solely up to your discretion. You can opt in as many of your characters as you would like or you can opt to simply sit back and watch the chaos.

• Should you want to include your characters in the madness, you can pick any of our previous plots (minus the invasion ones) we've had in game before. You can even pick more than one, at a time, or one right after the other.

• All rules that applied to each plot will also apply to your character if you use that plot now. For example: If someone is de-aged to a small child, they will not know who anyone is they have met in game as an adult unless they have also met them in their own reality or know of them through some canon puncturing source (if allowed by the character being punctured, obviously). Please refer to the posts in [info]colligo to see the specific rules of each plot as they were introduced to the game.

• The overall Collector's Greatest Hits plot ends at the end of April. However you can choose to have your character go back to normal well before that, if you would like. The end of the plot, in this instance, merely means that all characters still affected by the 'cut off' date will default back to normal at that point.

Hopefully this clears things up but, if you have any questions, feel free to respond here or our handy, dandy mod contact post!

Thanks and keep at it. You guys rock!

Jessy, on behalf of the Colligo Mod Squad

Dec. 9th, 2010



Time for the ninth day of presents from the Collector to your characters.

The characters have found the following gifts in their respective flats:

gifts )

Check back tomorrow for more gifts!

The Colligo Mods

Nov. 30th, 2010


Okay folks. In three hours time (at midnight EST), the AU plot will officially come to an end. Everyone will turn back to normal. Whether characters remember what happened to them or not is up to you. All we ask is that any characters from the future not remember anything too specific.

Also, don't forget to request items from home for the Present Exchange 2010!! This will be running until December 24, with a game-wide plot (details coming soon) to follow immediately after.

That's it for now. Thank you all for making this game such a success and we'll be posting shortly with the first recipients of presents so keep an eye out!

~ The Colligo Mods

Nov. 12th, 2009



Attention citizens of Colligo! The Collector has decided to take the fact that Earth is a seasonal planet into consideration for this time of year. Characters waking up this morning (November 12th) will note light snowfall coming down for the heavens. The snowfall will remain constant and light throughout the week. Will it stop or become heavier? You'll have to wait and see! We'd advise, however, being mindful of the low temperature and the snow that will surely start sticking to the ground.

If players have any suggestions for Winter-themed events of any kind, please comment with them here! We have a few in mind, but we'd love to do more things you guys want to see happen here in Colligo. :)

Sep. 13th, 2009



How irritating, The Collector thought to himself as he lounged back in his chair, the monitors that showed him what was happening in his city flashing from building to building and person to person, from this angle and that, showing him nothing of great interest.

This was never his intention, to let his collection get so comfortable within his city and yet, some of them were. They were mingling and making friends, developing romantic relationships and other such bonds that were making their interim here in his city more of an interstellar vacation and not the experiment he'd been conducting. It was an interesting set of details to add to the many notes he'd taken on their interactions thus far, but he did not desire for them to be happy. If he wanted that, he would have left them where they were and observed them in their natural habitats. No, he wanted to collect them, to hoard them and keep them in his city, acting the way he wanted them to act.

And this was not the way he wanted things. Not at all.

"Time to do something about that, wouldn't you say..." He turned to face a figure standing at his right. "...Barbas?"

"Like I said, I'll create your chaos for you... Just so long as I get to do what I wish with the Charmed Ones," Barbas drawled, fingers steepling as his gaze flashed out over the monitor. Piper, Paige, and Prue, all three caged in and in the perfect position for the ultimate revenge.

"Do not let them occupy your attentions. I expect you to make all of them suffer."

"Oh, I will. They will. They won't even know what hit them."

Okay! We're going to try to keep this as short and sweet as possible, but as this is going to be covering the ins and outs of the next baddie to come to Colligo, everyone please read it all the way through, okay?

Cut to save the friends pages )

Aug. 9th, 2009


Attention players!!

At midnight EST, it will be the 10th of August and the current event taking place in-game will be over. As we realize that not everyone is online at the same time, we are going to allow everyone to somewhat space out their characters' return to normal over a 24 hour period. This means by midnight (EST) on the 11th of August all characters should be returned to normal. There is only one exception to this and it is as follows.

If you want to keep a character of yours AU/older/younger, please reply to this post with the appropriate information. However, please note that there are a few stipulations.

• If you have five characters or less, you can only keep one their AU/future/past self.
• If you have five characters or more, you can only keep two their AU/future/past self.
• If, at any point, we feel that you are losing sight of the character and turning them grossly OOC, we retain the right to request you change the character back to normal or, in extreme cases, drop the character entirely.

Obviously, the third stipulation is only for situations where it is painfully obvious that the character is OOC without a significant change in canon to explain such a major personality change. We don't want rampant OOCness and borderline OCs and/or Sue's and Stu's overrunning the game so this is simply a precaution. Thus far everyone has been amazing at playing their chosen AU!characters!!

And really, that's it. As of midnight, feel free to begin turning characters back to normal and all characters should be back to normal within twenty-four hours of that mark.

Thank you all for your amazing commitment to this game and for an extremely successful Event! Keep your eyes peeled for the next one to take place and, as always, if you have any suggestions for a possible event and/or 'baddie of the week' simply respond to this post with the information!!

As always, if you have any comments/questions/concerns feel free to contact us here.

~ The Colligo Mods

Jul. 19th, 2009



The results of the voting are in and have been tallied! Junior officially locked all of the [info]colligo_network posts that took place before the current in-game Event kicked off. This means that none of the characters - whether they were affected by this plot or not - are able to read any posts dated before July 11, 2009. If they try, it will just show that 'no posts are available' much like if you scroll back too far in a community/forum somewhere online.

Feel free to have your characters notice this and comment, or don't. The choice is obviously up to you!

Now, on to something else in regards to this Event. A lot of folks have been asking and after a brief chat amongst us mods, we've decided on a few things. First and foremost is the most important:


Click for more! )

Jul. 14th, 2009



Quick question for everyone!

We realized, a bit belatedly, that there is a way for characters to 'see' what their non-AU/past/future selves were doing in Colligo before the Event kicked off. Essentially, all they'd have to do is check the old message board posts that date back to before the Event began. However, as some people may not want their characters to know that they really were here before, or see their 'true' selves, or what-have-you, we've come up with a solution: Junior, when he snapped his fingers and changed the people he opted to change, he also put up a 'block' on the old message board posts. So as far as the characters are concerned, they can't see any posts from before this weekend (when the Event began).

Now here's the thing. Because this Event is meant to be player-driven (ergo, minimal mod 'guidelines' to follow) we don't want to make this call ourselves. So we're asking for your vote!

Please respond to this post and tell us: Do you want the characters able to read the old message board posts or would you rather Junior have put a block on all of them?

We'll give you until FRIDAY, JULY 17TH, MIDNIGHT EST to reply. Once that deadline comes and/or everyone responds with their vote, we'll tally them up and let you know what the official outcome is going to be.

Also, to keep people from feeling 'pressured' to vote either way, we're screening all posts.

~ The Colligo Mods

Jun. 19th, 2009



Due to unforeseen IRL issues which are providing the mods with time constraints which prevent us from being online as frequently as we would otherwise be, we have decided to wrap up the Gentlemen plot.

After reevaluating the victims list we had compiled and comparing it to our original completion time estimate, we realized that if we kept at the plot at the pace it's been going thus far, that it would run well into the beginning of July--something we would rather avoid. So, after much discussion, we've decided to wrap things up and let the captives of Colligo get their voices back.

How is this going to work? Below, you'll find the remaining list of victims who have not yet scened with the Gentlemen.
Piper Halliwell
Scott Summers
Ezri Dax
Martha Jones
Michiru Kaioh
Caryn Smoke
L Lawliet
Edward Morgan Blake (The Comedian)
Charlie Crews
Angela Shaw
Jack Harkness
Eliot Spencer
Claire Saundres
The victims have the following options: [1] assume the outcome or [2] backtag with the Gentlemen. If you would prefer to the latter, please comment to this post by midnight tomorrow (06/20) night EST. Those of you who wish to backtag, the mods will set up one, singular post tomorrow to accommodate all those scenes, with separate threads within the posts for each character.

The ending scene will be posted tomorrow evening, in which the plot will be wrapped up and the characters voices, hearing, the sounds of the city, etc. will be fully restored.

We apologize for any inconvenience this causes the players. If the players have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the mods.

Jun. 5th, 2009



Although not a typical city by any means, conventional or otherwise, there was a certain vibe to Colligo that most locals were oblivious to and most new arrivals tended to become attuned with easily enough. Granted there was no rhyme or reason to the comings and goings during the bright light of day, as townsfolk moved about and conducted their business and strangers were thrust together with far more questions than answers. Yet there was a low hum that came from the heart of a city, even one as bizarre as this; a quiet murmur that offered proof positive that life did exist.

The arrival of the vehicles and mass transit only made it all the more palapable. Whereas before nightfall offered a hint of silence and a chance for those weary from their day's adventure some quiet to rest, the streets now remained ever-busy. Random honks from passing motorists, screeching of tires at intersections, barks and meows from animals too slow to get away from the rolling of hot tires - each and every bit of background noise was a quiet symphony and testimony to the steadily growing and flourishing city.

All of that abruptly changed, however, one starless night.

It seemed as though a cloak had been draped over the top of Colligo. Or perhaps a switch had been flipped. Whatever the case, shortly after the stroke of midnight - as told by the chiming of the clock on a church tower near the Grand Library - all sound simply ceased to exist.

No one was aware of the change. They wouldn't be aware until morning. Whatever bewitchery had fallen the denizens ensured they were either asleep or in other ways too preoccupied to notice. It was best that way, really, as those responsible had many things to do before the sun began to climb across the eastern sky. Yet even if someone had been aware, there was nothing to be done about it. For as the fog began to slowly fill the streets and thicken the air, they came. As silent as death itself, they arrived on feet that merely glided across the surface of the streets and with strange creatures garbed in straitjackets prepared to do their bidding.

They smiled with lipless mouths and hauntingly dark eyes. Pale skin stretched across their too-thin frames and long, tapered fingers tingled with anticipation. They were here. It was time.

The Gentlemen had arrived.

Must Read! )

May. 29th, 2009



"...more like large packed into tiny cages than humanoids in a suitable habitat," The Collector mused to himself as he surveyed his collection.

The dorm-like apartments he'd provided them with were beginning to fill as he found more and more suitable specimens and he found that even though they were given a bed, washroom, clothing, and entertainment, they didn't seem to like their dwellings. Perhaps he'd underestimated what they would need.

He also seemed to notice how the residents, aside from those who attempted escape, tended to stick close to the apartments. At first he blamed it on them, assuming they lacked a proper sense of adventure, but then he began to realize that didn't venture out as far due to a lack of means of doing so! In his rush to complete the habitat he'd set up for his prized collection, he'd neglected to give them transportation.

"A bit of everything," he said to himself, "and perhaps a little something of their own."

Luckily for the residents of Colligo, these were problems he could easily remedy.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


As you have likely noticed, the Collector decided to make a few key changes to Colligo late last night. In order to avoid any confusion and to give you all a place to post any questions, we're going to cover what those changes were here.


Questions? Comments? Don't hesitate to contact us or leave a note here or in the mod inbox. If you have suggestions for future events, we'd love to hear them!

May. 26th, 2009



We're about to kick off our second game-wide plot. Be looking for a post from The Collector soon, as well as the Baddie we've chosen to use this time around. Before we do that, however, we wanted to cover a few things in an Out of Character capacity so that any questions that anyone might have can be addressed before the plot swings fully into motion.

Game-wide plot ahoy! Everyone must read! )

May. 11th, 2009


EVENT #01 - END.

The Collector sits in his chair, frowning in disappointment, irritation coursing through his being at the failure of the rain to spark any sort of worthwhile response from his current collection.

After a moment he raises a hand, beckoning with a swish of his wrist as his fingers pluck at the air for one of his suits of armor to step forward. It does and he commands, "Turn it off. I tire of this."

The suit nods and turns to walk off, but The Collector seizes one of it's great metallic arms. Without the body moving, the helmet turns around on it's chain mail neck to stare at it's master.

"No hesitation. No drizzle. Turn it off and the sunshine back on."

Again, the suit nods and leaves to do as ordered once his master lets go of it's arm.

Settling back into his chair, The Collector laces his fingers together in his lap. "We're not done yet. This is only the beginning."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Almost as soon as the rain has started, it has ended. One moment, it's pouring down rain and the next, the sun is shining brightly. The only evidence to the rainfall that once plagued the city is the standing water in the streets, which is quickly running down into storm drains and being dried up by the bright star in the sky.

With this, we start our event schedule. Events will take place once every month, typically starting on the 1st and running until somewhere between the 10th and the 15th. The period of time following the event is what we're dubbing the "recovery period," as to allow players time to adjust/cope/etc. with whatever sort of affect the event had on their character(s). Of course, major plot events will be extended as saw fit, but in these instances, the players will be notified of the event extension ahead of time.

If you have suggestions for future events, we'd love to hear them! The more ideas we have to pick from the better! Suggest your events here.

May. 4th, 2009



Unbeknown to the people filling the city below, a man with pale white skin and dark eyes is watching them from his observation station above. He sighs in irritation, frowning at the various displays on the screens before him, obviously displeased with the events that are playing out before him. He had hoped that the chaos of being brought into this city without warning would be enough, but it seems his collection is already starting to bore him.

"Time for another element," he says, snapping his fingers.

A suit of armor steps forward, clapping a fist to it's chest and bowing respectfully.

"Turn on the weather systems. Set for...severe thunderstorms for now. We'll see how they do with that and up the levels if we must."

The suit nods and disappears into the background as the white-faced man smirks, drumming his long, thing fingers on the arm of his chair. During his survey years in which he tore through the galaxy, looking for those worthy of his attention and listing potential candidates, he'd come across many tales and legends and most interestingly: nursery rhymes from a planet called Earth that he had, ironically enough, designed this very city after.

One of those particular rhymes was chanting itself in his head as the suit returned to signal that the storms had been started.

"Down came the rain and washed the people out!" He chanted in a sing-song sort of voice as a devilish, unnatural laughter filled the rooms of the station.