xavier's school for the gifted

September 2024



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Posts Tagged: 'immortalis'

Aug. 23rd, 2024



rf 8/23 - 8/29


8/23 - Temperatures are over 100 all weekend and week! A new record. Doesn't seem to be mutant-related or Xavier's-specific.

8/26 - SC elections are held for the class reps!

8/25 - Supply day 1! Foodstuffs and nursing equipment are delivered en masse thanks to teleporters, divvied up and put where they belong.

8/26 - Supply day 2! Toiletries and electronic bits are delivered, etc.

8/28 - The NKs going for the BH ((Hala is, right?)) are shown underground parts of the island, not dissimilar to Xavier's -- there's training rooms, and a smaller version of the Danger Room, courtesy of Magneto. It can't be programmed as much, there's only about 10 training sims, but still.

Anniversary 23
Past Rapid-Fires

Jun. 16th, 2023



rf 6/16/23- 6/22/23

6/17 - Secret wedding for Amy and Sari! If you know, you know.

6/18 - The book has gone missing. For the rest of the week the coven will feel that they are going through heavy withdrawls, similar to withdrawing from any other drug. Eventually by the end of the week it won't be as bad, but there will still be the strong need to find it. Also shark cage diving off the coast of South Africa for great whites. Come if you want!

6/21 - I had to edit and move the shark stuff sry!!

**From this point on, the book will be strongly influencing the members of the coven to try more dangerous and high-risk spells, including dark ones

6/10/23 - 6/15
6/2/23 - 6/9/23
May 2023
April 2023
March 2023
February 2023
January 2023

Mar. 3rd, 2023



rf 3/4/23 - 3/10/23

3/5 - An absolutely massive magnitude 9.0 earthquake hits in the middle of the ocean. A huge tsunami hits Fiji and absolutely wrecks it. Deaths and missing are in the hundreds. Teams are immediately dispatched after the earthquake to try and evacuate as many people as possible from the islands, but it doesn't stop the body count from being so high.

3/7 - Anne Holmes releases a statement that this could have been prevented by mutants, but wasn't. Nolan Harland counters that mutants can't save a world that wants them dead.

**From this point on, the coven will all keep feeling very strong urges to use the book as much as they can, even if it's just reading it

February 2023
January 2023

Feb. 2nd, 2023



rf 2/4/23 - 2/10/23

2/4 - A miracle occurs! All around the world there are reports of people mysteriously being healed of their injuries and illnesses. This continues for the next three days, hospice centers being emptied, violent attacks leaving the victims unhurt, etc.

2/6 - A group from the school goes into the city for the day, but are unfortunately outed as mutants by a Sentinel. This results in an attack on them, but sure enough they heal completely from it. Feel free to get as wild as you'd like with injuries, they'll be fine!

2/7 - There is not a drop of water or bite of food to be found in the school today. Any food brought in from elsewhere also disappears.

2/9 - A massive snowstorm hits the upper East coast, and Xavier's feels the brunt of it. Not magic snow, just a lot of it. The Admins find it in their hearts to declare a snow day, despite everyone living there.

January 2023

Jan. 6th, 2023



rf 1/7/23 - 1/13/23 BACK ON TRACK!

1/7 - All animals on the grounds disappear until 1/9

1/10 - School starts!

1/11 - A massive hail and lightning storm begins on the west coast, and within hours is on the east. It doesn't stop there, though. Other storms of the same nature are hitting every continent. Hail is up to the size of basketballs, and the lightning is constant. The school (sans the med labs, who are on their own generator) loses power for two days due to the damage. Doing spells from the book to help (and in general) seems to urge the coven to use more (not to a worrying degree -- don't ruin the fun by having your char notice yet!)

1/2/23 - 1/6/23

Nov. 25th, 2022



RF 11/26/22 - 12/2/22

11/27 - The outbreak continues unabated. The few mutant teams there are in the world are now all deploying healers to various Western Africa countries.

12/1 - The outbreak has been largely contained thanks to the large external support of not just mutants but human doctors and healthcare workers administering vaccines. Several countries have been decimated, though.

12/2 - With the help of volunteers, all of the Christmas decorations for the year are put up.

11/19/22 - 11/25/22
11/12/22 - 11/18/22
11/5/22 - 11/11/22
11/1/22 - 11/4/22

Aug. 14th, 2022



the most challenging rapid fire yet!

We are challenging everyone to try and tag with a maximum of five sentences!

Obviously, do whatever you'd like! But we're trying to see if we're even capable of that anymore!

(Eh, just stick the date it's set on in the subject line, we won't put up headers or whatever this time!)

Dec. 31st, 2021



attack rapid fire!

Midday, multiple portals are going to open up and a great deal more of the tentacle monsters come out than came out originally. Along with them are ten of THESE things, who seem to be the ones in charge. They are capable of paralyzing anyone that meets their eyes, summoning elements, and forcing the opposite side to fight each other instead of the bad guys. Most dangerously though, they also have the capacity to use their central eye to project a field that cancels the effects of all mutant abilities within a cone of 150 feet in length around them.

There will be a post going up soon for non-team members to talk on, but the entries there don’t count towards activity. On that note, keep in mind that only posts happening before midnight will count for activity this month (that's why this is going up so early!).


Nov. 25th, 2021



thanksgiving rapid fire


You know what to do!

Apr. 3rd, 2021



log: immortalis & windshear

WHO: Morgan Jones and Colin Hume.
WHEN/WHERE: One of the residents kitchens.
WHAT: Morgan's powers go into effect.

Colin silently admonished himself a lot. )

Feb. 6th, 2021



Lucky I'm in love with my best friend. (Open to Liam/All!)

Rogue had never planned out a dream wedding when she was a kid. She’d been more rough and tumble, interested in playing in the mud and running around in the woods near her house. Her dolls would get married to one another, sure, but it was always very practical in her head rather than being extravagant in her heart. Going through the motions.

And then, of course, her powers had sufficiently ended any thoughts she’d had about a normal life. Much less one that involved living with and loving someone like that. She had to be careful with everyone that she was around, and there wasn’t much romance to be found when she could suck a person’s essence right out of them with a kiss. She’d come to accept it though, had carved out a place for herself in the world, with the school, with the teams. And while she knew some part of her would always be wistful about it, she’d come to terms with weddings and fairy tales being just that.

But then Liam had come into her life. Or, rather, she’d come (literally) crashing into his. It was the first time she’d had a crush quite like that -- one that was exciting, and new, and returned. Liam liked her back, he loved her just like she loved him, and now he wanted to turn all of those somedays into forevers.

And now here she was, on Waikiki’s tourist trap of a beach, with their friends and friends-as-family gathered around, with her brother Kurt officiating and their friends Colin and Bobby serving as best men. Her dress was, of course, styled by Rogue with help from Irina, who had lifted the hem from her knees to just at the line of decency. Her veil was long enough to drop to the ground, though. And her gloves this time were white. She laughed a little as she took the ring meant for Liam and looked at him, feeling her heart swell with happiness.

“Liam. I know we didn’t start off on the best foot.” Another small laugh. “But I promise to spend the rest of my life stoppin’ my mama from makin’ trouble for you. To make sure there’s hazelnut creamer in the fridge in the mornings. To push you to run ten miles when we want to stop at nine, and to make you look away from work when you’ve been at it too long. I’ll defend mint ice cream when people try to tell you it tastes like toothpaste, and I’ll make sure no pineapple goes near your pizza. Only you could make gettin’ up early sound just as good as sleepin’ in late, and I promise to try and share the covers better. And to only put my cold feet on you in the most dire of situations. I love you, and I’ll love you until there’s no more tomorrows. I’ve got your six for life.”

She reached out to get the ring from Bobby, and slid it on Liam’s finger and grinned. “No backin’ out now.”

(Open to Liam, obviously, and also RAPID FIRE threads if yall want!! There’s music and food and blankets set out instead of chairs for the actual event. ENJOY THE DAY!)

Dec. 2nd, 2019




For the thousandth time in the last twenty-four hours, Grace Lavreaux told herself she was doing the wrong thing. This was a mistake, a leap of faith too far. She was too old to be taking a sledgehammer to her life and rebuilding it anew. Too tired.

But here she was, watching the yellow cab as it carried out a three point turn and puttered its way back towards the front gates. Her gaze remained locked on the vehicle for longer than needed because it meant she didn’t have to turn towards the building which was to be her new home, she didn’t have to breathe in the enormity of it, the way it seemed to bulge ominously. She wasn’t sure if there was anything on St. Barts as big as this mansion, and the only constructions of comparable size in NeverNeverLand were actual mountains. She would be lost inside these labyrinthine walls. A fish out of water, that was what she was. Out of her depth. What exactly had she been thinking when she’d picked up the phone and entered the international code to reach the United States? Had she lost her senses?

The wind had a bite to it, a harsher snap than the cool sea breezes of the island she was accustomed to, and it was lifting her pale blonde hair from her shoulders, whipping out the carefully brushed-in neatness she’d applied in the airport bathroom. Grace sighed softly and tried to straighten her stance. There was nothing stopping her from going back home, she told herself. If this was truly an error in judgment than she could flee with her tail between her legs. But she wouldn’t know one way or the other until she summoned the courage to cross the threshold.

First she had to get her suitcase inside though. Apart from her purse, it was the only luggage she’d brought with her. Grace didn’t own much, not a great deal that mattered, but the suitcase was heavy and bulky all the same. If she’d had any sense at all, a single brain cell in her skull, she wouldn’t have had to drag her belongings over the ocean. She could’ve just left them in NeverNeverLand and then popped them back out once she arrived at the school. Simple. But the thought hadn’t entered her mind until the plane was already in the air. She just wasn’t used to travelling. More to the point, she wasn’t used to having access to her pocket dimension yet. It had only been a few months, after decades of being cut off from her personal paradise. Clearly, she’d forgotten how useful it could be. A little forethought would’ve saved her a lot of hassle. “Stupid woman,” she muttered bitterly under her breath.

The cold air was having its usual effect on her gloveless hands, arthritis lighting up her fingers as if bolts of electricity were pulsing from knuckle to nail. One thumb had seized into a claw already. Grace struggled with her stiff fingers, trying and failing to get a firm grip on the suitcase’s handle, managing to drag it a few more feet towards the steps leading up to the front entrance before it slipped from her feeble grasp and flopped over onto the smooth gravel with a thump. Grace closed her eyes and dug her aching fingers into her hair. This wasn’t the positive start she’d needed.