August 2010



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Jun. 22nd, 2010


Who: Russell and Will
What: Operation: Commandeer, or scavenging the city.
Where: Around Paris
When: Day 3
Warnings: A little violence is likely.

there was less blood now, but no less smoke. )


Who: Miles, Shane, Jasper, Aiden, Lone, Deirdre, Joss, and Anya. Phew!
What: Jailbreak.
Where: The jail.
When: Day 3, early morning.
Warnings: TBA
Notes: You can now feel free to get going on your threads. You can find more information in the plot post!

The people in the cells around the Bellum tenants had thinned during the day and swelled again at night, many coming in dressed in evening wear as they had, though more of them were intoxicated. The police were non-responsive to inquiries about how long it would be before they were charged.

Then three new men were thrown into the men's holding cell in the early hours of the morning on the third day of their forced visit to the 20's. Dawn was a short ways off on the morning of February 14, 1929, and a massacre that would make history had yet to happen. Not long off, though, not long at all.


Who: Ella, Nick, and Joanie (and Tegan, too!)
What: Meeting Georgy Lvov
Where: A small town near the palace
When: Mach 20, 1917 (Day 3 for Group Xi)
Warnings: TBA, most likely just mild language.

But evil's lurking so he's always on his guard. Cause if you're gonna spy you better spy hard. )

Jun. 21st, 2010


Who: Oliver and Will.
What: Well royal kitchens don't tend to themselves!
Where: The palace kitchen.
When: Post clothes gathering and temporarily hiding out.
Warnings: Will swears. Unless either of them decide to knife a random worker it shan't be any harsher than that.
Notes: Since it says "kitchen/dining workers" they may randomly appear on the floor from time to time depending on the angry French yelling. Just a heads up for anyone who will be in the dining area on the second night.

He snuck away, boots and all outside into the bitter cold. )


Group Omega Plot Update #2

Adventures in French Revolutionary Paris continue. For event sign-ups and questions, return to the original OOC post.

[OOC: Tuesday, June 22 - Wednesday, June 23]
Day 4.
July 17, 1789, a wineshop in Paris... and various times and locations.
Read more... )

[OOC: Thursday, June 24 - Friday June 24]
Day 5.
July 18, 1789, a wineshop in Paris.
Read more... )


Group Xi Plot Post Day 3/4

By now, our travelers should be fed, warm and somewhat familiar with their surroundings and with the local people. Unfortunately, their very presence has altered the timeline.

The four locals that Vlad and Ella accosted for their clothing included a woman named Anna Demidova, a lady-in-waiting to the Empress, who had been sent into the crowd to spy for the Romanov family. She's run back to the palace with tales of witches, and the Empress believes they have been sent by her darling, dead Rasputin, and she's trying desperately to find them (Vlad particularly, who she thinks is the Mad Monk himself). There's also talk of a Beast in the woods (and, mistakenly, in the stables), and plans are brewing in the village to go hunt the creature down. The young Tsarevich was overheard telling his sisters that three men (Daniel, Vlad and Luther) were going to save them. Others in the group are feeling the effects of the weather, and Rosalie and Will are feverish and unwell.

Day 3 - OOC: Tuesday, June 22 - Wednesday, June 23 )

Day 4 - OOC: Thursday, June 24 - Friday, June 25 )

Group Xi: [info]beaute_endormie, [info]bookshelved, [info]dysmorphic, [info]jumpingpast, [info]labete, [info]never_old, [info]nobleblood, [info]old_fashioned, [info]sentinelstar, [info]shebringscurses, [info]thimbledarling, [info]vespertine, [info]tiger_says_rawr, [info]unrequitedcharm, [info]veridicality, [info]wickedwicker


Who: Nina and Sherri
What: Operation Damsel
Where: Around Paris
When: Morning, July 15, 1789 (Day 2)
Warnings: Updated as needed

she had woken up to an entirely different Paris )

Jun. 20th, 2010


Who: Bran, Lotte, Brian and Lucas
What: Waking up, planning, and other fun things
Where: An abandoned house in Paris
When: Morning, Day 2
Warnings: TBD

In which there is no shortage of tension )


Who: Rosalie, Ella, and Jane!Vaughn
What: Fun times as ladies-in-waiting
Where: Alexander Palace
When: Day 2
Warnings: Will update as needed

it was the German that was the problem )


Who: Vlad, Luther, Daniel and the various NPCs.
What: Questioning and helping
Where: Russia, Alexander Palace. The playroom and then onwards.
When: Day 2, morning
Warnings: Um. I'll let you know. This isn't the best mix of people.

Remember - it can always get worse. )


Who: Aiden, Lone, Deirdre, Joss, and Anya.
What: Jailtime for the five people who picked the wrong door to run out.
Where: A Chicago jail, two separate cells.
When: Between 1 and 2 in the morning after the raid
Warnings: Probably nothing extensive.

maybe we should raise our voices, ask somebody why; but demonstrations are a drag )


Who: Sam and Joanie.
What: Tending to horses. Neeeeigh?
Where: The palace stables.
When: Post-hunkering down and sleeping in a barn, post-pulling a Doc Brown and traveling back in time.
Warnings: A stable is not very conducive to sexing, so probably none. Bambi dies. Animal activists, proceed with caution.
Notes: Heeeeeey. So like, I am totally going to assume that either Joanie turned hay into clothes or they were all thrown time-appropriate clothes when dragged off to their respective whatever's. Yes, this is Kim and I have such a way with words. ETA: It was all Joanie. She Harry Twattered the barn group some clothes with whatever magic word it was. Hurjashfutuanfjh!

A horse is a horse of course of course )


Who: Shane, Cole and Ileana
What: Post-raid wandering and planning
Where: The streets of 1929 Chicago then presumably somewhere warm
When: Late, nearing sunrise
Warnings: None

At least they hadn't been arrested )


Who: Trenton & Isobel & [whomever would like to show their shining faces]
What: Post speakeasy-escape, reconvening on the street and then catching some warmth inside a local diner while plans are made.
Where: Chicago, 1929.
When: Late, nearing sunrise to after sunrise.
Warnings: N/A.
Notes: Like I said, if any of the escapees wants to join them, feel free. Or forever hold your peace.

It could be worse, we could be in the middle of the French revolution. )


Who: Micah, Will, Iris, Russel, Jonathan, and James.
What: In a place (and a time) like the one they're in, people get hurt. Fortunately, that's what hospitals are for.
Where: Hôpital Salpêtrière
When: Just after sunrise on the second day
Warnings: Blood, hospital business, anger, and so on.

there was blood on the streets and on the stones, and most of all on the people passing by. )

Jun. 18th, 2010



This post has comments turned off. Please direct all plot-wide questions here and all Group Delta specific questions here.

READ THIS POST THOROUGHLY. It explains the first three days of the plot and what will be happening in them, as well as the setting your characters have been transported into.



Group Omega Group Log

Who: Group Omega
What: Arrival. Just somethin’ to get you goin’.
When: IC DAY 1. July 14, 1789. About 1:00 PM local time.
Where: The streets of Paris, France. In the general vicinity of the Bastille.
Plot Reference: Setting post is here.
Note: This is a party style post (post your location in the subject of your thread start). Feel free to find others, search for other people, hunker down and find clothes, etc. There is no posting order. Communicate with each other! You can only be in one thread of this post at a time. All posts once the sun rises must be in other logs - this group post is only for night one/arrival activities. Morning/Day 2/Day 3 logs may be started by characters in the group once the sun rises at their discretion. You cannot write beyond Day 3.

Midnight, Bellum Letale, and all is quiet.

Then, 12:01, and a rush of blinding light overtakes all members of Group Omega, regardless of location. There is a whirl and a swirl of heavy-thick magic, and it feels like the full moon has come early.

But no. When the disorientation settles, residents find themselves hip deep in chaos and urban rioting. Old Paris, starving, restless, and angry, smells aquatic and slightly foul. The July afternoon is disorienting, extremely bright and almost unpleasantly warm. No one here speaks English, but you don’t have to understand French to know that the angry roar of the crowd doesn’t mean “welcome to Paris.”


Group Xi Group Log

Who: Group Xi (ξ)
What: A group-log
Where: Outside Alexander Palace
When: Night one

Midnight, Bellum Letale, and all is quiet.

Then, 12:01, and a rush of blinding light overtakes all members of Group Xi, regardless of location. There is a whirl and a swirl of heavy-thick magic, and it feels like the full moon has come early.

But no. When the disorientation settles, you find you're ankle deep in snow, in the dark of night, outside the gates of Alexander Palace. You can see no one you you recognize in the thick crowd. There is Russian being spoken around you, which you can only understand if you are fluent in the language.

In the back of your mind, you can hear your tales. Present. But you are not transformed.

And you are almost alone.

[This is a party style post (post your location in the crowd in the subject of your thread start). Feel free to find others in the crowd, to go in search of other people, to hunker down and find clothes, etc. You can only be in one thread at a time, however.

All posts once the sun rises must be in other logs - this group post is only for night one/arrival activities. Morning/Day 2/Day 3 logs may be started by characters in the group once the sun rises at their discretion. You cannot write beyond Day 3.]



Who: Group Delta
What: The Raid! Group Delta Arrival Log
Where: Chicago, IL
When: Feb. 11, 1929
Warnings: TBA
Notes: The log is now ready for tagging! Start whenever you like. See Group Delta’s Plot Post for more details! Keep in mind that this post will have comments shut down around this time tomorrow, and is only for tags during the visit to the speak. Any other logs in the following two days are yours to create.

12:01 on Saturday, June 19, Bellum’s tenants should have been asleep in their beds. Some of them, no doubt, were awake, and would have seen the flash that left them standing with fifteen of the building’s other residents, dressed in a period out of the past, in the middle of a party like no other.


Group Xi Plot Post

The Romanovs Group Xi (ξ)

(This post has comments turned off. Please direct all plot-wide questions here and all Group Xi specific questions here.)

Arrival and Days One through Three )

Group Xi: [info]beaute_endormie, [info]bookshelved, [info]dysmorphic, [info]jumpingpast, [info]labete, [info]never_old, [info]nobleblood, [info]old_fashioned, [info]sentinelstar, [info]shebringscurses, [info]thimbledarling, [info]tiger_says_rawr, [info]unrequitedcharm, [info]veridicality, [info]wickedwicker

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