Mar. 8th, 2011


[No Subject]

Hello everyone!

I'm new here. I'm Ronnie, and this is Amber. She's a vampire, sired in the late 70s. She has a degree in business administration, but she usually just runs odd jobs.

I really hope that I like it here, and that my awkward newness wears off soon.

Mar. 7th, 2011



Character Development

Hey guys. For this week's/month's character development, you should write up ten good traits about your character, and then ten bad traits about your character. What may seem like an easy one, it will definitely make you do a lot of thinking.

As soon as I get one done, I'll post it for you guys as an example if you need it.

Also, here are some lists of character traits. One and Two. Yep, totally used a list of The Sims 3 traits. Shut up.

Mere Delany
Skylar Bale
Taylor Lansing

Mar. 5th, 2011



Friend Button


If I've missed anyone, please let me know via comment or email ( You can also IM me at That Other Erin on AIM if I'm not AFK.

Mar. 2nd, 2011



Scene Request(s)


Hellooooo everyone!

I've got one or two (possibly more) scene requests for my character, Vincent Moreau ([info]locupletative). A note should be made; Vincent hasn't been officially introduced, yet, so any of these scenes (if they get started) might possibly be delayed in posting until his initial introduction is made. Without further ado, onto the requests...

Scene Requests for Vincent Moreau )

Anyone who is interested in the above scenarios can leave a comment. If you want to discuss details, you can drop me a note at my CDJ ([info]ehazcharacters) or in Vincent's drop box at [info]locupletative.



Say 'Crack' Again...

So, I've gone through my character listing for here and VVV and it's occurred to me that I don't play certain characters often enough. So, unless I'm given a reason to play them, they'll either get dropped or put up for adoption.

The characters on the chopping block so far are...
From AL: Anita, Harper, Raph, Rhys, Samson and Sophia
From VVV: Avasa, Emilie, Hannah, Joey and Miranda

Any questions, feel free to comment here or get a hold of me on AIM. Cheers.

Mar. 1st, 2011



Kir here

With Jodi's sister, Quinn, PB'd by Rachael Leigh Cook. Any questions, feel free t'ask.

Feb. 28th, 2011



Friend Button


If I've missed anyone, please let me know via comment or email. You can also IM me at That Other Erin on AIM if I'm not AFK.

And now, I present a new character...

Name: Vincent Moreau
Age: 105
Species: Vampire
Type: Watcher
PB: Gaspard Ulliel
Before being drafted into the French military during the Great War, Vincent Moreau grew up in a farming community. In 1916, he died on the battlefield, was turned and after cutting a bloody path through Europe during World War II, the Watcher's Council finally captured Vincent in 1941 where he came to work for them obtaining dangerous information.

Vincent may or may not be a distant relation to Narcissa Moreau. To know more about the vampire, click the Friend Button and visit his journal. :)

Feb. 27th, 2011



The Bale - Kellerman Wedding

Those invited to/attending the wedding of Bronte Bale and Grant Kellerman are listed below in case anyone is unsure if their character would have been invited or not.

Bretton and Nevada
Ben and Skylar and family (Brandie and Bella)
Georgina and Tom Bale
Neely and Rachelle
Blake and Guest
Bastian and Guest
Bridget and Guest
Brandon and Guest(s)
Brennan and Guest
Baily and Guest
Bethany and Guest
Brayden and Guest(s)
Uncle Dave and Guest
Josie and Guest
Liz and Guest

Feb. 26th, 2011



Character Wanted!

Might any one be interested in playing a twin? If interested or curious comment here or email me at onejadedheart at gmail dot com


Feb. 25th, 2011



Friend Button

How To Use The Friend All Button
1. Log into the appropriate account. This will need to be done for each account you need to update/use the button for.
2. Click the Updated: February 25th button below.
3. Voila! You've either added everyone in the community or updated your friends list! Wasn't that easy?

If I've missed anyone, please let me know via comment or email ( You can also IM me at That Other Erin on AIM if I'm not AFK.



Name: Lenore Burke
Age: 23
Species: Human
Type: Druid (Witch)
PB: Voodou Suicide
Lenore comes from a parallel universe/dimension called Avalon where things such as faeries, vampires, druids (aka witches), werewolves, etc. openly co-exist with one another until Uther Pendragon usurped the throne. The Druid gain their innate abilities through inter-species marriages and unions with the fae and Uther has made it his mission to wipe the Druid out. It was several years ago that Lenore received her Mark and the Wylde Hunt was to track her down and either kill or capture her. Luck has been on her side recently as she was able to open a portal into our world and flee Avalon.

Feb. 24th, 2011



Scene Still "In Progress"

Hey all! I've got a scene with Henry still open for anyone that wants to tag it. It's set on Valentines Day at the Hyperion's kitchen. If anyone is interested, it'll be open until at least Saturday. :)

♥ Erin

Feb. 23rd, 2011



Player Questions

Also, in my fun, demented honkey fashion, I'm posting MORE questions for you guys to answer. However, these have more to do with YOU and all your characters, so just post your bloody answers on this entry.

Player Questions )



Character Questions

While Anya vents at me over at Dear_Mun on LJ (anya_h8sbunnies for those interested), I figured I'd post something over here for you guys to do in your spare time.

Character Stuff )

Mere Delany
Skylar Bale
Lilly Maymin
Kirstin Locke
Neely Bale
TJ Bothwell
Kayla Barnes
Darlene Southland
Patience Kowalski
Lucy Van Warren

Feb. 21st, 2011



[No Subject]

After I finish my take home final (easy peasy, btw), I'll be free for basically about two weeks.

You know what this means?



You know, when I'm not drunk or asleep. Or running a Vampire the Masquerade or playing in a DnD campaign. But other than those, PLEASE hit me up. I've been craving some roleplay that I can devote 100% of my time to for a WHILE.

Feb. 20th, 2011




Hey everyone! Kel here.

I finally found (with the help of the lovely Luckee) the perfect PB for my sweet little pierced and tattooed goober Karissa!

From now on, Vesta Suicide will portray my girl.

Come play with her! I've been DYING to use her more!

Feb. 19th, 2011



Workers at Character Businesses

Someone asked me at some point how many bartenders there were at Avarice so I put together this list.

*Note: Any of the busier bars (Avarice, Eden, The Vault) all have up to four bartenders on at a time during the weekend, so there can be up to ten people who work there. So, there's still plenty of room on these lists. For the less busy bars, I'd say that there are only two bartenders on at a time.

Bartenders at Avarice:
Owned by Ben, Bretton, and Bronte Bale
Camille Blake (during weeknights)
Caroline ‘CJ’ Swinton
Karl Lafleur
Kayla Barnes
Martin Anderson

DJs at Avarice: :

Waitresses at Avarice: :

Bartenders at Eden:
Owned by Spike and Grace Freeman
Raven Becker

DJs at Eden:

Waitresses at Eden:

Bartenders at The Rocket Club: (LA)
Owned by Magdalena Sharp
Managed by Callum Vaughn

DJs at The Rocket Club:

Waitresses at The Rocket Club:

Bartenders at The Vault:
Owned by Louise Thompson

DJs at The Vault: :

Waitresses at The Vault: :

Bartenders at The End Zone:
Owned by Rachelle Martin-Bale
Charles Gunn
Kenny Palmer
Bex McKenzie

Waitresses at The End Zone: :

Bartenders at Silky’s:

DJs at Silky’s: :

Waitresses at Silky’s: :

Bartenders at Delizia:
Owned by Margharita Castiglione

DJs at Delizia:
RJ Steele

Waitresses at Delizia:

Waitresses at Chloe’s Sugar Shack: :
Marley Van Warren

Waitresses at Jolt!Coffee:

Waitresses at Delongi’s:
Owned by Jenelle de la Vega

Hostesses at Delongi’s:

Cooks at Delongi’s:

Strippers at Saints & Sinners: :
Owned by Ben Bale and Mere Delany
Deirdre Callwell

DJs at Saints & Sinners: :

Bartenders at Saints & Sinners: :

Waitresses at Saints & Sinners: :

Workers at Shooting Star Comics:
Owned by Andrew Wells
Miranda Carlson
Chastity Green

Employees at Gamehaven:
Karolina Martinez - Manager

Employees at Shattered Records: (Record Store)
Owned by Bastian & Meeghan Gregory, and Anya Jenkins
Anya Jenkins - Manager
Emmy Gale
Payton Martinez
Dexter Harris
Juliet McCalley

Clerks at Ashes to Ashes:
Owned by Delilah Zamora
Bastian Martin-Bale
Tameka Hogans
Tamara Hogans
Tara Maclay

Clerks at Mystic Rain Books:
Owned by Hannah Callen

Employees at The Sun Theater:
Link O’Connor – Manager
Jensen Davies

Rare Artifacts and Antiques:
Owned by Elle Van Etten

Lockley Antiques:
Owned by Kate Lockely

Bartenders at The Rocket Club: (NYC)
Owned by Maggie Sharp
Managed by Charlize Sharp

DJs at The Rocket Club:
Hannah Shaw

Waitresses at The Rocket Club:

Feb. 18th, 2011



Tag Update

Hey everyone. I went through the tags for the comm and updated them, removing ones for dropped chars and added new ones for new chars. I leave the ones for the chars who transferred to VVV, in case they cross over from time to time. If you KNOW they'll never come to LA again, let me know and I'll move them.

If there's any that I missed, please let me know.


Kir again

While not the best time for me personally, I figured I'd intro some new characters while I was able to. Also, by 'some' I mean 'four', because I'm fucking awesome like that.

Firstly, there's Chelsea Valarie Duquette, (PB'd by the oh-so-lovely Stana Katic). She's a Dreamwalker/Actress who has recently released a very 'Underworld'-like movie. She's also Aunt to my already established Clark Duquette. She's not as well known as her older sister, but with her new movie, that's about to change.

Then there's Logan Pendergast (PB'd by Darren Criss), who's also a friend of Clark's. He's a senior at Regan High. He's in the drama club and plays multiple instruments. He's not quite as flamboyant as Clark, but he's still theatrical and finds the positive side of things.

I've also picked up two canon characters. Melaka Fray (PB'd by Carrina Suicide), a future Slayer that fell through a time-rift as her world was being destroyed (lovely, eh?). As well as, Allen Francis Doyle (PB'd by Glenn Quinn, respectively). While I hope to keep the original characters alive, I also hope to bring my own personal spin to them.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave 'em here. I'm willing to play all but Doyle at this point, as I'm not confident enough to play him yet.

Feb. 15th, 2011



Friend Button

How To Use The Friend All Button
1. Log into the appropriate account. This will need to be done for each account you need to update/use the button for.
2. Click the Updated: February 15th button below.
3. Voila! You've either added everyone in the community or updated your friends list! Wasn't that easy?

If I've forgotten or missed anyone, please let me know via comment, email (, or you can IM me at That Other Erin on AIM if I'm not AFK.