xavier's school for the gifted

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Posts Tagged: 'lupo'

May. 26th, 2019



I've learned to lose, you can't afford to. (All!)

The X-Men had managed to break through Selene’s outer barriers and in to where Proteus himself was hiding. It was then that he was taken out, swiftly, and his control over the various minds here and elsewhere ended. The compound was simple enough, and not too many turns later they found Selene herself, still involved in her ritual.

“But how can you focus on me when your home needs so much help?” An image in all of their minds suddenly, of the school and the chaos and slaughter that was happening there. The teams started to disperse immediately, the stopping of Selene and her crystals left to a trusted few.

The others teleported out, landing back on the grounds in the midst of the fight. They weren’t the only ones arriving, though. In the front hallway of the school, the time-travelers that had been taken a year ago were dropping back in place as though no time had passed for them at all. And outside something strange(r) was happening -- black, whirling portals were beginning to appear, and out of each fell a stranger. Portals were opened up near some of the current residents as well, sucking them in.

(Everyone’s here! Wait for thread titles and then go wild)

Jan. 16th, 2019





Wolves howled. It was what they did, a perfectly natural part of their behaviour and a vital part of their lives as pack animals. The fact that so many people at this school didn’t understand that was driving Rahne up the proverbial wall, the ignorance was astounding, but he also knew that it was a situation that someone had to look into and there was no better candidate than him. It was a waste of time, most likely, all he would find was a pack of wolves going about their business and communicating with one another one of the only (not to mention best) ways they knew how, but at least then he could say as much the next time someone complained needlessly about the noise.

With purposeful strides and the unwavering focus that wolves were (to those who actually knew about them, at least) known for Rahne moved across the lawn and towards the trees. On his way through the school a few individuals had spoken words of greeting to him but he had ignored them, barely even glanced in their directions, and the firm set of his not only his shoulders but also his jaw had kept those individuals from calling out to him again. In the lobby a pair of students had blocked his path and without even recognising that he was doing such a thing Rahne had actually growled at them, scattering them swiftly with the sharp and predatory sound.

He wasn’t far from the treeline before he made out a figure approaching and unlike those who had called to him inside the school it was a figure worth taking note of for various reasons: their scent, their posture, the focus that practically mirrored his own. Rahne’s expression was already grim but it became that much harder as he locked gazes with the other man, the two of them squaring off. When he growled this time the message was much the same as it had been with the children in the lobby: Move. Now.

( see associated entry for details on teams! )

May. 28th, 2018




04:57. Dawn. Light was only just beginning to creep into the sky when the fighting finally stopped.

Some of those that had been fighting off the mutants simply sat down where they ended up, checking themselves over and catching their breath. Others frantically searched the rubble or the grounds for their family, their friends. If they had a handheld they tried it but the network was glitching out badly and most of the school had lost their units in various skirmishes, explosions or escapes.

To say that the school was a mess would be to sugarcoat what they were looking at. Rooms had been destroyed, there was fire and water damage in hallways and classrooms, odd places for fires to break out when mutants weren’t in the mix but here it made perfect sense. There were gouges in the lawn, floorboards and sections of wall missing inside the mansion itself. Then there were the bodies. Not just of those that had attacked the school where those trying to defend themselves had been given no choice but to put their attacker down fully, but bodies of those that had called this place home.

Worse than the damage to the walls, worse than the ruined rugs and the smashed windows, the doors that had been ripped from their hinges or bodily smashed through, worse than the scorches running an arc up the side of the building, was the blood that soaked the grass and stained the wood. Worse than all that were the vacant eyes and rigid limbs. They had lost people. They had lost students and residents. They had lost family, loved ones, pieces of themselves. The attack had been relentless, lasted hours, the injured were everywhere, scattered and disorientated or else running on fumes trying to keep helping, keep saving what they could, and perhaps the full effects of the night wouldn’t be felt until the creeping sun had brought light to the scene around them or until a few days had passed, a few weeks, but there would surely not be a single soul that had not been touched by the ordeal, tainted by it.

Xavier’s might have regained some of their fallen friends under these terrible circumstances but they had lost others.

Ad eternum.

[ AFTERMATH, OPEN TO EVERYONE. Finding the wounded and helping them to medical attention can go here; healing for critical injuries only as the staff are trying to keep anyone else from dying, those with lower rolls can try to patch themselves up or patch each other up until the medteam can get to them but it won’t be soon. REPEAT: THE MEDLABS ARE INSANELY BUSY. People who aren't critical will be sent away and there are absolutely no visitors. Darcy WILL be kicking people out and asking team members who are still upright to keep them out! Lila has brought back everyone from the Dyson Sphere together in one trip, anyone who was teleported away to somewhere else on Earth or to Limbo is back, too. No network posts yet, the system is still mostly fried and Johnny is out of the count. All fighting to stay in the other threads but please feel free to carry on tagging those! ]

Mar. 10th, 2018



I think your dreams are the same as mine. (Gaza!)

The feel of Gaza's fingers in his hair was hypnotizing. Lupo didn't like most people touching his hair; it held significance in his tribe, with the men and women both wearing it long and having elaborate braiding or locking techniques as one of their few outlets for creativity and expression outside of their physical prowess. There was a closeness that wasn't instinctive to the Swamp Men for someone working on another's hair, and so that was typically reserved for family, bonded friends, or slaves of course. It had been years since Lupo let someone other than his sister work with the strands, but Gaza had wanted to learn the shapes and so Lupo had been showing him -- first the basics, and then the more complicated aspects.

Gaza wasn't just anyone, anyway. There was trust there. Feeling. Love, maybe, if Lupo had a better grasp on the intricacies of that word. It wasn't one that the Swamp Men were fond of, even though he knew he'd felt something like it before when it came to this world's numerous definitions of it. With the mate that he'd wanted, and lost.

It was cold still, but Lupo and Lupa had long since collected hides and furs, creating wearable items not just from the leathers they were used to but the natural coats of things like bears, foxes, beaver. He appreciated the clothes provided by this place (well….some of them), but he was still more comfortable moving in the things that he was used to. There was a fur around his shoulders now, protecting him from the chill; it would be better to be awake when it was warmer, but he couldn't seem to change his nocturnal schedule and nature, even when he tried. Gaza didn't seem to mind being awake with him then, anyway.

He'd closed his eyes to the gentle tug and movement of his lighter strands being twisted and braided and knotted in what ways Gaza saw fit. Lupo wasn't sure that Gaza could make a displeasing shape even if he wanted to. It relaxed him more than other things that he'd found here, and he knew that it wasn't just the motions but Gaza's presence in general that made it so. Gaza who had fit back into his life as though their years apart hadn't meant anything. Like some part of each of them had stayed waiting for the other.

"Gaza --" He wanted to say something but the words caught suddenly, memory and a fear different from battle adrenaline surprising him into a brief silence.

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Sep. 5th, 2017




Gaza held a hand over his eyes, clamping them shut under his palm, blocking out the world around him. Essex had granted him a kindness, if it could be called that: the ability to switch off the vast view of his surroundings provided by his mind's eye, to shield himself from the endless vista, simply by closing his eyes. It had been a necessary quirk to add to the powerset grafted onto him by the infamous mad scientist. It enabled the Savage Lander to sleep.

Sleep was a distant concept now though, a flimsily abstract idea, a thing which loomed over him and was to be fought against, repelled, slain. He stood in the centre of his room, his usually sturdy frame swaying unconsciously, resting his mind with his hand rather than climbing under the covers and losing himself to slumber. He couldn't stay awake for much longer. It had been three days since he'd last leapt from his bed to escape the nightmares and his reserves were almost fully depleted. His bones ached, he didn't know it but his skin was pale and grey, dark purple-black smudges beneath his eyes, he was nauseous, cold, seeing the shadows of shapes he knew could not be real. All he had to do was lay down. But he couldn't.

At first he'd been punishing himself, tormented by his failure to see what was happening at the school, across the land, in plain sight. Gaza watched. That wasn't just a hobby or even a job. It was his purpose. But he hadn't seen. He was just a blind man after all. As the others had begun to recover from their injuries (inflicted upon them because they were forced to save him, because his failure had extended to his inability to keep himself from being captured by the tribe from another planet), as they returned one by one to their usual routines, Gaza had quietly retreated. Each day, he spent just enough time with them to be sure that they were well, to keep them from worrying about him when they should be caring for themselves, but largely he'd spent his time alone whenever possible. His thoughts were too dark and he didn't want them to see that darkness reflected in his face. He didn't want them to see how weak he was. He didn't know if he deserved them anymore.

But fatigue was overwhelming him now, swallowing even the greatest of his guilts so that all he could think about was his own exhaustion. He couldn't sleep though, wouldn't. He was too afraid. They had come for him when he was sleeping. How could he be certain it wouldn't happen again? Irrationally, absurdly, he was scared to let his head touch the pillow, and sickened by the weakness in him implied by that fear. Gaza was losing himself, and there was only one thing, one shape, one man he wanted, needed, but the urge to retain some shred of the proud warrior he'd believed himself to be had kept him from asking for help. He was so tired though. He was so tired.

"New entry." His voice was a low murmur, aimed at the device held in his other hand, the words forming on his lips before he was aware of speaking at all. "Filter, Lupo." He was silent for a full minute, two, the machine in his grasp waiting patiently for further input so it could complete its addition to the journal network. Finally, Gaza forced himself to say what he should have said weeks ago. "Please come, okeo. Please come." His brow furrowed into a pained frown and he lowered his head, his shame complete. "End entry. Send." In motion at last, he placed the device on the bedside table, then moved to the door to unlock it and leave it open, ready for Lupo's arrival, before finally walking to the other side of the bed and sitting down on its edge, back to the door, head hung. He was supposed to be stronger than this.

[ LUPO ]
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Jul. 6th, 2017




They wanted to get up the ship.

That was hilarious to her, honestly. Wanting to get anywhere near anything to do with the Skrulls was suicidal, she had avoided them at all costs when she had worked out there, for Webb. Everyone who had spent time in space knew better than to cross them or even to look in their direction if they wanted to keep their spine inside their skin, . When someone grabbed hold of her in the hallway, she had almost teleported herself, Aiden and Isaac who were with her, right out of the school, thinking that it was one of the aliens but it was Colossus appearing from a doorway to intercept them. Apparently he and the other X-Men had a plan: They wanted to get up to the ship, they wanted to get their people back and destroy the whole thing. Obviously they needed her for that.

A message had gone out on the network, a high priority alert, a call to arms for anyone that was able to see it and get to the rendezvous point; the cafeteria. By the time Lila got there with the brothers there was already a crowd in various states of readiness; some of them looked a bit bruised or dishevelled, they had already been fighting, but they were willing to push on, push harder, go that extra, massive leap and trust her to teleport them out into space, into the heart of the enemy’s ship.

“This is it?” Lila was a little breathless, she had bolted through the school as fast as she could.

Firestar nodded at her, her expression grim and her jaw tight, her red hair scraped back into a high ponytail; she had passed out comm units to everyone so they could stay in contact while they were on mission.

Lila looked around at the mutants gathered with her; these were the people she was going to ferry into space to save the people that had been kidnapped, to get them back. Insane but so brave. She felt completely out of place among the kind of people that would go this far for those they cared about.

“Okay,” she said, swallowing a lump in her throat, wiping sweat off her face, pushing her fringe upwards in a mess. “All right.” It had been a very long time since she had teleported such a large number of people. It wasn’t that it would be tricky, it wouldn’t even feel any different to the way teleporting normally felt, she didn’t have a maximum weight or number capacity that she knew about, the only thing restricting her was how close the objects or people were to her, she needed them nearby. It just made her a bit nervous to see all these people around her, wanting to get up there to that mothership and get their people back. Relying on her to help them do it. Lila didn’t like people relying on her, it made her anxious. “Okay,” she said again, more decisively, sliding into some focused mentality she had forgotten she even had, something that was left over from her days stealing, smuggling and other illegal galactic activities. “Everyone stay close, it’s gonna feel a bit weird. Give yourself a second to adjust to it when we get up there.”

They bounced up to the Dyson Sphere (Lila held Aiden’s hand, when she got there she grabbed a holster from a cache of emergency items she kept dotted around the place) but in just a fraction of a heartbeat they teleported again in a searing white light and they were dropped into the cargo hold of the mothership. Lila let everyone take a second to get used to the slightly altered gravity, the stale tasting air. The alarms hadn’t gone off yet, the skrulls didn’t know they were there. She cast her eyes around; they needed schematics, a deck-by-deck guide to follow so they could find what they were looking for; the ship was miles wide and if they went running off just hoping they were going to stumble on the captives then they were going to be obliterated. Skrulls were disciplined, they were warriors to their core and a group of fleshy mutant careening around were something they would cut through like butter if they didn’t have a plan.

There was a schematic on the bulkhead and she crossed over to it, examining it carefully, some of the others following her. Lila buckled the gun holster around her hips as she moved, the Phalanx pistol nestled in against her thigh. That felt better. Cypher was looking over the top of her head at the map, reading it, she realised. “Here,” he said, putting his finger on the map. Nanite was leaning in to scrutinise it, too. “It says containment, is that it?”

Lila nodded. “Yeah, I think so. Every ship’s a bit different.” She traced her finger over the map, following a few hard to understand lines, putting her unique expertise to good use; she had spent a good portion of her life growing up in ships, she knew what she was looking for. “We’re down here, we’ve got to get up through these decks to get there. They’ll shut down the maintenance hatches, flood them with poison, most likely, if we try to use those. Best to just stick together, move as a force, protect our front and back. We can overwhelm them, they won’t know we’re here yet. This is the reactor,” she added, “If we want to take the ship out of commission someone needs to get down here and overload it,” she looked at the mutants around her, the little group that had formed up. “It’s on the engineering deck, any cyberpaths we’ve got should get down there and commandeer it. Scramble their internal sensors, keep them from tracking us too closely. If you can seal some bulkheads along the way, that’d give us some breathing room. I’ll come to containment, you’ll need a tour guide. We--”

Everything plunged into darkness, red lights flashed and an alarm started to wail, cutting her off mid-sentence. There went their element of surprise.

Galactica cast her eyes over the mutants with her, black in the gloom. This was it. It was really happening. They could all be about to die horribly or they could triumph. She hoped it was the latter. “Meet back here, I’ll teleport us back out when we have everyone.”

Firestar spoke next, “I’ll take a team to containment, Windshear you’re with me. Cypher, you take Bedlam, Blackhand and a squad of combatants to take the computer systems in engineering, we’ll need to control that if we’re going to do this. Agilis, you watch their six.” Steel-blue eyes moved over the group: “Overcharge, you stay here with a team and hold the cargo bay. Adolebit, back him up. We’ll need it clear for egress. Do not let them take it. Fight them back. When we have our people we’re taking this ship to pieces. Be ready.”

The teams splintered off into three groups, rolling out through the blast doors to the cargo bay.

Additionally all disappeared people/those replaced by Skrulls can tag in to be rescued and helped from their containment! They have been unconscious all this time and held in stasis pods but aside from being groggy and a bit unsteady on their feet they are unharmed! There are THREE GROUPS at the moment, one going to RESCUE the missing Xavierites, another going for ENGINEERING/THE REACTOR with the last group holding the CARGO BAY.

May. 23rd, 2017



Log: Lupo and Gaza

WHO: Lupo and Gaza
WHERE/WHEN: The lakehouse; Backdated roughly a month
WHAT: The Savage guys are having an entirely normal evening until suddenly their relationship is forever changed.

Lupo was Gaza's shape to focus on, and Gaza was Lupo's reminder that wherever they went, Lupo could find something good about it in him. )
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