xavier's school for the gifted

September 2024



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Posts Tagged: 'wikipedia'

Dec. 1st, 2023



rf 12/1/23 - 12/7/23


12/1 - One channel on the TVs are dedicated to showing holiday content all month. Enjoy a million Hallmark movies! And some classics, ofc.

12/1 - 12/2 - Decorations are being put up! Everyone is encouraged to help if they want to. Pls assume all observed holidays are represented.

12/5 - The first of several chaperoned outings into the city for some early Christmas shopping and general looking around at holiday things.

November 2023
October 2023
September 2023
August 2023
July 2023
Past Rapid-Fires

Oct. 13th, 2023



rf 10/13/23 - 10/19/23

10/13 - BETH KOCI, JUSTIN PARK, DOREEN GREEN decide to play The Midnight Game. It works.

10/14 - SURPRISE! REMY LEBEAU's reading for CAL RANKIN shows up -- in the form of the school going pitch dark everywhere, including outside, and things starting to claw and scrape and bite and otherwise injure everyone!

10/15 - When the elevator doors open for RUBY FIORE, blood comings gushing out a la The Shining. It does not, however, disappear like in The Shining. Gross. At night, the doll finally comes to Emerson’s room. It stays/re-appears no matter what’s done to it. Late at night, CAL RANKIN hears the sound of something being dragged overhead in their room, from one corner to another; blood begins seeping down from that corner.

10/16 - All night the lights in the mansion are flickering, scary background music starts and stops at random, quiet wailing can be heard at times. SpOoKy!

10/17 - While playing soccer outside, the ball (HARMLESSLY bought from Grandma’s House of Antiques) suddenly turns into a severed head when it’s kicked. The face does not resemble anyone who’s ever been at the school. The spirit cannot be contacted.

10/18 - Strange sounds late at night lead AMY INALYNN, unable to sleep, in the direction of one of the quiet areas of the school -- only to turn a corner and find this woman in the hallway….clearly having some problems. A moment's hesitation then leads to this becoming your reality, so run for your life!

10/19 - REMY LEBEAU's reading for ROGUE comes true: MYSTIQUE shows up with several Brotherhood members, aiming to attack Rogue and Liam but hey, everyone's collateral damage,

October 2023
September 2023
August 2023
July 2023
Past Rapid-Fires

Jul. 22nd, 2023



crawling chaos, underground.

The school's evacuation drills had done their job. Even with a horde of monsters right outside, those not on the teams had made their way to their assigned evacuation points and been teleported out. They'd been frightened, panicky, but they'd known what to do. Within ten minutes, everyone was out of the building and secured in their safehouses.

Well, almost everyone. There were still one or two to be accounted for.

For those who'd made it out, though, the safehouses were quiet. They were far enough from the school that the sounds of fighting didn't reach them, although some of them still had a view of that eerie face in the sky. They would have been comfortable, in a rustic sort of way, if anybody had been able to forget why they were there and not at the school. But they were safe, at least so far, and that was all that really mattered right now. None of the Elder Gods or their followers seemed to care about tracking a few small groups of refugees away from the school.

(Open to safehouses!)

Mar. 18th, 2023



murderworld rapid fire!

We're putting the same headings here as in the OOC post, to keep everything organized. At the start of the trip, everything is normal! But once you step over the threshold to the park, those that Arcade has chosen are transported to Murderworld, a decrepit and evil-feeling place. There are screens all around, which immediately relay a message that there are four keys hidden throughout the park. The fifth is hidden somewhere~, but seeing as the Funhouse in the center of the park has four locks on it, it's a safe assumption that the fifth key is inside.

There are killer clowns wandering through the park, looking for some murder and mayhem. There is also a time limit and countdown, so there's no time to all stick together to move through the park. If you step on a trap square, you are transported immediately into said trap. All traps once activated are aired on the same screens, so that everyone can see what's happening to everyone else. Handhelds work to an extent, and all powers are shut off.

Once the final key is found, your characters will be transported back to the school, not the original theme park. No time has passed for all normal characters.

Time is paused this weekend for this! Enjoy!

Mar. 3rd, 2023



rf 3/4/23 - 3/10/23

3/5 - An absolutely massive magnitude 9.0 earthquake hits in the middle of the ocean. A huge tsunami hits Fiji and absolutely wrecks it. Deaths and missing are in the hundreds. Teams are immediately dispatched after the earthquake to try and evacuate as many people as possible from the islands, but it doesn't stop the body count from being so high.

3/7 - Anne Holmes releases a statement that this could have been prevented by mutants, but wasn't. Nolan Harland counters that mutants can't save a world that wants them dead.

**From this point on, the coven will all keep feeling very strong urges to use the book as much as they can, even if it's just reading it

February 2023
January 2023

Oct. 31st, 2022



rapid fire 11/1/22 - 11/4/22

Short one this week since we finished up October on the last!

11/1 - Everything is back to normal. Spirits aren't done with the school yet, but they seem to be peaceful and even happy now, and everyone can see and hear them.

11/4 - A slightly out of season flurry of snow hits. It's natural, and it's not a huge amount, but the school turns the fireplaces on and starts serving more hot drinks anyway.


Oct. 21st, 2022



rapid fire 10/22/22 - 10/31/22

This RF post is going to cover the dates through Halloween, in part so that the October stuff all stays together and in part because Ash is going to be gone for the end of it otherwise. #selfish We will re-post the link to this RF if it falls off the friends page. Also, for the video game plot coming up, would you like us to post an OOC for people to sign up for video games that we list? Let us know in chat or by email if you'd like that!

EDIT: We are going to start linking prior weeks RFs at the bottom of each current week, for that month. Just look below, you'll get it.

10/22 - Those living in the school have been transported to horror-based video games – Silent Hill, Dante’s Inferno, Amnesia, Slender, Until Dawn, etc. They have the powers of those involved in the games, rather than their own.

10/23 - The school is still not out from the video games, which seem to have been set a level above the hardest today.

10/24 - The school is finally back in its place, and people are back to normal (including anyone who died – for those that did, it more or less was just like a blink and they were back at the school, no trauma). Everyone has a stack of those video games waiting on their beds :).

10/25 - Grandma’s Antiques delivers again, for JACK SMITH this time: a: Dybbuk Box.

10/26 - Someone starts pacing back and forth on the roof of the lakehouse, laying out strips of something. Feels VERY dangerous, even IF you made it through the corn field, so. Not advised.

10/27 - Flying monkeys invade the school. They are absolutely everywhere. They have all different temperaments, some are under orders to fly kids off, some are violent, some just want to run around, some actively want to climb onto people and hug them.

10/28 - The school has turned into Hogwarts for 24 hours, complete with everyone having been sorted into their houses!

10/29 - Half the school wakes up, and are all zombies from scary movies (ex: 28 Day Later is good, Dawn of the Dead is good, that one zombie love story is not)

10/30 - Halloween party where everyone turns into their costumes

10/31 - Creeper’s Ball! Happy Halloween!

10/15/22 - 10/21/22
10/8/22 - 10/14/22
10/1/22 - 10/7/22