xavier's school for the gifted

September 2024



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Posts Tagged: 'ddos'

Jan. 19th, 2024



rf 1/19/23 - 1/25/23


1/21 - All food is ice cream, unfortunately. But there does seem to be some vegan versions?

1/23 - Sentinels 4.0 go live, the same units (dogs and drones) but now with enhanced facial recognition. This is a prototype so feel free to pretend your voice against it matters!

1/24 - Kick is released into the air at a pro-mutant rally, causing a frenzy and all kinds of bad between powers going nuts and people having the confidence of gods.

January 2024
RFs 2023
Past Rapid-Fires

Jan. 6th, 2023



rf 1/7/23 - 1/13/23 BACK ON TRACK!

1/7 - All animals on the grounds disappear until 1/9

1/10 - School starts!

1/11 - A massive hail and lightning storm begins on the west coast, and within hours is on the east. It doesn't stop there, though. Other storms of the same nature are hitting every continent. Hail is up to the size of basketballs, and the lightning is constant. The school (sans the med labs, who are on their own generator) loses power for two days due to the damage. Doing spells from the book to help (and in general) seems to urge the coven to use more (not to a worrying degree -- don't ruin the fun by having your char notice yet!)

1/2/23 - 1/6/23

Nov. 25th, 2022



RF 11/26/22 - 12/2/22

11/27 - The outbreak continues unabated. The few mutant teams there are in the world are now all deploying healers to various Western Africa countries.

12/1 - The outbreak has been largely contained thanks to the large external support of not just mutants but human doctors and healthcare workers administering vaccines. Several countries have been decimated, though.

12/2 - With the help of volunteers, all of the Christmas decorations for the year are put up.

11/19/22 - 11/25/22
11/12/22 - 11/18/22
11/5/22 - 11/11/22
11/1/22 - 11/4/22

Sep. 23rd, 2022



rapid fire 9/23 - 9/30

Friday 9/23: Sadie Hawkins dance, and afterparty at the lakehouse/Limbo

Tuesday 9/27: All student grades leak on the journals.

Thursday 9/29: National Coffee Day! Literally any kind of coffee you can think of is served in the cafeteria all day.

Jul. 28th, 2022



activity rapid fire!

So we're not all posting a hundred journal entries. ...Yes we include ourselves in that >_>

Jul. 16th, 2022



fight rapid-fire!

You know the drill. Get all the reflections back on their side of the mirror so the coven can end the spell!

May. 19th, 2022



time is like a fuse, short and burning fast.

As Minx and Emerson said their vows, a small group had remained sequestered inside, keeping the spell that would close the portals going. It couldn't stop once it had started, not even for a second. Not even for a wedding that had, against all odds for a special event at Xavier's, gone off without a hitch. They had kept the candles burning, continued the chant, not knowing when the spell would pay off but knowing they would recognize it when they saw it.

And as the wedding outside ended and the reception got into full swing, the moment came.

Magic moved in tandem, even when the spellcasters didn't know it, and at the same time the Hellfire Club's long ritual was finally ending. Their hired magicians had worked for weeks to bring the Phoenix into this world, and finally, finally it was paying off. Sebastian Shaw stood in the summoning circle, a fresh tattoo still sore on his wrist. The Phoenix's symbol. That tattoo had cost Leon Nunez his life, draining him to provide Shaw with a pale imitation of the Phoenix's powers -- and, more importantly, a way to draw it into himself and bind it there. A way to control it. Or at least, that was the theory. Shaw was serenely confident, unbothered by the enormity of what he was doing or by the innocent life it had cost to get him here. This was his moment.

As the spells completed, in perfect synchronicity, reality shifted. Every portal that had ever opened between worlds was opened again. At Xavier's, R&D moved quickly to shut off the device that had been keeping the portals closed until now, but the spell was more powerful than any mechanical device anyway. Portals reopened all over the grounds. Away from the school, the same thing was happening, although the portals had always been most densely concentrated at Xavier's.

Inside the spellcasters kept the ritual going. Soon, those who'd been pulled through the portals into other worlds would start to feel the pull toward the portal that would take them home again. Not just yet. But even without that pull, there were creatures in other worlds that would jump at any chance to go through a portal and wreak havoc, and they had been cut off from Xavier's for a long time.

(Fight rapid-fire! Everyone!)

[Magic users should head to the room where the ritual is being done to help keep it going. Everyone else, head for the Danger Room or start fighting monsters! The tentacle monsters and eye monsters are back, but also please feel free to invent something new and fun to fight, creatures have been traveling between worlds for a while now and anything is possible. This thread is for about the first 30 minutes of the fight, there will be more to come!]

Dec. 31st, 2021



attack rapid fire!

Midday, multiple portals are going to open up and a great deal more of the tentacle monsters come out than came out originally. Along with them are ten of THESE things, who seem to be the ones in charge. They are capable of paralyzing anyone that meets their eyes, summoning elements, and forcing the opposite side to fight each other instead of the bad guys. Most dangerously though, they also have the capacity to use their central eye to project a field that cancels the effects of all mutant abilities within a cone of 150 feet in length around them.

There will be a post going up soon for non-team members to talk on, but the entries there don’t count towards activity. On that note, keep in mind that only posts happening before midnight will count for activity this month (that's why this is going up so early!).


Dec. 19th, 2021





Dec. 9th, 2021



portal rapid fire!

A portal opened up mid-day on the lawn and multiple of these things came out. They are extremely dangerous (and very hard to kill!). They fire poisoned spikes, as well as their tentacles shooting fire. Once they're down to one left, it jumps back through the portal (which stays open during the fight), which closes right away.

Nov. 25th, 2021



thanksgiving rapid fire


You know what to do!