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Nov. 29th, 2011


Owl to Miss Luna Lovegood )


Who: Walden Macnair, Mario Bozo, and Royden Poke
When: Backdated to the evening of November 28th
Where: A boxing match
What: Walden wants to have a little chat with his "friends"
Rating/Status: Closed/PG-13 at least for language

It's like throwing the dice, it could end up disastrous )


Who: Arthur Capper and Nikola Troy
When: Morning, 29 November
Where: Department of Mysteries
What: a new assignment
Rating: PG
Open/Closed: CLOSED

It was time for a change in focus )


Who Cat Max & Elliot Stebbins
What Puppy Day Care
When Monday evening
Where Catherine's home
Status/Rating Closed/Incomplete/???

Every dog has his day - but the nights are reserved for the cats )

Nov. 28th, 2011


To: Cat Max
From: Edgar Bones

owl to Cat Max )


Who: Ayers and Megan
When: Monday late afternoon, November 28
Where: The Pitch
Flying and Confessions
Pg-13 for adult material


Who: Matty and Harry
What: A walk around the castle.
Where: The castle, this is getting redundant.
When: Right after Harry's journal entry.
Why: Professor Snape. ‘Nuff said.
Rating: PG-13 for assumed language
Status: Closed

It is always necessary )


Owl post to Juniper Capper, as an apology for working late )


Dropped off at Miss Chang's department this morning )


Who: Lennox and open (I'm looking at you, Cho!)
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Bats and Bludgers
Why: Brooms...why else?
Rating: Low

Yes people sent Lennox equipment all the time but it wasn't the same )


Owl post to Mr. Gideon Crumb )


An Owl to the Esteemed Mr. H. Potter )

Nov. 27th, 2011


Who: John Dawlish & Rolf Scamander
What: Political discussions are always so awkward, aren't they?
Where: John & Rolf's flat
When: Tonight
Warnings/Rating: Politics!/TBA

People wrote all sorts of idle things they didn't mean. )


Who: Harry and Ginny
When: Tonight
Where: Gryffindor Common Room, then out?
What: Angry talking, plot talking, Quidditch talking, etc.
Rating: TBA
Open/Closed: Closed

Harry hadn’t realized how much he hated horcruxes until tonight. )


Who: Severus Snape & Charity Burbage
What: Snape's not too keen on this whole school play thing.
Where: Charity's office
When: Tonight, after curfew
Warnings/Rating: TBA

He'd come to think of her as sensible. )


Who: Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasley and later Poppy Pomfrey
When: The very early hours of November 27th
Where: An old wizarding cemetery, outskirts of London; Then most likely their place
What: Fleur asked Bill to come get her after Demetrius was done with her
Rating/Status: Closed/TBD but probably not more than PG

It's a little like trying to spin the world the other way )


Patronus Message to Bill Weasley )

[*OCC note: backdated to early this morning]


Who: Alfie & Julien
What: Helping an injured friend
When: Nov. 22 (postdated because I totally thought that I posted it!)
Where: Hospital Wing, Hogwarts
Rating: PG

Did the staircase move or something? )


For Alexander William )


Today's Quidditch - Professional AND Hogwarts

The professional teams are still suffering from some players (*cough*muggleborns*cough*) being nervous and/or still affected by the current situation at the Ministry.

Falmouth 240 @ Caerphilly 90
Ballycastle 70 @ Holyhead 190
Kenmare 200 @ Appleby 80
Wimbourne 60 @ Montrose 180
Portree 250 @ Wigtown 30
Tutshill 80 @ Puddlemere 180

And at Hogwarts, the first Quidditch match of the season - postponed one week due to various things that haven't ever really been made public.

It was Slytherin @ 210 over Gryffindor @ 170.

As always, players can comment IC/OOC here with how they played, if they were injured, etc. Spectators can comment with what they did, if anything. For the Hogwarts games, students and professors can comment about whatever they like regarding the game.

As a note, no outside spectators were allowed in for the Hogwarts game.

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