xavier's school for the gifted

September 2024



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Posts Tagged: 'starling'

Jan. 26th, 2024



rf 1/26/23 - 2/1/23


1/29 - A report comes out that there is a new version of Kick in pill form; this one is a lighter high and not as addictive. You know you want to try it :)

1/31 - Lin farts in front of Forge. Lin's room is filled with flowers and chocolates because Michelle is a good sport.

January 2024
RFs 2023
Past Rapid-Fires

Nov. 25th, 2022



RF 11/26/22 - 12/2/22

11/27 - The outbreak continues unabated. The few mutant teams there are in the world are now all deploying healers to various Western Africa countries.

12/1 - The outbreak has been largely contained thanks to the large external support of not just mutants but human doctors and healthcare workers administering vaccines. Several countries have been decimated, though.

12/2 - With the help of volunteers, all of the Christmas decorations for the year are put up.

11/19/22 - 11/25/22
11/12/22 - 11/18/22
11/5/22 - 11/11/22
11/1/22 - 11/4/22

Sep. 23rd, 2022



rapid fire 9/23 - 9/30

Friday 9/23: Sadie Hawkins dance, and afterparty at the lakehouse/Limbo

Tuesday 9/27: All student grades leak on the journals.

Thursday 9/29: National Coffee Day! Literally any kind of coffee you can think of is served in the cafeteria all day.

Nov. 25th, 2021



thanksgiving rapid fire


You know what to do!

Jul. 8th, 2020



plot log: sunset grace & starling

Who: Grace and Dusk.
When/Where: Mid-morning, somewhere in the forest.
What: Grace and Dusk receive a gift from a fan (no, not Xavier's, Cordelia).

If it comes to it, you must not put yourself in harm’s way for me. If you have to leave me behind then do it. Do it. )

Dec. 19th, 2019



holiday rapid fire!


Rapid fire scene! Try and keep tags to 300 or less words. Please feel free to OOC tag this as well, with what presents your chars give/gave, which events they went to, any random details you want (just mark it as OOC at the top, obviously)! Please see headers below.