xavier's school for the gifted

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Posts Tagged: 'nightcrawler'

Jul. 23rd, 2023



not dead which eternal lies.

In the wailing darkness behind the barrier, eldritch creatures struggled to force themselves through the widening crack. Spines, tentacles, a lashing tongue, all of them withdrawn with a shriek of rage as the being attached to it found itself still trapped. Their fury was building. But there was one Elder God with a strange aura of calm, moving through the maelstrom almost gently until it -- she -- finally reached the opening.

Gaea. The Great Mother, the Bright Lady, the World. Sister of Cthon, but while her brother and the other Elder Gods had degenerated she had held on to something pure inside herself. Now, as she drew close enough to the breach, she reached out.

The book had always been a vessel, and it had emptied itself of the dark energy drawn from the Coven days ago, feeding the weakness in the barrier. Now, empty of intent, it became a vessel for Gaea. She reached through it to the Coven that had first found it, to the girl whose soul still powered what was left of the barrier and kept it from collapsing completely. She poured her knowledge into it. It had held the spells the that had drawn power for the Elder Gods, but it had also held the spells that saved the world from the Hellfire Club's destruction, and it held the spells that could save the world again. She just had to guide the right people to them.

(Open to Coven, Inferno Kids + Amy)

Jan. 20th, 2023



rf 1/21/23 - 1/27/23


1/14/23 - 1/20/23
1/2/23 - 1/6/23

Jun. 10th, 2022



if we live fast, let us die young. (plot!)

Illyana had known this would come. She’d been aware ever since her powers had started faltering. She ruled Limbo with an iron fist, and took care of it better than Belasco had, but that meant nothing to the demons that lived there. They respected her, sure, but the minute she showed any weakness, they would be there to take her down. Her followers’ loyalty was dependent upon her ability to keep everyone in line (well, to a reasonable degree), and her disappearance would mean a massive power vacuum.

And there were several demons being held in her dimension that were very, very bad. She worried what they’d be able to do when they found her secrets in her castle.

She didn’t even know if there was a new Sorcerer Supreme. She didn’t really care though. Anyone that opposed her would die.

She opened a portal to drop her war party a little bit away from the castle, where there was cover to stop the footsoldiers from seeing them. They needed intel before just storming in. She could teleport them, but first she wanted to see what kinds of demons were there – it could give her an idea of who, exactly, was sitting on her throne.

She heard the rustle behind them though, and she turned immediately, arms out, black and purple magical energy swirling around her hands, looking for who was there.

(Inferno babies, war party, and Kurt! thread headers below)

Mar. 8th, 2022



Now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it. (Open to Admins!)

Emma had been meaning to do this for awhile, not that it was an excuse for the fact that she hadn’t. Or, more importantly, that she hadn’t way back when she’d first come to the school. It was more understandable why she hadn’t back then – she had no loyalty to Xavier’s, but she had to keep up the ruse that she was spying on the place in case they checked and opted to send someone else in. The kids were safer with someone like her keeping out the HFC, and blocking the many intrusions they’d planned on over the years. And after some time she finally made the decision to use her powers to keep them in the dark. She wasn’t sure that any of that would matter, though.

She’d known for some time now that this would happen, however. It was only a matter of time before the Hellfire Club made a move in another direction. She couldn’t protect every mutant, all the time, and the Club had members from all over the world who might decide they wanted a mutant for themselves. And she knew these men – not from personal experience with them, of course (they still had a ways to go before they would be successful or important enough for Emma Frost to interact with them), but because she had scanned their minds once they had their names and locations, and had picked up on who they were and who had told them to kidnap Leon – Sebastian Shaw.

The fact that he was involved made this serious enough that she needed to finally come clean. She’d known where her loyalty lied for years. Now she needed to actually show it. All of the Deans had gathered and she was with them now, waiting for everyone to get situated before clearing her throat and beginning to speak.

“When I first came here, six years ago, it wasn’t a philanthropic attempt on my end, necessarily. I belong to a group known as The Hellfire Club. It’s comprised of the richest and most powerful people in the world. They wanted to send someone here to assess the students and possibly help with…relocating them. I volunteered so that I could stem the tide and keep them in the dark regarding who’s here and who isn’t. It’s worked all these years, but someone – I assume a man named Sebastian Shaw, the leader – has decided to stop waiting. The men who tried to kidnap Mr. Nunez were lackies that Shaw of course had access to. Tiny fish in a big pond, who think that one day they’ll be able to join. This may have been a test for them, I’m not entirely sure. I also don’t know what Shaw or The Hellfire Club wants from him. I suspect that they suspect they can’t trust me anymore, or they would have asked me to deliver him. If that’s the case then something’s stopping them from attempting to come to the school to take him. I couldn’t say what.” She paused a moment. “I’m willing to answer your questions about them.”

(Admins! Backdated to yesterday)

Dec. 31st, 2021



attack rapid fire!

Midday, multiple portals are going to open up and a great deal more of the tentacle monsters come out than came out originally. Along with them are ten of THESE things, who seem to be the ones in charge. They are capable of paralyzing anyone that meets their eyes, summoning elements, and forcing the opposite side to fight each other instead of the bad guys. Most dangerously though, they also have the capacity to use their central eye to project a field that cancels the effects of all mutant abilities within a cone of 150 feet in length around them.

There will be a post going up soon for non-team members to talk on, but the entries there don’t count towards activity. On that note, keep in mind that only posts happening before midnight will count for activity this month (that's why this is going up so early!).


May. 25th, 2021




Visualize your destination. That was easy in this instance given she and Herr Wagner had specifically set out a target zone and visited the location a few times. It was a clearing on the other side of the grounds near the far side of the lake. Currently she was present on the front lawn near the main doors going through all the mental checks that her power adviser had given her before attempting anything. It was important to ingrain that even if it became second nature once she was more experienced. For now it was more like a minute long process, but on the other hand that didn't even seem remotely negative: she could teleport theoretically anywhere and could do so with a minute? Of course, that was in a perfect world even. At present Alicia had mixed success, a fluctuation of victories and failures.

Which, frankly, was an apt description of her time so far at Xavier's. There was that intense, ravenous curiosity that came with being at a place like this, meeting new people, and finding out precisely all the extents of people's powers. That was fun, but it was tempered with the realities that she and Graham had broken up because he was a cheating twat, that she'd completely left her old life in Australia behind so that she could make sure she didn't, you know, end up in Wyoming randomly again or worse. And, of course, Nina who was less likely to be icing her out after this much time—probably unless Alicia had really misjudged her friend—so was likely missing. And that kept her worried and having some restless nights. As much as the unknown of Nina's situation rankled her it was better than knowing without a doubt that she'd sent the other girl somewhere else, so with that she was able to tuck 'not actually sure, Nina may just be a jerk' as a band-aid on that potential wound and push things to the back of her mind so that she could live her life. The best option? No, but she had to make due. )
[ KURT ]

Feb. 9th, 2021




By rights, Nasir should have been in a good mood. He’d had an amazing weekend, after all. The trip to Hawaii, complete with a surprise wedding, had turned out to be a great day. He’d had fun, even. Swimming in the ocean, motoring his way through the food on offer, spending time with his brother and his friends, he could hardly complain about any of that. But then they’d returned to the school and the now familiar heavy sensation had returned, settling back onto his shoulders, into his stomach, down to the soles of his feet. It wasn’t like Nasir enjoyed feeling this way, he had actively tried to shake off the depression which sat like a stone in his chest, he’d tried to embrace his new life and the opportunities which came with it. Life was good here, that was the reality of it. He was lucky. He should be happy. And yet. And yet.

Monday morning brought classes along with it and that didn’t help at all. Back in Pakistan, before his mutation had manifested, Nas had finished with school. He’d embarked upon his career and his mindset had shifted from childhood to young adulthood, he’d started to think of himself as a man rather than a boy. Coming here and being enrolled in classes had felt like a step backwards and it always would. He yearned to graduate so he could get on with his life once more, whatever shape that life may take. But he wasn’t there yet. At least it was lunchtime?

Before he could meet up with Raj in the cafeteria though, he had an errand to run. Politely knocking before opening the door to Herr Wagner’s office, Nasir kept his head lowered to ensure he didn’t accidentally drive the Dean utterly insane. Mondays were lame enough without adding a crazed X-Man to the mix. He tapped his device to play the words he’d written on his way here, a tinny and robotic approximation of his true voice crackling into the air. Hello, sir. The Geography teacher asked me to drop these off for you. Nas held up the stack of papers he was holding to indicate what he was referring to, then placed them on Kurt’s desk. With a brisk nod, he headed back to the door, planning to leave the Dean to his work and start making his way to the cafeteria.

Something made him slow down as he held the door open though, hovering with one foot in the hallway outside. He wasn’t even sure for a moment quite why he was lingering, what it was that was holding him here. Nasir turned, his face in profile, his one good eye fixed firmly on the wall rather than the Dean’s face. Deep down, he realised, he knew exactly why he was still in this room. He’d wanted to talk about this, to this particular man, for a long time. Allowing the door to softly click shut, he raised his device and tapped at it. Forgive me, sir, but may I ask you a question? You can say no. It’s a personal question.

[ KURT ]

Aug. 28th, 2020




This was nuts and it was getting more nuts! Brooklyn's 16th had started with a dismal forecast — rain, rain, more rain — which really dampened her plans if not her mood. Instead of the outdoor gathering she was going to have lakeside out of town, things had shifted to a garage party at home which, okay, wasn't what she was going for, but nonetheless it was going to be fine. You didn't turn sweet sixteen every year, and she was especially excited about this one. Of course when she was setting up for said party with her bestie was when things really started to go actually nuts. She was setting up the drinks when when flames leaped from her hands suddenly, shocking her into a scream. It was worse when the garage wall caught fire, and things went worse from there. When she and her friend made it out safely from the roaring blaze the sun was shining vibrantly in the sky, and the backyard lawn looked rather dry. Which... didn't help the fire that was raging near it.

All said and done the fire department's prompt response stopped things from getting worse. )

Jul. 10th, 2020



Plot Log: Nightcrawler & Loa

WHO: Kurt Wagner (NIGHTCRAWLER) and Alani Ryan (LOA)
WHERE/WHEN: July 9th-10th, The Gladiator Pits, after this thread.
WHAT: Oh you know just chillin nbd.

In spite of Applebee’s? )

Jul. 9th, 2020



Plot Thread: Nightcrawler and Silver

There were few things more agonizing than being forced to wait while people you cared about were in danger. Kurt was patient but he’d never been very good with stillness. He was always moving, always in action, accustomed to being on the frontline. In the pits however, he and his fellow captives had no choice but to wait on edge as each of them systematically had their turn in the arena, never knowing who was up next or who would be coming back. All Kurt could do in the meantime was pray they’d be able to hold out until an opportunity for escape presented itself.

They’d been lucky for the first couple of days it seemed but last night that luck had finally run out and Aaron had been killed. A student. Forced to sacrifice his life for the entertainment of others. The already heavy mood that had settled over the group of them had taken on an edge of hopelessness in the wake of such a loss. It was immoral and senseless and Kurt hated more than anything that there'd been no way for any of them to stop it. It was getting more and more difficult for him to justify the good they were able to do at the school when too often this was the cost. Every day they spent trapped here meant that more lives would be on the line.

And as it turned out, today it would be his and Jimon’s. )


Feb. 15th, 2020



Log: Nightcrawler and Windshear

WHO: Kurt Wagner (NIGHTCRAWLER) and Colin Hume (WINDSHEAR)
WHERE/WHEN: Colin's room; Backdated to yesterday evening
WHAT: Fueled by a glass or two of wine, Kurt and Colin discuss the toll it takes to be an X-Man.

It had been gruesomely intimate, this grave sin he had committed. )

Jun. 1st, 2019




The last few days had been a blur. Chaos, then unbearable sadness, confusion, and anger. That had been the most surprising of the emotions that hit Alani. Anger that they hadn't seen this coming, that they had lost so many, and there was absolutely nothing anyone could do about it other than wait. Waiting was the worst part. Waiting was a nightmare to an impatient person like Alani, who was desperate fix things before they spiraled out of control. Every hour following the attack made the situation worse—more destruction, more injuries, more death. Another loss, another missing, another reminder that they had all been rendered helpless, one way or another, and sometimes (most of the time) they could only wait.

That was before Alani realized Renai never made it back. The sharp, stinging pain of the wound to her arm felt distant and numb in comparison to the ache that had swallowed her mind at that information. And if the world seemed to know what kind of crushing blow that would strike, the voice that had been a strange but dubious constant since she had returned to the future went blissfully quiet. Even in different levels of grief, Alani's subconscious still tried to protect her from whatever critical blow that would strike to her emotions. So she swallowed it down, took a deep breath, and started working on autopilot. She had one good arm, she wasn't in critical condition—if she sat still too long, her leg would bounce in anxious, nervous, worried energy, and that would only add to the mounting stress of the situation because there were more of her friends there than not. The list was growing, and she couldn't do anything to make it shrink.

In times like these, Alani tried to gravitate toward the people who had a grounding, calming presence. The people who held optimism when things were wrong. Alani wasn't a pessimist by any means, but her stint in the future had made her cautious, had roughed up the smooth edges of her experiences, had made her question everything she did that would have adverse effects. This was one of those times, and she knew it was only the beginning. Her first instinct had been Kurt, but she hadn't seen much of him since the dust settled and the school was short a few dozen people, both missing or dead.

She had snatched pockets of sleep when it was possible, cleared rubble and debris—awkwardly, with parts of her body that could phase without causing issues to the quick-but-efficient medical care she had received—and wandered as far as she could before structural support started to be questionable. She rounded a corner, finally catching a glimpse of Kurt perched in a dark, quiet place. She might have even missed him, if she hadn't been looking. She hadn't realized how long she had been looking for him until she found him. )


May. 26th, 2019



I've learned to lose, you can't afford to. (All!)

The X-Men had managed to break through Selene’s outer barriers and in to where Proteus himself was hiding. It was then that he was taken out, swiftly, and his control over the various minds here and elsewhere ended. The compound was simple enough, and not too many turns later they found Selene herself, still involved in her ritual.

“But how can you focus on me when your home needs so much help?” An image in all of their minds suddenly, of the school and the chaos and slaughter that was happening there. The teams started to disperse immediately, the stopping of Selene and her crystals left to a trusted few.

The others teleported out, landing back on the grounds in the midst of the fight. They weren’t the only ones arriving, though. In the front hallway of the school, the time-travelers that had been taken a year ago were dropping back in place as though no time had passed for them at all. And outside something strange(r) was happening -- black, whirling portals were beginning to appear, and out of each fell a stranger. Portals were opened up near some of the current residents as well, sucking them in.

(Everyone’s here! Wait for thread titles and then go wild)

Mar. 26th, 2019




Tamsin smiled at the early Spring sunshine filtered through the glass of the window, pausing a moment to gaze out at the stillness of the view beyond. Classes were in session so there were few people wandering around out there, just the quiet of the afternoon, the hush of the breeze making leaves flutter and branches sway. It was beautiful out there. There was so much beauty here. She never ceased to be struck by it.

Perhaps later she'd see if Silas would like a walk around the gardens, or stop by the greenhouse to visit with Min and soak up the natural surroundings enclosing the mansion. For now, she had work to do. There was a schedule she'd drawn up upon arriving at the school, one she'd stuck to steadfastly ever since, working her way around the curtains and tablecloths and bedsheets found throughout the building, specific days for washing specific rooms. Today it was the turn of the rec rooms, tomorrow it would be the guest bedrooms. It was strange for her, having a job. She'd never imagined she'd end up being a laundrywoman in a school. The very idea of it, even now, seemed so extraordinary, so far removed from the world she knew. Tamsin hardly recognised herself.

She loved it though. Some might find the idea of her job to be something unworthy of pride, too menial, too trivial. Certainly she couldn't imagine the students here daydreamed about scrubbing fabrics for a living. But she didn't see it that way. There was something so enriching about the methodical nature of it, about the routine, the simple act of cleansing. Water and soap bringing a little more beauty back to the world. A little more purity. It was rewarding too, the knowledge that she was contributing in some small way to a community, that she was earning her keep, helping the great Xavier's machine to tick over even if she was the smallest of cogs. Tamsin had spent her life depending on others, being cared for and protected, and now finally she was pulling her weight. She'd found a purpose within a home. She was happy here. Happy and safe.

Or perhaps not safe. There was a fly in her ointment at the school, a fox in the henhouse. She tried not to think of it, of him, but his presence here cast a shadow on her every waking moment. Avoiding him had worked so far but he was a reminder that there was nowhere she could go, nowhere she could run to, nowhere she could hide. There was nowhere truly safe. Even a sanctuary like this. But she would be okay, she didn't need to be so afraid. There were people here who would protect her, and not only Victoria. And she was a grown woman, a source of power in her own right. She didn't need to rely on others to defend her. She could stand up for herself. And if she needed to, she would.

The smile had slipped from her face but Tamsin drew in a breath and pushed it back onto her lips. With practiced ease, she tied the cord holding back the curtain from the window in the staff rec room and fondly ran her fingers down the thick fabric. There. Good as new. Almost done for the day, she picked up her almost empty laundry basket and turned away from the window, planning to head to the resident's rec room next. The sight of a figure in the doorway made her freeze. Her blood ran cold. Nowhere truly safe.

[ KURT ]

Jan. 5th, 2019



Log: Nightcrawler and Loa

WHO: Kurt Wagner (NIGHTCRAWLER) and Alani Ryan (LOA)
WHERE/WHEN: Backdated to a little after midnight on New Years
WHAT: Talking about the future and the future.

Alani Ryan? A self professed adult? It’s all over now, I’m afraid. )