October 8th, 2011

[info]susy_b in [info]changedrpg

owl post.

Owl to the Auror department. )

[info]unhinged_rab in [info]changedrpg

Who: Rabastan? Yes! Its him and Theo Nott
When: Saturday, October 8, morning
Where: Hogsmeade
What: Wanting to SEE him!
Rating/status: R, for potential sexual content and 

[info]wickedy in [info]changedrpg

Owl to Pansy Parkinson )

[info]returnofthemac in [info]changedrpg

Owl post to Lavender Brown )

[info]spentcigarette in [info]changedrpg

Daphne/Miles Hogsmeade Placeholder.

[info]susy_b in [info]changedrpg

WHO: Susan Bones, Madam Pomfrey & Ernie Macmillan.
WHAT: Susan is having a bit of an anxiety attack after receiving a package.
WHEN: BACKDATED: Friday evening, after this.
WHERE: The Hufflepuff dormitories.
RATING: PG-13 for graphic imagery. I can't see it going above an R.

Well Jesus Christ, I'm not scared to die. I'm a little bit scared of what comes after. Do I get the gold chariot? Do I float through the ceiling? )

[info]_sneak in [info]changedrpg

Parcel Owl to Percy Weasley )

[info]thomas_dean in [info]changedrpg

Who: Dean Thomas and Lisa Turpin
When: Saturday, October 8
Where: Around Hogsmeade
What: Spending the day together.
Rating: TBD, nothing high.
Open/Closed: Closed.

If you're wondering if I want you to (I want you to) I want you to )

[info]changedmod in [info]changedrpg

Who: Open to All
When: Saturday
Where: Hogsmeade
What: Hogsmeade Weekend!
Rating: Low (If anything adultish happens, please break it off and segue to a separate thread!)
IC/OOC: Open to any who want to appear. Feel free to check in with what your character did, or thread IC, whichever you prefer.

Hogsmeade weekends are good for business. )

[info]forgedindeath in [info]changedrpg

Who: Weiland Mulciber and Sally-Anne Perks... and Wayne Hopkins later
When: during Hogsmeade hours, 8 October
Where: Outside the shops on the high street
What: a reunion of sorts... followed by teenage angst
Rating: PG to start
Open/Closed: CLOSED

When she turned, a flash of memory struck him. )

[info]artistic_audrey in [info]changedrpg

[info]witchssage in [info]changedrpg

Who: Penelope Clearwater and Charlie Weasley
When: Backdated to when Percy was in the hospital/Late at night
Where: St. Mungos
What: A run-in of sorts
Rating/Status: Lowish/Closed

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans )

February 2012



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