Jul. 3rd, 2011


Hey all.

Just a quick note. We've finally finished working up an Occupation List, which can be found here. Go check it out and make sure all your characters are listed. If any aren't, please respond with the form at the bottom to have your characters added. Please note that, unless characters don't require the normal necessities of life, or have some power that allows them to provide for themselves, most people do need jobs. While housing in the main housing and the dorms, tuition at the college, drinks at the Roadhouse, and medical treatment at the Clinic are free, most things in the city are not. If nothing else, most folks will need to eat. One hundred dollars won't go far for most people, so just keep this in mind.

Also, we've added a housing post for those no longer living in the apartments. It can be found here. As with any other housing, make requests in the main housing post. If there is a place that needs to be added, make a note. It may take a few days for new buildings to be added, so please be patient. This is not limited to buildings from people's home realities. Those with the resources can simply move into new houses or apartments. This, however, will not have the same rent-free situation as the apartments. Those living in alternative housing from their home realities will not have to pay taxes or rent, but they will have utility payments, so it's still more costly than living in the apartments or dorms.

Thank you.

-The Mods

Apr. 24th, 2011


Hello all.

Just a few updates for all of you. The plot will be coming to a close on Thursday, April 28. Something big is coming up then and will result in a lot of changes, so mark the date on your calendars. Or don't...because that might be weird.

We have revamped the rules, making some changes and adding a couple new rules to the mix. Go ahead and take a look at them here to see what's changed.

We're also working on an Occupations List in the mod journal, to keep track of where all the characters work and who their coworkers are. We feel like this will make interactions easier, because it lets people know who their character might run into regularly.

If you could reply with the following for your characters, we would appreciate it:

For high school and college students, feel free to list them as students, as well as listing any jobs they might have. For people with more than one job, list each one. If you're not sure, feel free to discuss in this post, or if you see someone has a business and want to have your character work there, just ask.

In regards to the current mayoral elections taking place within Colligo. The actual voting will not happen until May, due to the majority of the off-worlders not being themselves at the moment, including one of the candidates for the position. However there are still clear ad campaigns to be seen, the journalists are still having a hayday like they typically do, and all of the usual things that go with the elections. However the next debate and other public functions have been cancelled until the crazy passes.

The Mods

Apr. 2nd, 2011


Mod!Post: The Two Year Anniversary Edition

Hello, darlings.

I didn't want to make this post yesterday, for the obvious reason. For those not sure what I mean by 'obvious reason', it's always awkward to have people think your mod post is an April Fools joke. But this isn't. This is an important post, so please read it and pay attention. There will be a quiz later. Actually, there won't, but it's fun to say that.

Right, so it's April now. "Yes, Ashe!mod," you might be saying to yourselves. "We too can work that complicated invention called a calendar. Surely this important mod post is about more than telling us what month it is." Well said, hypothetical players. Well said. There is indeed more to this mod post than "Hey! It's April!" And now that I'm done going off on a tangent, we will get to that point. It's April. For those of you who have been with us from the beginning, [info]colligo began in April of 2009. So at the end of this month is the game's two year anniversary. Yes, we really have been around that long.

First, we mods really do want to thank all our players for making this game as successful as it has been. We couldn't do it without you and we love you all lots. We're really proud of the activity and the openness we see in you guys. As always, we want to make sure everyone is branching out and allowing their characters to expand and meet new people. Basically, we just want to encourage you to keep up the good work and continue to be amazing.

Now, for announcements and news as we approach the game's two year mark.

  • The Collector will soon be revealing himself. Players of scientists and researchers who want their characters to start making discoveries leading up to this are welcome, and in fact encouraged, to come to the mods. We'll happily give you information your characters can discover. It's very in character that these brilliant minds would find some stuff out and we don't want to stunt that.

  • Characters will soon be allowed to move out of the housing if they so wish and if they can afford it. Many characters, through various means, have built up savings and will be able to move out of the communal housing if that's the direction you want to take it. We feel that it's certainly been long enough and they should be able to do so if they have reason to.

  • We're going to be allowing canon updates for those who want them. Basically your character will wake up with knowledge up to a later canon point. They won't have left the city, or changed in any physical way, but they will remember more from their life back home. For characters who have been around since the start, this could mean a big change for them.

  • We will have a plot coming up toward the middle/end of the month that is basically the Collector's Greatest Hits. Any past plots we've had (with the exception of zombies/aliens/apocalypses) are fair game for a redux. We'll have more details and a full list of the available plots closer to the time this plot will take place.

  • We might be changing the layout. Not huge news, but we just wanted to share.

  • We will be adjusting the rules to account for the fact that our stance on certain issues has changed and we've come to realise certain rules are outdated and need to be tweaked or removed, whereas in other cases there are issues that need to be addressed but aren't.

  • We are going to be adding an employment directory to the mod journal, so that players know about work opportunities in the city. This will also, hopefully, make interacting easier, since people will be able to check on who their classmates and coworkers are more easily.

  • None of this is going into effect yet. We just wanted to give you all a heads up of what's coming into play this month. There will be additional mod posts for all of these things as they happen. It's going to be a busy month both in and out of character, and it should be good.

    The Mods