xavier's school for the gifted

September 2024



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Posts Tagged: 'geulimja'

Aug. 9th, 2024



rf 8/9 - 8/15


8/9 - Back to school party held by one of the college kids! Feel free to come no matter what grade (or not) you are.

8/11 - A friend of the Statix contacts about a pro-mutant meeting on the low on Wednesday.

8/14 - 👀

Anniversary 23
Past Rapid-Fires

Jul. 22nd, 2023



out from ruins once possessed, fallen city, living death.

The crack in the barrier had reverberated across worlds. It sent aftershocks through the hell dimensions, rattling chains and shaking loose stones. Most of them ignored it, certain their isolation would protect them from harm even if the human world fell. Some placed bets on who would be left standing when it was all over. Some prepared to fight for their own survival if the Elder Gods came for them next. But some had been watching and waiting, and now they moved.

N'kar the Betrayer appeared on the school grounds from a portal of fire, his horned head wreathed in flames. He stood a head and shoulders taller than the tallest man, his body broad and covered in skin that looked more like cracked stone, his hands massive and clawed. Not just a demon, but a hell lord, a wielder of powerful dark magic. Behind him were his priestesses, twelve of them, once human but now twisted by decades of dark magic and service to a hell dimension. They had no real loyalty to the Elder Gods, but N'kar craved destruction, and there would never be worse destruction than the Elder Gods set loose on the world. They needed to be a part of it.

The grounds of the school were already torn apart, turned-up earth slick with blood. Smoke and dust rose from parts of the building that had been reduced to rubble in an instant. The ground was littered with bodies -- most of them Cthon's human followers, which was of no concern to the Elder God himself, they had always been expendable. A means to an end to keep Earth's fighters busy, nothing more. Their numbers had dwindled to a pitiful few, and Yog-Sothoth's monsters were spawning slower and dying faster. But that didn't mean the tide was turning in the school's favor. The Elder Gods had never truly needed any help from lesser creatures.

At least no more of them had come through the opening in the barrier. There were more still waiting, gnashing teeth and snarling in the darkness on the other side, but their massive bodies crushed against the barrier and couldn't fit through. The crack wasn't big enough for them yet.

(Open to fighters!)

Mar. 31st, 2023



rf 4/1/23 - 4/7/23

4/2 - A spell from the book goes wrong and a demon is summoned. Fight! (anyone want rolls?)

EDIT: The demon has minions! Demon spiders, go wild.

4/6 - Instead of water, chocolate gold coins come out of any faucets turned on.

**From this point on, the book will be strongly influencing the members of the coven to try more dangerous and high-risk spells, including dark ones

3/25/23 - 3/31/23
3/11/23 - 3/17/23
3/4/23 - 3/10/23
February 2023
January 2023

Mar. 18th, 2023



murderworld rapid fire!

We're putting the same headings here as in the OOC post, to keep everything organized. At the start of the trip, everything is normal! But once you step over the threshold to the park, those that Arcade has chosen are transported to Murderworld, a decrepit and evil-feeling place. There are screens all around, which immediately relay a message that there are four keys hidden throughout the park. The fifth is hidden somewhere~, but seeing as the Funhouse in the center of the park has four locks on it, it's a safe assumption that the fifth key is inside.

There are killer clowns wandering through the park, looking for some murder and mayhem. There is also a time limit and countdown, so there's no time to all stick together to move through the park. If you step on a trap square, you are transported immediately into said trap. All traps once activated are aired on the same screens, so that everyone can see what's happening to everyone else. Handhelds work to an extent, and all powers are shut off.

Once the final key is found, your characters will be transported back to the school, not the original theme park. No time has passed for all normal characters.

Time is paused this weekend for this! Enjoy!

Dec. 27th, 2022



RF 12/27/22 - 1/1/22

Slightly extended week this time! To note: decorations are staying up around the mansion and the cafeteria is staying magical until 1/1. New teams will be going up this week.

12/27 - (Semi? this year) Annual Quidditch match!

12/28 - Wedding in Otherworld, everyone is invited!

12/29 - Everyone's welcome in the art room, where a large mural is being created (on paper!) to demonstrate things people want in the coming year. To be hung in the cafeteria once done.

12/31 - Teams are taking people to various NYE hotspots. Pls try not to overwhelm them. You don't have to go with them if you're an adult.

1/1 - RELAX ya'll, it's been a busy two weeks! Something unknown handles all the decor disappearing and everything returning to normal.

12/3/22 - 12/9/22
12/10/22 - 12/16/22
12/17/22 - 12/26/22

November 22
October 22

Dec. 16th, 2022



RF 12/17/22 - 12/26/22

Another extended rapid-fire calendar! This time because Christmas is on Sunday and the end of Hannukah is on Monday, and we want everyone to have a chance to do whatever scenes they'd like for holiday stuff without having to actually be present during the busiest time of the year! A warning though, this rapid fire could fill up quickly, so pls don't forget to keep watching it during the week to see all of your lovely writing. Also the Admin office has sent out polite notices that a few happy surprises have been planned the week leading up to the holiday, so please don't be alarmed if things seem changed. It's not powers going wacky or the school under attack, it's something actually nice they're trying to do for you!

12/17 - Secret Santas get passed out! (pls see OOC header in this post). Last day of school before Winter Break -- classes resume on Jan 9! The only slightly-darker, curious note for this calendar: the book retrieved from Limbo suddenly is able to be read by members of the coven who went to retrieve it. Certain sections are still only translatable by Sapna, but others are as easy to read for them as English. What's revealed are largely spells, and while most aren't dark (spells for strength, prosperity, love, protection, etc), there are a few peppered without that cause harm, keep enemies away, and are made for active attacks. Once you start reading, it's...just a little hard to stop. And the spells are very tempting; not enough to cause concern though...yet.

12/19 -  The cafeteria for the rest of the week has transformed with a bit of Harry Potter-style magic; the ceiling looks open and clear, a pretty day/evening with pleasant drifts of snow falling. None of it reaches anyone, and it's not cold, but it's a nice atmosphere. Cafeteria workers begin routinely offering free candy canes, hot chocolate, cider, gingerbread, and so on as people pass through the lines. There are holiday decorations mixed throughout, in a sort of slapdash manner -- everything's all mixed together, but it all looks nice in a way that hints at the planning behind it.

12/20 - An official outing for the school gets underway -- anyone wanting to come is escorted into the city for a day of sight-seeing, ice-skating, toy-shopping, Santa-visiting, and so on.  Basically any fun Christmas thing going on is visited!

12/21 - A massive snowball fight/Capture the Flag is set up on the back lawn. Drifts have been moulded into barricades to hide behind, caches of pre-made snowballs are hidden around, etc. Camelot-ites are headed back to Otherworld for a week of festivities for Breki and Atashi's wedding! Brian is able to port anyone in and out that would like to stop by.

12/22 - The hedge maze is lit up with all sorts of light sculptures and decorations. There are speed races to get through while retrieving various hidden things -- ornaments, baubles, tiny stuffed snowmen, and so on. There is a promise that there is nothing creepy inside, and lowkey there are teams monitoring it from all angles, while staying out of sight. Nothing bad happens in there except for people maybe getting a bit lost!

12/23 - The Danger Room all day and evening is changed into what looks like a Grand Hall. Holiday snacks and drinks are set up, lots of comfortable couches, chairs, bean bags, and cushions are scattered about, and one wall is completely filled with holiday movies and shows being projected onto it. To get to the center with the best seats, you have to cross a small, icy moat by hopping across ice drifts. Kidding! ...Kind of. There is a tiny river flowing in a circle around the main area, and there are ice chunks in it, and there ARE pathways that look to be made of ice chunks leading to the center. But the water is actually quite warm in case anyone falls in, the ice floating by is an illusion, and the chunks to hop across are sturdy, unmoving, and not slippery.

12/24 - Per tradition, every door has stockings hanging from it in the evening, and tiny doll-sized trees sitting just to the side. There are boxes of chocolates (or treats of your choice!) addressed to everyone. Secret Santas exchange their gifts. There's a Christmas party throughout the ground level of the school, with (age-appropriate) drinks, games, hanging out, etc. The school is making its best effort this week -- but especially over the next three days -- to make the holidays as welcoming and nice as being at home, for those who don't have a home to go to.

12/25 - The stockings are filled with candy and treats, and the tiny trees have a present for each resident under them. As the elves weren't run out or exterminated, the large tree in the main hall is absolutely swamped by presents of all kinds for everyone there. Everyone receives something they've been wanting (within reason -- the elves aren't out there building you PS5s >>!)

12/26 - Throughout the duration, Hanukkah celebrations have been observed, and on the last night after the final lighting, there's another feast and party, filled with traditional food and games.

12/10/22 - 12/16/22
12/3/22 - 12/9/22
November 22
October 22

Oct. 21st, 2022



rapid fire 10/22/22 - 10/31/22

This RF post is going to cover the dates through Halloween, in part so that the October stuff all stays together and in part because Ash is going to be gone for the end of it otherwise. #selfish We will re-post the link to this RF if it falls off the friends page. Also, for the video game plot coming up, would you like us to post an OOC for people to sign up for video games that we list? Let us know in chat or by email if you'd like that!

EDIT: We are going to start linking prior weeks RFs at the bottom of each current week, for that month. Just look below, you'll get it.

10/22 - Those living in the school have been transported to horror-based video games – Silent Hill, Dante’s Inferno, Amnesia, Slender, Until Dawn, etc. They have the powers of those involved in the games, rather than their own.

10/23 - The school is still not out from the video games, which seem to have been set a level above the hardest today.

10/24 - The school is finally back in its place, and people are back to normal (including anyone who died – for those that did, it more or less was just like a blink and they were back at the school, no trauma). Everyone has a stack of those video games waiting on their beds :).

10/25 - Grandma’s Antiques delivers again, for JACK SMITH this time: a: Dybbuk Box.

10/26 - Someone starts pacing back and forth on the roof of the lakehouse, laying out strips of something. Feels VERY dangerous, even IF you made it through the corn field, so. Not advised.

10/27 - Flying monkeys invade the school. They are absolutely everywhere. They have all different temperaments, some are under orders to fly kids off, some are violent, some just want to run around, some actively want to climb onto people and hug them.

10/28 - The school has turned into Hogwarts for 24 hours, complete with everyone having been sorted into their houses!

10/29 - Half the school wakes up, and are all zombies from scary movies (ex: 28 Day Later is good, Dawn of the Dead is good, that one zombie love story is not)

10/30 - Halloween party where everyone turns into their costumes

10/31 - Creeper’s Ball! Happy Halloween!

10/15/22 - 10/21/22
10/8/22 - 10/14/22
10/1/22 - 10/7/22

Oct. 14th, 2022



rapid fire 10/15/22 - 10/21/22

10/15 - A package is left for CHARACTER B. It’s another Grandma’s Antique’s delivery, right to their door: Crying Boy painting ((ooc comment below if youd like to have your character receive it!))

10/16 - When everyone wakes up, they discover the mansion has turned into (an expanded version of) the house from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Its characters are roaming inside, and remember: they’re all just as deadly as Leatherface, and much more twisted. Network does work, but only for the journals, and no one can teleport out or use other powers that would allow them to leave. The family doesn’t seem to be able to die. Lasts 24 hours.

10/17 - Colin’s pumpkin body comes back for 3 days. All of the plumbing has snakes coming out of it. Sink faucets, shower pipes once the heads have been taken off have snakes pouring out, they are in all of the toilets, and so on. They don’t respond to animal compulsion. Lasts for 24 hours.

10/18 - The forest comes alive and starts slowly creeping up on the school from the side. Sinister, like the corn field, but in a different way. Dark and tangled and foreboding.

10/19 - A man shows up at the school looking for help, and anyone who offers is immediately transported to an old, run down farmhouse with no weapons or powers, where they have to fend off a number of cryptids (your choice which!). This lasts for a day.

10/20 - Rain starts coming down. Normal rain, but when it touches anyone it begins to melt them like they’re witches in the Wizard of Oz.

10/21 - Powers are gone! A bad time for it, as werewolves, vampires, and green-skinned witches are descending upon the school.

Oct. 7th, 2022



rapid fire 10/8/22 - 10/14/22

10/8 - Something has started to move around in the corn. Whatever it is, it’s not tall enough to be seen. The sinister feeling is now not only sinister, but…pleased, in an evil way.

10/9 - Everyone wakes up a skeleton, except for their head which is normal. This lasts until people go to sleep and wake up normal the next day.

10/10 - MASSIVE rainstorm for 3 days. Sheets of rain, hurricane-force wind practically, everything pitch black outside. There are glimpses of eyes flashing through the windows and disappearing. There are a few people slowly wandering the lawn in it. If anyone goes up to one, they’re attacked by something that looks human, but isn’t quite.

10/11 - Every book in the library is a scary book. This lasts through the end of the month. Stephen King, Scary Stories to Tell In The Dark, etc. Some middle-grade and YA that’s nice spooky fiction instead of being straight up scary.

10/12 - A delivery for EMERSON arrives at their door. It’s postmarked from Grandma’s Antiques, and inside is a replica (one hopes…) of Robert the Doll.

10/13 - All animals become black cats, but retain their current size. For example, now the stables are filled with horse-sized kittens.

10/14 - The Knights turn into Ringwraiths, with Brian as the the Witch-King of Angmar. Meggan is Gollum. Betsy is Galadriel, back in action. This lasts for one day.

Sep. 17th, 2022



rapid fire 9/17/22 - 9/23/22

9/18: Waterfowl of all kinds invade the school. There are packs of them roaming everywhere. You can put them outside, but more keep showing up inside, until Monday when they all waddle out and disappear while headed to the lake.

9/21: Under everyone's door is an envelope with "10 days :)" written on the paper inside in red paint.

9/23: Muumuu day! All clothes change to muumuus, but don't worry, those are super comfy and versatile!

Aug. 14th, 2022



the most challenging rapid fire yet!

We are challenging everyone to try and tag with a maximum of five sentences!

Obviously, do whatever you'd like! But we're trying to see if we're even capable of that anymore!

(Eh, just stick the date it's set on in the subject line, we won't put up headers or whatever this time!)

Jul. 9th, 2022



rapid fire!

Dedicated to Jamie.

May. 21st, 2022



fight fire with fire, fight fire with fire.

As the Phoenix drew closer to Xavier's, the creatures coming through the portals could sense it. All that energy, all that power -- it drew them like a bright light draws insects, pure instinct, none of them knowing what they would do with it if they actually reached it. They started to draw away from the other portals, focusing on the ones closest to that beacon of power. The ones closest to Xavier's. The campus was already packed with strange, dangerous creatures, but soon it would be even more so, the Phoenix's power just out of reach driving some of them into a frenzy.

It wasn't just monsters that followed in the Phoenix's wake. Some of the Hellfire Club's members had abandoned this whole business after what happened to Shaw, but some of them were still tracking the thing they had summoned. If they couldn't control it, they could at least make sure nobody else could take control of it, either.

And then there was the Phoenix itself. Brilliant, burning, it sensed what it had come here for -- the host that could contain it without being destroyed. The girl who, in the kind of cosmic coincidence that started to feel more like fate, even shared its name. Phoenix. Jean Grey. It found her in the chaos, and it moved into her like it had moved into Shaw, and this time its scorching psychic fire met a mind that could withstand it.

Inside, the spellcasters would feel the burst of psychic energy as the Phoenix found its match. It filled them, giving them strength, powering their spell as it reached its peak. Giving it that last burst of energy it needed. Outside, and all across the multiverse, those who'd gone through portals to other worlds would feel themselves drawn to the portal that would take them back where they'd come from. They could follow it home, or they could resist it and remain where they were. That was their choice. But they would only have a few minutes to make it, before the portals began to close for the last time.

When the last of the portals closed, the damage that had been done to the very fabric of reality would finally be healed. Powers that had weakened, strengthened, fluctuated wildly, would be restored to normal. But there would still be enemies to fight, both monstrous and human, before this was truly over.

(Fighting continues! Everyone!)

[Watch for headers for Jean and the Phoenix, portal entries and exits, and continued fighting! Some of the monsters will respond to the pull of the spell and go home before the portals close, but more of them will stay to keep causing trouble. There will also be Hellfire Club members arriving to cause even more trouble. Last fight thread!]

Apr. 12th, 2022




Another training session had gone by, and this one had felt odder than the last. Every day seemed to bring new struggles—her teammates, herself including, had been increasingly subjected to power issues. So much so that Iseul began to wonder whether they'd be taken out of active service. She suspected they would have if the X-Men weren't in dire need of every fighter they could get at this point, but there were only a handful of them unaffected now on X-Corps. The severity of their problems was a sliding scale, but it seemed to only be getting worse.

Iseul, like her adopted sisters, did not want to feel useless. No, that wasn't accurate. It was more than a simple 'want', it was a primal fear. If she were useless, the program would have terminated her. Xavier's was nothing of the sort, but this wasn't something any one of them could easily shake. The last thing Iseul wanted right now was to feel more vulnerable as training hadn't gone the greatest for her. Her shadow refused to listen, and actually had... somewhat talked back to her, leading to a shouting match. Which was one-sided, of course, and now Iseul felt more the fool. The one thing she felt the most confident in, being a team member, was on shaky ground and that left her feeling adrift and a bit vulnerable.

She wanted to go clear her head, and so she was heading up, freshly showered, towards one of the exists when her shadow bolted from her, disappearing around a corner in the direction she was headed. Iseul darted around the corner and in frustration bellowed out, "GET BACK HERE!" All she spied in the hallway near the exit door was one of those Russians, and she caught his attention with a wave before pointing down the hall. "Did you see a shadow run by here? It's escaping again." Which... was probably a very weird thing to say, especially to someone who is deaf, not that Iseul remembered that fact at present. That would be very mortifying to her in a few moments, assuredly, but it was par for how her night have been going thus far.

Mar. 12th, 2022



weekend rapid fire

Rapid fire for this weekend! Eva and Violet go on at 8 at the club, and when people from Xavier's try to leave they are scanned and ticketed if they aren't registered. Have fun with it -- people can run away, get arrested, etc etc. See headers below!

Dec. 21st, 2020



One of the most unexpected pleasures of their escape from North Korea, and the servitude they'd been placed under since birth there within, was having her own space. Iseul hadn't contemplated that aspect before, and how could she have? There were objects and aspects that she associated with freedom that she'd seen, and had to utilize, during sojourns to other countries. Fashionable clothing rather than strictly utilitarian. Cosmetics. Gadgets that mostly served for personal ease and pleasure that weren't required to do a job. Those things Iseul had experience with, however fleeting, and thus it was those aspects she tended to covet the most or associate with freedom.

Having lived with her team since she was assigned, and in a communal dorm prior, the concept of personal space was non-existent until now. And now that she had it, she was feeling fiercely protective of it even if she didn't truthfully understand why. Out of all her sisters, Iseul tended to be the one to yearn the strongest towards individual freedoms and independence. )
[ JI ]