November 2nd, 2009


Finally Back

Hey all! It's Jen - your wayward Dawn. My move took a lot more out of me than I expected it to and that would be why I've been completely AWOL lately. Things are finally settling down so I should be good to get some playing in.

I'm going to assume that Dawn got out of the hospital but has been taking it easy in the wake of the accident. I'll probably post her open sometime this week, but if anyone wants scenes, drop me a line!

Lock up your daughters!

This here's Bennett (she prefers to go by Neely), sister of Brandon and general worshiper of Ben. (Only she thinks she got the better end of the deal because God gave her that body, dammit). And she'll basically hit on any able-bodied girl. Ahem. The girl has no shame.

Anyway! My name is Kir an' I'll be introducing my little horn-dog soon. XD If anyone wants sceneage, or just to scare the crap out of me when they're invisible *pointedly looks at Dan*, then feel free! My AIM's: Warm Whsprs
