August 2010



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Mar. 28th, 2010


Sunday mornings, gotta love them. I've got banana nut muffins in the oven and coffee in the carafe.

Anyone want to come up for a cup and something to eat?

Mar. 23rd, 2010



[Locked to 1104B]

Are you well, Helena? I was terribly worried about you.

Mar. 22nd, 2010


[locked to 1104B]

Are you alright

Peter told me you would live, which is

I wish I knew what to say

Can you ever

I realize that I am likely the last person in the world you want to hear from right now, but  I never meant to hurt you I wanted to make sure you were alive alright.

And Kiki as well.


Locked to #1104A & B

i feel fucking awful my head hurts and my arms hrt and my neck hurts and i dn't even ruemeber the party I went to! Did I get intoa fight wth Vlad? B/ce I think I'ma mad at him.

ps ifa I dn't writew back i took a bunch of vlalium i found im my luggage. CRHSTRIS i'm sore.

Mar. 11th, 2010



i'm new, and already it worries me when this place is quiet for days like this. it feels like the calm before the storm.

talk to me while i worry?

Mar. 9th, 2010


Locked to 1104B and 701

Rosalie, we have to catch up -- do you know my friend Lena? Now, the reason I'm writing is John Galliano's new collection has just been released and I am fucking desperate to get my hands on some of his things. It's insane just how gorgeous they are, so I think we need a shopping trip. I called up the boutique on Fifth to hold a few things -- Rosalie, I was thinking of you -- there's this lovely little blue dress that would look so flattering with your coloring. Lena, there's a perfectly gorgeous coat -- very sedate -- that I think you need in your wardrobe, so I had them put that aside, too. And they have this absolutely divine red number that I just can't resist. This will be so fun!!

Mar. 4th, 2010


{ LOCKED: P3/1104B }

I know I haven't been around much, what with Kiki visiting, but I thought I'd still see how you were faring after that train wreck of an anonymous post.


I get Jonathan Harker? Really? Really? Can't I be someone a little more cool and a little less...Keanu?

And for the record, one wife is hard enough to keep track of. I've never even been to Utah.



Allow me to play Devil's advocate here.

Let's assume this hypothesis about Fairy Tales and Stories has some merit porque hasta si es loco, por lo menos es es un misterio para detectar. If it does, then it can't be a coincidence everyone has ended up in the same building, and it stands to reason that someone has to know more about it than we do.


Text message to Lena

Can Pete sue someone for me????

Feb. 26th, 2010


{sent the day after this}

Locked To 201, 202, 206, 701, 1107 1207, P3, and P4 - everyone from Kiki's post )

Locked To 1104A )

Locked To 905 )

Locked To 1104C )

Feb. 23rd, 2010



[OOC Note: Forgive the terrible typing. Kiki is drunk.]

oka;dyf; what are youi giving up fro Lent??????/// howe craszy is this/?? Lena is gving up SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WATCH; OUT PEETER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb. 20th, 2010


Let's just say Clark's been on an extended trip to Atlantic City and is blissfully clueless about anything that's been going on. Of course, Clark is blissfully clueless even when he's present for things!

Hey folks! My furniture is here so I have a table and chairs. Which isn't the point of this post, but is background information, you know. So the point is that I'd like to schedule a night for an inaugural poker game. I know some of you were interested in playing, but I have no idea what anyone's schedules are like I'm guessing people work. and not from home where they can fuck around with impunity without worrying about getting into trouble. so probably some evening. but if people work they also need to sleep, which may mean a weekend. but don't people usually do things like go out on weekends? so we're left with some odd time like Sunday afternoon. unless there are religious objections to playing poker on a Sunday. has anyone noticed that there are religious objections to a lot of things. like buying alcohol on Sunday's isn't allowed in some places. but that's a legal codification of a religious objections, so it's actually a whole other conversation...wait. never mind and I'd like to at least try to make the game work for as many people as possible.

So, anyone have scheduling ideas?

Feb. 12th, 2010


[Private to 1104B]

Helena, I wanted to check in on you because I haven't checked on you since Vaughn apparently threatened you to get Vlad to hand over Daniel's keys. I know we were meant to get together, but things have been a little unexpectedly crazy. How have you been?

Feb. 4th, 2010


[locked to 1104B]

I think we should

You will only end up hurt becau

Is he still not speaking to you?

Feb. 3rd, 2010


Public from 907

So the rental agent mentioned this forum and I thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Clark. Well, that's my last name. But I go by Clark. So that's what you can call me. And I just moved into 907. Well I moved in my clothes and some books, but the furniture truck is apparently lost. Not sure how it got lost in the matter of just a couple dozen blocks. But anyway.

I'm a research analyst and work from home--so I'm home a lot. And, well, I guess that's it. Oh. I like to play poker. Anyone else play poker and maybe want to get together a regular game?

Feb. 2nd, 2010


Locked To P3 )

Locked To 1104A )

Feb. 1st, 2010


[Locked to 1104B]

Helena, do you know someone named Esme? I encountered her on the stairs, and she had a breakdown in my apartment. She was mentioning your Vlad quite a bit.

Jan. 22nd, 2010


We will not discuss the gasp of horror when our appliances went on the fritz right before my normally quiet and reserved wife (who is a closet-case nosy neighbor) was settling in to read everyone's business. She actually screamed.

In retrospect it's probably a good thing our poker night was canceled. I can't imagine our friends would be thrilled with the suddenly possessed electronics freaking out on top of everything else they seem to have a problem with around here. Especially considering poker night usually collapses into a frenzy of drunken rock band (for the record: never let Lena be the drummer for The Offspring when she's had more than one glass of Syrah).

I've decided to look on the bright side and take Lena out on Saturday night; if anyone has any ideas we'd be down to visit a new place. And yes, China is already on the list. We visited yesterday, had a lovely time. I feel like I should thank one or some of you for getting me laid on a work night.

Dec. 29th, 2009


Hey there...

So, I'm not really used to using these sorts of things--"forums", that is, but I'm new here and I'm curious as to who else lives here, and the asshole landlord said this would be the best way!

What's all this about people being sick and stealing library books here, though? I didn't know this area was THAT bad! Oh Gabrielle, you are so completely out of your element... Are those...common occurrences here? Should I be worried?

My name's Gabrielle Lennox. I'm in 1001, and I would love if any of the lovely tenants here would be so kind as to show me around sometime!

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