Feb. 24th, 2010



Upon waking the morning of February 25th, the unwilling residents of the City of Colligo will find themselves back in their beds within the apartments they were placed in when they first arrived. The city of the 18th Century is now gone, having been restored to it's former nature and the only signs that such a change ever took place is the garments the residents will find they are still wearing. If the locals are asked about what's transpired over the past month, they will respond with business as usual as if the city carried on without The Collector's collection present. In fact, it's as if they were still there as well. Bosses will claim that you were at work every day this past month and will be baffled as to why you're asking about being gone when you weren't, from their perspectives, missing.

Additionally, a light snowfall with fill the skies and coat the streets and rooftops for that day, but will be gone come the morning of the 26th with little still sticking to the ground. Everything seems to be back to how it was and without any disruption.

The question is, for how long?

The past event is now over. As stated above, the city is now completely back to normal. Anything posted after this post, unless clearly labeled as backdated will be considered to take place after the plot's end. If you have any questions or concerns, please comment here or contact one of the mods.

Nov. 20th, 2009



Those paying attention to the weather will notice that the snowfall hasn't stopped and seems to be increasing. Expect heavy snowfall today, with light snow fall returning for the weekend. Residents will also find that the ponds around the city have frozen over and the ice is now thick enough to be used for skating.

Questions, comments, winter-y plot suggestions? Contact one of the mods!