xavier's school for the gifted

May 2024



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May. 31st, 2024



XTAGRAM 5/31/24 - 6/6/24

✖ XTAGRAM 5/31/24 - 6/6/24 ✖

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rf 5/31 - 6/6


5/31 - 6/3: CICADAS HAVE TAKEN OVER. Thank Liam! A MASSIVE swarm is all over the grounds. On the 1st, actual gigantic, monster-sized cicadas start crawling over the outside of the school. Did you know cicadas pee? Well now you do, and so does everyone else. Keep those windows closed, folks. Try to stay inside, it's not dangerous but it's super gross and you'll get swarmed.

6/5 - Anita Isolde officially announces her candidacy for President. She is a third party candidate, running for the National Alliance Party. She and her party are extremely anti-mutant, and support legislation and inventions designed to keep track of mutants and stopping them from doing anything inhuman. Fearmongering and dog-whistle language is used in her speech -- keeping America safe, mutants causing violations of privacy, etc and so on.

Anniversary 23
Past Rapid-Fires

May. 24th, 2024



rf 5/24 - 5/30


5/24 - 5/26 - TIME IS PAUSED! This weekend will all take place on "Friday", and will include plot and fight things. Stay tuned!

Anniversary 23
Past Rapid-Fires



XTAGRAM 5/24/24 - 5/30/24

✖ XTAGRAM 5/24/24 - 5/30/24 ✖

instructions & examples!

May. 17th, 2024



XTAGRAM 5/17 - 5/23

✖ XTAGRAM 5/17/24 - 5/23/24 ✖

instructions & examples!



rf 5/17 - 5/23


5/19 - An amusement park is rented out by the school for a few hours, as a treat for the students (although everyone is invited). This is NOT evil, and nothing bad will happen there we promise. Except possibly getting sick from too many funnel cakes and roller-coasters. CHANGED TO SUNDAY!

5/20 - 5/24 - FINALS CONTINUE! Why are they spread out so much? Most classes can opt to take their finals verbally; this practice was adopted because so many things happen throughout the year to disrupt the classes that it wasn't really fair to expect students to do well on standard exams. If you'd like to take the standard that is also available, but teachers taking time to discuss class points one on one for finals takes awhile. Thus, finals last for a week and a half.

Anniversary 23
Past Rapid-Fires

May. 11th, 2024



XTAGRAM 5/10 - 5/16

✖ XTAGRAM 5/10/24 - 5/16/24 ✖

instructions & examples!



rf 5/10 - 5/16


5/13 - 5/16 - FINALS! This week includes breakfasts at midnight, study groups, massages one night, etc and so forth!

5/14 - A group calling themselves 'Skrulls' picket in Washington, demanding that the government show what it kept from the alien attack. The group worships the Skrulls, non-religiously, and their stated goal is to find a way off of this planet and to wherever the Skrulls are now. There are actually a shocking number of people belonging to this group.

Anniversary 23
Past Rapid-Fires

May. 3rd, 2024



RF 5/3 - 5/9


5/4 - Cats invade the school! More specifically, the known barn cats at the school are sneaking indoors and generally taking over and demanding copious amounts of attention while acting out. They are like this all weekend.

5/6 - A statement is put out by Trask Industries that the leaked email was taken out of context and that they are NOT planning on creating those Sentinels :).

Anniversary 23
Past Rapid-Fires



XTAGRAM 5/3/24 - 5/9/24

✖ XTAGRAM 5/3/24 - 5/9/24 ✖

instructions & examples!

Apr. 26th, 2024



RF 4/26 - 5/2


4/27 - Videos start going around the dark web of people being tortured in some very familiar traps. A few make it to known sites but they're taken down quickly so it can be difficult to actually witness them unless you know how to look. But some people can have seen them, have fun!

4/30 - Files are leaked from a hacker consortium, internal emails and such that discuss further use of Sentinel tech to unearth mutants. One specifically posits that they should push for something to be made for police cars to be able to scan people they pass by, in other cars or not.

Anniversary 23
Past Rapid-Fires

Apr. 19th, 2024



RF 4/19 - 4/25


4/24 - Roughly 40 flying drone Sentinels descend on Xavier's property. Team members are dispatched to take care of them, and residents are asked to stay inside all weekend while things are sorted out.

4/25 - World Cultures Day! Booths are all over the school, showing outfits, music, food, whatever you'd like that you feel demonstrates that country or place.

Anniversary 23
Past Rapid-Fires

Apr. 12th, 2024



RF 4/12 - 4/18



Anniversary 23
Past Rapid-Fires

Apr. 5th, 2024



rf 4/5 - 4/11


4/6 - All of the water receeds rapidly, and a tiny island (fits about 10 people) comes up out of the lake. It even has what looks like the stone remains of a gazebo. The weather turns 75 and sunny for the next week.

4/7 - Anne Holmes is in the city for a Purifiers rally. She is also praising the community's ability to take action.

4/9 - Two hundred pizzas are delivered. Who did this??

March 2024
February 2024
Anniversary 23
Past Rapid-Fires

Mar. 29th, 2024



rf 3/29 - 4/4


3/29 - Good Friday, no school! The weather continues to be pretty, but the lake has raised by a few inches. Huh. Between now and next Thurs, the lake will rise enough that the water is touching the basketball court.

March 2024
February 2024
Anniversary 23
Past Rapid-Fires

Mar. 22nd, 2024



rf 3/22 - 3/28


3/22 - FINALLY THE RAIN STOPS! It is beautiful outside all week. Also PLOT! A reminder on Kick: it is extremely addictive and has a horrible withdrawal period. It's been described as "breathing the electric air of the future", "it ma[de] them feel like movie stars beings directed by God, on location in Heaven", and "angelic and violently insane". Thread is open to X-Men and Statix! Once back at the school, Statix are being put in containment cells due to their withdrawals and needing to be near the medlabs. The door is locked for their own protection, but when they're up they can be let out once they've talked with someone to understand where they are.

March 2024
February 2024
Anniversary 23
Past Rapid-Fires

Mar. 15th, 2024



rf 3/15 - 3/21


It continues to rain. Plus a ton of lightning and thunder! The pool is drained because it's starting to overflow, and the lake is gaining some ground from being flooded. Could this be related to the lake monster?? (no)

March 2024
February 2024
Anniversary 23
Past Rapid-Fires

Mar. 8th, 2024



rf 3/8 - 3/14


3/9 - At precisely 12:01 AM there is an enormous BOOM, and an immediate downpour. Massive thunderstorms are present until next Friday. The temperature stays steady and in the 50s, though.

There was going to be some other weirdness but I'm giving you all a break, be happy. I REMEMBERED WHAT IT WAS, you're all no longer lucky.

3/10 - Everyone seems to have come down with something. Roughly half of people test positive for mono, and the rest with the flu. Sorry yall. It seems to be healing-resistant until the 13th, when that starts to work.

March 2023
February 2024
Anniversary 23
Past Rapid-Fires

Mar. 1st, 2024



rf 3/1 - 3/7


3/1 - A perfectly nice spring day!

3/2 - A blizzard hits the school in a total white-out. This seems to be localized.

3/3 - Temperatures soar to 92 degrees and blindingly sunny.

3/4 - 104 degrees and yet there's a violent thunderstorm.

3/5 - -24 degrees, winds whipping so hard that the real feel is -40.

3/6 - 72 degrees but overcast with greenish clouds -- tornado weather, watch out.

3/7 - 3 degrees with a cloud cover making it super dark.

February 2024
Anniversary 23
Past Rapid-Fires

Feb. 24th, 2024



rf 2/23/24 - 3/1/24


2/24 - Ding dong the witch is temporarily dead! Alisa is banned from the networks for the next two weeks, at which point they'll reassess. She's also having to take counseling appointments with Artie.

2/27 - There's something in the lake... Feel free to see shadowy forms or things in the water! Think a mini-Nessie.

February 2024
January 2024
Anniversary 23
Past Rapid-Fires