November 10th, 2009


Calling all RPers

::sighs heavily::

Okay. I know I've been largely MIA or absent minded lately. I apologize. School is kicking my ass way more than I thought it'd be and when I'm not swamped in stuff I should be doing, I've mostly been feeling blah. That being said...I do want to get some play in and I thought it might be helpful to me (and maybe anyone out there who wants to play with me) for me to at least toss up a tentative list of ideas of characters I'd like to play together. Do I have scene ideas? Psh. Who needs those!?!?

Knox & Max
Knox & Sammy
Knox & Ivy

Eve & Neely

Sofia & Ben
Sofia & Bronte
(Yeah, I dropped the ball last time, sorry! I'll be better next time? Uhhh...performance anxiety??? Sure, we'll say that.)
Sofia & Sammy

Louise & Jack
Louise & Mere
(although you've soooo tempted me with that idea of awkwardness at Thanksgiving, Jess...)
Louise & Damon

Luke & Lena
Luke & Lilah
Luke & Louise
(Yeah, I know, she's mine. I'm just lettin' y'all know I'm gonna be playing with myself...)
Luke & Anyone who wants to get bitten??? (I promise, it only hurts a little in the beginning...then it feels so good.... Wait, what?)

Lucy & Camille
Lucy & Cassie
Lucy & Buffy
Lucy & Kevin
Lucy & Chloe
Lucy & Janie
Lucy & Nica
(just seems like it could be funny? I dunno....)
Lucy & Rachelle
Lucy & David
Lucy & ...?

Bella & Ben
Bella & Skylar
Bella & Pat
Bella & Gwen
Bella & Janie
Bella & Ash
Bella & Chloe
Bella & Patience
(Never said I didn't play with myself often....)
Bella & Damien
Bella & Giles
Bella & Brandon

Patience & Gwen
Patience & Ben
Patience & CJ
Patience & Damon
Patience & Bretton
Patience & Anyone outside of her usual circle

Jason & Camille
Jason & Ash
Jason & Other high school students

Priscilla & Anyone who wants to die or get sick
Priscilla & Any of the other Horsemen

Kat & Stephanie
Kat & Harrison
Kat & Any Regan High student
Kat & Any Slayers

Of course, this list isn't the end-all/be-all, so if you wanna play, just hit me up. I have a limited imagination until people give me ideas. And of course it doesn't include my usuals like Patience/Pat, Lucy/Ash, Bella/Damon, etc. Those are just givens.

♥ Amy



Yes, I'm serious...

UGH. And as IF I don't have enough characters, I've been considering making a couple of others, but wanted to throw my ideas out here first in order to see if anyone would play with them.

1. An angel - No, not Angel, as he's taken. But an actual angel. We've got fallen angels running around, so why not a real angel? Could be useful in the I Can Haz Apocalypse Nao? plot, but I think there could be over-arching drama funness. Who says an angel can't fall in love?!? Nicholas Cage did. Psh! PB ideas: Morena Baccarin if female, Alex Skarsgard if male.

2. A vampire Slayer - But AMY. We've got a LOT of those already. Yeah. But no. I mean a Slayer who was turned into a vampire. Did Joss ever touch on that in the show? Color me embarrassed that I don't recall. But I think it could be badass.

So. Would there be any takers?