December 29th, 2011

[info]rscamander in [info]changedrpg

Who Rolf Scamander and Luna Lovegood
What Having tea
When Thursday, December 29th 1997
Where John and Rolf's London flat.
Status Closed/Incomplete
Rating Chris Hansen, Eat your heart out.

Alice and the Mad Hatter )

[info]ex_bertram572 in [info]changedrpg

Who: Bertie Aubrey & Penelope Clearwater
What: It's hard to find a Healer when St. Mungo's doesn't want anything to do with you.
Where: London
When: This afternoon
Warnings/Rating: TBA

It was time to resort to magic once again. )

[info]defenseagainst in [info]changedrpg

Owl to Xenophilius Lovegood, c/o The Quibbler )

[info]quite_a_charmer in [info]changedrpg

Characters: Kenna Macfusty and Malcolm Macnair
Setting: Thursday early evening, Diagon Alley
Summary: Scene Lottery "It's about a girl who is very vulnerable." Former classmates bumping into each other.
Warning/Rating: None

It's about a girl who is very vulnerable. )

[info]dereking in [info]changedrpg

The Great Hunt!

Who: Students who Stayed at Hogwarts
What: Scavenger Hunt
Where: Hogwarts Castle and Grounds
When: The 28th, after Lunch
Rating: TBA, Fun
Status: IC/OOC

So, Lavender and Derek had the idea to have a scavenger hunt on the grounds as an activity after Christmas for the students who stayed. This happened yesterday! Basically, Derek put together a long list of items to be found in the castle or on the grounds, and gave a copy to everyone as they came to play.

A suit of armor with a dent
An astronomical model
A carpet with three holes
A WWW Basic Blaze Box
A non-explodable luminous balloon
A book on Anti-burglar Buzzers
An enchanted candle
A card from an exploding snap game with purple backing
half a cauldron
A box of Cribbage's Wizarding Crackers
a wrapper from a Cribbage's Wizarding Cracker
A serving plate
an enchanted tea set
frog spawn soap
A blue gobstone
Reusable Hangman
A box of Hiccough Sweets
An everlasting icicle
self-correcting ink
A portrait of the Knight Bus
An empty portrait
a magical megaphone
A talking mirror
Pink Parchment
A busted quaffle
A remembrall
A screaming yo-yo
A Twigger brand broomstick
A cat with no tail

When the player finds an item, they mark down the time and where they found it on their sheet, and when they've found all of them they bring the list back to Derek at the Great Hall. He also scrounged together some prizes for the winners! Gift certificates to Weasley Wizard Wheezes for the fastest three! (Which... I guess I'll somehow figure out from the people who tag in?)

Who's playing?!

[info]un_cho_sen in [info]changedrpg

Who:Cho and Kingsley
What: A meeting at work
When: Thrusday, December 29, 1998
Where: Department of International Magical Cooperations, Magical Documents Department
Scene Lottery Promt: If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions. )

February 2012



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