Jan. 25th, 2010



The twenty-sixth of January is appears to be a morning like any other morning in Colligo-- the sun is rising in the sky, filling the windows of the captured peoples' rooms with bright, warm light as the residents stir and pull out of their slumbers. As they awaken, however, they come to realize that this morning is, in fact, not like any other morning at all. The room they are in is not that of a 21st Century apartment, but a house straight out of the 18th Century. The little homes are spread out across the city of Colligo and the only sign of the grand, modern city that once stood in it's place is the infamous library, where new arrivals are sure to arrive.

The mall is gone, replaced by a bustling farmers' market with fields of crops and livestock where the park once was. Shops can be found around the library, ranging from shoemakers to seamstresses, carpenters to blacksmiths and other such businesses of the era. A clinic is all but nonexistent and any medical assistance you need will have to be acquired via a house call. Clothing, appropriate for the times, can be found in trunks at the foot of the residents' beds and they will find the garments fit surprisingly well. Any new clothing will have to be acquired from one of the shops-- and money, they'll find, is now converted into coin form and found in purses at the bottom of the trunks instead of stored within the banks. Careful with that now, someone may want to come and grab it.

Amazingly, the tablets are still working. Use them wisely, for they are your only "link" to the modern world. How long will this venture into the past last? A few days? Weeks? Months? Who knows. Only time will tell.

external view of the 18th Century homes
floor layout of the 18th Century homes
information on medicine of the 1700s
information on agriculture of the 1700s
refrence images of colonial clothing

All posts within [info]colligo_network and [info]colligo_threads made after this post will be ICly assumed to have been made on the 26th and within this new plot. If you have any questions about this plot, please don't hesitate to comment here or contact one of the mods (or leave us a collective message). Happy gaming!

Aug. 15th, 2009



I know, I know, you're all getting pretty tired of seeing mod posts everywhere, but hopefully this one will brighten everyone's day! After fiddling in photoshop for an hour or two -- and please, do excuse how some of the lines appear shaky, as I am without access to a tablet at the moment for pretty, straight lines -- I present to you a basic map of Colligo!

Please keep the locations of major buildings -- the apartments, hospital, mall, schools, police station -- in mind when gaming. Unused buildings, of course, are free to be labeled as whatever the players see fit: McDonald's, a video store, bars, restaurants, Wal-Mart, an abandoned building... You get the picture. Any questions? Please ask!