xavier's school for the gifted

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Posts Tagged: 'vague'

Aug. 27th, 2020



Log: Speedball and Vague

WHO: Robbie Baldwin and Bebe Gallais.
WHERE/WHEN: By the lake, tonight.
WHAT: Bebe opens up to Robbie and a decision is made.

Not for the first time during the last several weeks he wished that he could see her face. )

Jul. 13th, 2020



Plot log: Matchstick & Vague.

WHO: Match & Bebe Gallais (VAGUE)
WHERE/WHEN: Tonight, the island. After Caliban/Eddie.
WHAT: :( all around.

“Je suis désolé.” )

Jan. 17th, 2020



Log: Speedball and Vague

WHO: Robbie Baldwin (SPEEDBALL) and Bebe Gallais (VAGUE)
WHERE/WHEN: Bebe's room; Backdated to last week during the crisis
WHAT: Amid all the awfulness, Robbie and Bebe find a reason to smile.

Yeah, his girlfriend was invisible. She was also the best girlfriend in the world and definitely better than your girlfriend, so who cared? )

Dec. 19th, 2019



holiday rapid fire!


Rapid fire scene! Try and keep tags to 300 or less words. Please feel free to OOC tag this as well, with what presents your chars give/gave, which events they went to, any random details you want (just mark it as OOC at the top, obviously)! Please see headers below.

Jun. 11th, 2019




((Early Monday morning.))

Bebe was on a mission. Probably one the medical staff wouldn’t approve of but she intended to do what she needed to do before they had a chance to notice. She’d apologise for her naughtiness later. This was too important to delay any longer.

She’d been awake for a little over 24 hours at this point. Maybe ‘awake’ was stretching it given that she’d spent most of her time drifting back off into sleep, a combination of pain and medication making her endlessly drowsy, like swimming in mud. If she was honest, the sleepiness was welcome. It was a lot easier to deal with than being awake and alert right now. The whole world seemed dark and bleak. People were dead, girls she saw in classes every day, smiling and chatting and yawning and fiddling with their hair and now dead. Here, then gone. And still more were missing, the list so long she’d just stared at it in silence when Robbie showed it to her, scanning through the names but not really seeing them because it was too much, a concept too vast for her mind to grab onto. Benji and Nathaniel were on the list, their names just printed there plain as day as if it wasn’t an abomination. Here, then gone.

It hurt, more than her crushed bones and stitched-up skin, a kind of hurt she’d never experienced before and didn’t know what to do with, didn’t know where to put it to make it manageable. It seemed impossible that the pain would ease, the horror sitting inside her chest like a tumour, eating her up bit by bit. How could this ever get better? How would normal life ever resume? If she accepted all of this then that meant it was acceptable. It wasn’t. )

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May. 25th, 2019



And I think to myself, what a wonderful world. (All!)

Once the gods were done with the school, they could move onto other, easier targets. Gorge themselves on the souls of the millions of citizens of New York and further until Selene had finished her ascension and called them all back to where they’d been pulled from.


Until then, the school proved to be a fertile hunting ground, most of the gods able to feed off the chaos and fear just as much as the souls being reaped.

Back at Selene’s island, things were going just as well. The teams seemed evenly matched, and she was confident that those fighting for her would prevail. They were, at the very least, very capable of keeping the teams from venturing further and finding her or the dagger. As long as that was accomplished, nothing else mattered.

(Continued fight threads for both the school and Utopia scenes -- please look to thread headers for which one your char belongs in!)

Mar. 18th, 2019



Log: Justice and Vague

WHO: Vance Astrovik (JUSTICE) and Bebe Gallais (VAGUE)
WHERE/WHEN: The gym, this afternoon
WHAT: Vance teaches Bebe to throw a punch, with unexpected results.

You punched it, right? )
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Nov. 22nd, 2018



WHO: Bebe Gallais (VAGUE) and Robbie Baldwin (SPEEDBALL)
WHERE/WHEN: Outside the cafeteria on Thanksgiving!
WHAT: A quick talk before dinner.

Especially since they hadn't all been transformed into turkeys this morning. )

Sep. 29th, 2018



Log: Hazmat and Vague

WHO: Jenny Takeda (HAZMAT) & Bebe Gallais (VAGUE).
WHERE/WHEN: An unoccupied classroom, late afternoon
WHAT: https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/000/043/disaster-girl.jpg

It was me. )
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Jul. 7th, 2018




((ooc: Backdated to yesterday!))

Poor Jenny. She was going to find herself in quite the madhouse. Papa Numero Un was in the kitchen wrapping slices of cold meats to put into the picnic hamper he was preparing for her, which wasn't too strange, but Papa Numero Deux was in the bathroom with a performance artist named L'Impasse, the two of them attempting to remove the glue he'd poured over his bald head without scalping him, while a drag queen known as Cherry Cola was hissing in Italian in the lounge, firing off vicious accusations into the empty room that someone had stolen her scarlet lace front wig even though it was hanging innocently on the back of the door. Bebe would've been embarrassed about her friend being greeted by these scenes but this was an average day in the Robicheaux-Guyard-Gallais household so it all seemed perfectly normal to her. Besides, Jenny was Jenny. Bebe was fairly sure her best friend would be entertained by the goings on rather than horrified.

She waved off the spitting drag queen as she passed through the lounge on the way to her bedroom, laughing at her antics but not bothering to point out the location of the errant wig. Her excitement levels were too high to be deterred from her goal, which was to dress herself up in anticipation of Jenny's arrival. Dressing up wasn't a straightforward concept for Bebe, the evidence of which was plain to see when she opened the door to her closet and surveyed the outfits draped over hangers within. High fashion was not the way her wardrobe could be described. It wasn't that Bebe had poor taste or that she wasn't interested in nice clothes; quite the opposite, she would've loved to deck herself out in finery every day. She was Parisian, after all.

But that was not her lot in life. )


May. 26th, 2018



Time flies, blows by, feels like I've missed so many things! (Open to those listed!)

Kiden had always liked going out into the city during holidays. Despite the celebrations everything seemed more relaxed as people weren’t bustling about their lives as much. Instead, they’d take their time a little more, to do things with their families. In the city that meant there was always something going on, and the streets were more packed that normal. It allowed her to slip through the crowds, without the use of her powers, without attracting much notice and that suited her just fine.

It also allowed her to wistfully recall the fleeting, hazy memories associated with her father taking her to a concert in Central Park when she was only a little older than a toddler. It was one of her happiest memories, and that’s pretty much what drew her out into city today. Good times, pleasant memories.

She inhaled deeply, unaware of the aerosol she was bringing into her lungs, and savored the day.


In less time than it took to blink Kiden Nixon was back at Xavier's with her body full of a dosage of Kick that they wouldn't dare experiment with in their own base. An overdose. Her eyes were wide, pupils not dilating properly, as she took her steps in real time towards the building, joining the other mutants that had been caught up in the same trap as her in their assault on the school. Her pulse was rapid and unstable, her heart threatening to hammer its way out of her chest with it’s heaving, spasmodic beat. The telepathic command shoving her towards violence filled her with a sense of anger she didn’t know she was capable of, but it was palpable, overwhelming in earnest and driving her to lash out at a place she considered home. That was all incited by the fact she felt amazing. Powerful. This was a type of high she’d never experienced before, not in her life, and it was a shame that Xavier’s was intent on ruining that. It was also a shame that Kiden had gotten herself clean only for this to happen, to take on a drug more deadly than she’d ever toyed with for what it could do to one’s power and health.

The danger in this whole scenario that was obvious all over the grounds was playing out similarly within Kiden. The drugs in her system heightened her already powerful abilities several degrees, but the most important part was that Kiden was no longer in complete control of them, there was no block or limitations on them. They were unchained. Without boundary. Time began behaving oddly in her vicinity, both with her intention and without. Pockets and tendrils of time rippled, winking in and out of existence in a fevered pitch. People stopped momentarily so they could be overcome by the others on kick; attackers sped up, rapidly overcoming the lawns to get into the building itself. Grass grew and died, leaves changed colour and dropped from trees, and all the while Kiden was pushed further towards the building, up the stairs and into the school itself on a single-minded goal of taking out her anger on Xavier’s.

Kiden had enough independent thought to single in on one person. Maybe she ought to talk to Helena Tucker specifically.

As Kiden engaged her powers again, wrapping herself in a bubble from a faster-time stream, she stepped inside the main hall quicker than anyone outside of it would have been able to comprehend. Except it was unmanageable, the sheer magnitude of her powers on kick were well beyond her comprehension and control. The bubble around her stretched, growing oblong before popping off into several others and causing pockets of time much like a child blowing them with a soapy mixture on a hot summer’s day. They spread out all around her, breaking into adjacent speeds in the time stream and branching out throughout the school without anything short of sheer random luck, or un-luck as the case may be, capturing other occupants in stasis.

In an attempt to regain some lost control, Kiden furled her brow and concentrated on trying to bring everything back together even as her powers fought against it all. Everything was spiraling for her, and her expression became one of confusion as everything seemed to ripple and overcharge around her. Then, in another blink of an eye, Kiden Nixon was overwhelmed by her raging, wild powers and vanished into the time stream entirely, taking several others from the school along with her. All the temporal anomalies ceased thereafter, but the attack on the school continued.
((This is your ticket out until 2019 for those of you who are disappearing! The disappearances will happen in the blink of an eye to everyone!))

Mar. 5th, 2018



Out at the pictures, I cannot see, it's better this way, trust you, believe me (Bebe!)

How quickly time had passed at Xavier's for Benji and he still managed to forget about midterms. Not that Benji was a bad student by any means, but the sheer amount his free time he had was used to help build sets for the school musical. And also hang out with people (which was a wholly new experience; Benji didn't have many people to "hang out with" back in Texas).

So while he managed to get homework done, he felt it slide right through his brain onto the paper and not stick when he really needed it. Math and science were easier for him general (numbers just made sense), but things like poetry and Spanish were harder, and always had been. He was certain he sounded terrible during the oral exam this morning to Señor Espinosa (Benji was hopeless with rolling his R's) and he definitely blocked out most of the discussion about sonnets (Benji and rhyme schemes clashed, distressingly so). Benji wished that all his classes could have been fun like Mr. Sinker's.

But now Benji really, really needed to nail his history paper. He could remember dates and years, but all the battles were blending together into one big long battle which was not right at all. And Benji knew staying in his room would only be asking for a distraction—there were so many movies on his laptop just waiting to be devoured. So he shoved all of his notes into his bag and trudged down to the library. Distraction free studying! No movies, no friends, no... Nathaniel; he had been the biggest attention stealer lately, without even knowing it. Benji wasn't going to tell him.

There was a table in the back of the library, perfect and quiet and oh—already occupied. Benji only noticed because of the open book, and the slightly askew chair. He hated to admit that he sometimes couldn't tell when Bebe was nearby unless he was concentrating really hard, and then he felt bad for even thinking about it, and then he wondered if that made him a terrible person (yes, Benji thought, definitely yes) and he had already worked himself up about it by the time he sat in the chair diagonally across from her.

"Hi Bebe," Benji said quietly, scratching the back of his neck, and looking thoroughly put out by his own thoughts. She couldn't possibly know what a horrible person he was, but that still didn't make him feel better. Instead he silently unpacked his textbook and his notes, and with a very miserable sigh, he folded his arms underneath his chin and began to read.

It didn't take long before Benji felt the need to fill the silence, which naturally was the exact opposite function of a library. "It's okay that I'm sitting here, right —" Benji gasped, clasped a hand quickly over his mouth, but it was too late. It definitely wasn't Benji's voice that came out of him.
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Jan. 13th, 2018



Log: Inspire and Vague

WHO: Priya Bhatia (INSPIRE) and Bebe Gallais (VAGUE).
WHERE/WHEN: The girls dorms, afternoon.
WHAT: Priya has a ~haunting~ experience. (Gordon wrote that just fyi)

A new person! Roughly her age! Pretty! A potential friend! )
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