Joanie Wicker | The Wicked Witch of the West (wickedwicker) wrote in bellumlogs, @ 2010-06-22 15:18:00 |
Entry tags: | beauty, peter pan, plot: tempus, plot: xi, wendy, wicked witch |
Who: Ella, Nick, and Joanie (and Tegan, too!)
What: Meeting Georgy Lvov
Where: A small town near the palace
When: Mach 20, 1917 (Day 3 for Group Xi)
Warnings: TBA, most likely just mild language.
After the previous day's horse catastrophe, Joanie was extremely hesitant about leaving the barn at all. Upon waking, she had strongly considered just turning all the hay into stylish furniture and camping out there until this whole thing went away. Of course, there were two major flaws in that plan. The first was that converting a barn into a modern-style apartment in one go would most likely fry her brain. The second was that ignoring this situation in the hopes that it would just go away would only work if it was indeed temporary. If they were stuck here for a long time, she'd surely starve to death.
She couldn't rely on the passing good graces of a tiger to keep herself fed, now, could she?
So she transformed her nice dress from the day before into more humble attire - a thick skirt and heavy blouse with a heavy jacket thrown over it - and set out into the nearest village in the hopes of finding something. What she was looking for she couldn't say, but it was almost a relief to be out and walking on her own. "What do you have in mind for today, child?" Well. Almost on her own.
"I'm not sure," she thought, dodging widely around a man carrying a large armload of wood. "But I can't just...sit around." The town was fairly busy, and luckily nobody seemed to notice the young woman that walked with uncertainty through their midst. People all around her were speaking a language she didn't understand, and she was perfectly content to keep her mouth shut so that they never learned just how ignorant she was.
The Witch sighed tersely in her head. "I've told you before. You need to practice."
It was hard for Joanie to keep the groan internal as she rolled her eyes to the sky. "I've gotten more practice than I can handle, okay? I have to take it slow."
"That's complacency, dear," she chided. "Talent will only carry you so far, and-"
"Okay!" she hissed internally, stiffening despite herself. "If I promise to find somewhere secluded to practice later tonight, will you leave me alone?"
The Witch didn't answer, which Joanie assumed was both a good and bad thing at the same time. But she'd take it for now. At times like this, you took every bone you were thrown, no matter how unpleasant it may be.