August 2010



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Apr. 21st, 2010


[After this]

Subject: [None]

You hurt him, and I'm gonna kick your ass in.

Apr. 20th, 2010


Voicemail left for Shane

[His caller ID would show an unfamiliar number, as it's the hospital phone. Machine beeping can be heard in the background, and she sounds rambling-exhausted and worried and not quite coherent, but determined. The message is left post-forum conversation with Rick, but before Rick shows up to save Rosalie from certain Vaughn-inflicted doom.]

Sugar, you better not be out gettin' yourself into trouble. You listen to me, and you listen good. You keep your eyes peeled for Vaughn, and you keep an eye on Daniel for me. I mean it, Shane. Get Vlad to help, but keep the man clear of Vaughn. Sit in R1 with a gun, if you gotta.

I'm gonna take care of Rose, but you gotta watch out for the Family too. The Family and Vaughn. And I swear to God, if anythin' happens to you or Daniel over this, I'm gonna skin both your hides. If anyone asks, you don't know anythin' about anythin, and you ain't talked to me even once.

Oh, make sure Nicky's okay for me too. I ain't been near the internet but once, and Evie was lookin' for him, and he's worse than you for takin' care of himself.

[She hangs up without saying goodbye, and she doesn't mention anything that happened at all. She doesn't think for a moment that Vaughn is unaware that she's broken their deal.]

Apr. 19th, 2010



[Posted with a borrowed phone from ICU, after she's told there's a blonde woman outside waiting to see her]

[Locked to 505]




I need your help. Got a number I can ring?


Locked to 1004 and 1007

Either of you seen Nick lately? He wasn't here when I got back and I know he's friends with you both.

Apr. 11th, 2010


locked to 1007

Happy belated birthday.



Any reason I'm still holding onto these drugs for you? Trying to set me up for the DEA or what?


Various locked

[After this]

[Locked to D1]
I can't make it to dinner.

[Locked to 1202B and 1004]
I can't make dinner something happened with I'm not doing very Hanny, go with Nicky to see the science man, so he don't got to go alone. I just can't.

[Locked to 102]
Sending you a replacement, sugar, since your bedside manner left so much to be desired.

[Locked to 601]
Are you in love with

[Not sent]



Subject: [None]

Who are you, and what's your business with him?

Apr. 10th, 2010


Locked to Certain Individuals

[Locked to R1, P3, #1203A, and #601 individually]

A polite letter )

[Locked to P1, #1202B, and #1007 individually]

A polite letter )

[Locked to #906, #805, and #407 individually]

A polite letter )

Apr. 9th, 2010


1202B, 1004

[Locked to 1202B and 1004]

Dinner, day after tomorrow, 8 pm at Joy Yee with Hook with Jack, so we can all tell him how wrong he is about everything altogether. He don't know, so I wouldn't go mentioning it to him.

Don't even think of telling me no, Nicky. I can be real demanding.

Apr. 8th, 2010


Locked to D1

[After this]

You running and snitching to Rose now?


Locked to 1007

Happy birthday.

I know it's late. Did you even tell anyone who actually knew you?



[Pushed under the door to 1007]

Folded note on drawing paper )

Apr. 6th, 2010



Ignore that other POS PSA. This one is for superpowers and what shit people have that they can kill us with. List them anon, anons.


Publicly posted on the building forum

We have decided that it would benefit all tenants to know the tales living under our roof. This list is being posted for the protection of all residents, and is meant to be informative for new tenants. Should you know the identity of someone not on the list, or without a unit listing, inform us here, and we shall rectify the matter.

Bellum Tales )



To the unforgivable individual: give me an email address.

Apr. 4th, 2010


Locked to 1007

i know you're not talking to me but

it's just so

You were looking for a Woodsman?

he kills the wolf

What did I do?


Locked to 1007

Shane turned into a wolf and started howling so Ella and I went down to check on him. Cole was there too, and another woman-- James, I think? Only I got too close and I scared the wolf and he bit Cole. Ella made a bunch of thorns grow and that's how I got cut, but we got a couple doctors down there and Cole got stitched up and everyone was fine.

You could have just asked me You don't have to respond if you're still not talking but I wish you. I just thought you might want to know more than what I told Vlad since John said you were worried



[Locked to 1007]
u never did tell me what u wanted me to say to ur friend sweetheart

[Locked to 701]
just wanted to check in on u and see how those cuts r healin. i think ur friend in 1007... red? shes worried bout u.

[Locked to 601]
how u doin after the other night? kno u dont know me and when we met befro i didnt make the best impressino. just wonderin is all

[Locked to 802]
hope ur the last i need to talk to i hate typin on this damn box
hows ur leg kiddo? doin okay?


Locked to P3

[After this]

What in hell's name happened to Rose, Vlad?

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