xavier's school for the gifted

September 2024



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Posts Tagged: 'spots'

Dec. 8th, 2023



rf 12/8/23 - 12/14/23


12/9 - A white-out blizzard hits. For the rest of the month it's either snowing, or sunny without melting the snow that's there. The music students put on a showcase of holiday music in the cafe.

12/11 - A school-wide snowball fight is arranged!

November 2023
October 2023
September 2023
August 2023
July 2023
Past Rapid-Fires

Oct. 20th, 2023



rf 10/20/23 - 10/26/23

10/20 - While walking off-campus late at night, ACACIA COLLINS has an encounter with The Smiling Man. Pls try and get home safely >>!

10/21 - NABI buys a locket rumored to be ‘haunted’ by an angel (novelty only!!!) and sure enough, for the rest of the month absolutely nothing bad happens to them. This amulet does not disappear by the end of October. VIOLET HARMAN hears a buzzing in their room and finds a fly trying to get out through the window, which is stuck closed. Within a few moments, however, the number of flies in the room has started to steadily increase, and the door is unable to be opened as well. The swarm reaches impossible levels before disappearing suddenly, without a trace.

10/22 - A ghost is roaming the school – it appears as an old man in a suit, and if you get its attention it will either run at you before dissipating, or have its face become twisted and horrifying before it screams and dissipates.

10/23 - PRESLEY SCOTT starts to see a woman in black in the background of her pictures, getting closer and closer to her throughout October. Finally, when it can’t get closer, PRESLEY wakes to the apparition choking them in their bed. It disappears after a few moments, and does not reappear in pictures.

10/24 - ARTIE RANKIN sees a face that's not their own in every reflective surface. No one else notices a difference with them.

10/25 - At noon, everyone is compelled to stand up and sing/dance to This Is Halloween. Following RANDOM's tarot reading, a group of unmarked mercs fight the school.

10/26 - CLARITY COLLIER is woken by a scratching sound at her door, but ultimately falls back asleep instead of checking. In the morning, a hook is hanging from the door handle and there are gouges in the wood.

October 2023
September 2023
August 2023
July 2023
Past Rapid-Fires

Oct. 6th, 2023



rf 10/6/23 - 10/12/23

10/6 - A carnival is in town! JANE ROBERTS is dared by LIN TSAI to go into the funhouse and steal the nose off what is rumored to be a possessed clown figure inside. Said student will begin having nightmares of an evil clown, which turn into things like balloons appearing in their room saying GIVE IT BACK, as well as creepy phone calls saying the same thing until they return to the carnival and place the nose back on the figure.

10/7 - While on a school-hosted trip to a local pumpkin patch, PRESLEY SCOTT & JOHNNY GITTER sneak off, only to find a creepy-looking old house, which they investigate. And are promptly caught and taken to Leatherface's basement. Luckily, ERIC GITTER & EVA HARMAN go after them and help them to escape. The school still hosts it's pumpkin-painting event that afternoon though, chaperones needed!

10/8 - VERITY CONROE, NAIYA BURNS, & VICTOR CREED wake up to pretty boxes in front of their doors, each with a card to them that says 'You have my heart <3'. Inside the boxes are, indeed, beating hearts.

10/9 - WINTER HALPIN-TERRIS wakes up to a mass amount of spiders in their bed. They disappear by the time their roommate has woken up and tries to help. Simultaneously SABRINA YOO wakes up to a mass amount of snakes in theirs -- which also disappear when their roommate is awoken.

10/10 - DANNY COX has a dream in which they are chased by a serial killer with knives for fingers (the face remains obscured though, HOW ODD!), and when they wake up they do indeed have cuts down their back from this.

10/11 - CHARACTER P starts to hear whispers all day, beginning with barely audible ones and graduating to clearly heard shouts for help. No telepath can trace them though, and they disappear at midnight without being solved.

10/12 - CHARACTER Q is brushing their teeth when one falls out suddenly. Another feels loose, and when they poke at it, it falls out as well. One by one, all of their teeth begin to fall or be pulled out. It must be a waking nightmare though, because when someone else comes in after hearing them, everything is fine!

September 2023
August 2023
July 2023
Past Rapid-Fires

Sep. 1st, 2023



rf 9/1/23 - 9/7/23

9/1 - The Hand attacks! 2 chars each for fighting!

9/2 - X-Men go to get Leyu lmao. X-Men for fighting!

9/4 - Labor Day! No classes, and a late-summer party on the back lawn.

9/6 - Refugees from Lebanon start to be teleported in, sparking a huge debate in Congress over the fact that teleportation doesn't follow any rules for entering countries and the question of how they can stop that.

August 2023
July 2023
Past Rapid-Fires

Dec. 30th, 2022



rf 1/2/23 - 1/6/23

Shortened week due to the long last week. These are posted at weird times I give up!

1/2 - It snows, but it's normal snow :(. Magic snow is gone, sorry to all Gordon characters!

1/3 - The coven uses the tome to cast a light protection spell around the school. A small, white circlet surrounds the grounds for a few hours.

1/5 - The skies go dark for a storm mid-day, but frogs are what come down instead. It's happening all over New York.

December 22
November 22
October 22

Dec. 17th, 2022




Xavier’s seemed pretty nice, or so Presley thought so far, as she tugged a suitcase along the hallway towards her new dorms. While she was a little apprehensive about it all owing to the big changes in her life—her mutation of course—she was resolving to start things on the right foot. It would be alright, she could make friends easily and hopefully power-training would go alright. There was a certain apprehension about that because it would mean actually trying to turn into a leopard, but... what else could she do? Risk getting stuck constantly? That was the main thing, being stuck as a leopard, or constantly slipping into that mind-set was earnestly scary, and this is the place that could theoretically help her. It had to work, she wasn’t sure who or what else could. It wasn't like she and her family knew a lot of mutants (or any mutants), and her doctor wasn't really able to help with this other than saying why yes, the leopard that's your daughter on the exam table has an active x-gene.

So, there was all that on her mind if nothing else. Presley was pretty sociable so a new school wasn't precisely something she was worried about, but it was still a change, and a big one. From suburban Ohio to an old rich estate in Westchester on the edge of New York City? Big change. Kinda scary, too.

Presley slinked down the hallway )
[ BUCK ]
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